Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3504: Real ghost

"A real phantom?"

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but become curious.

A phantom is a phantom, how can it become real?

Isn't the real phantom a phantom?

Gucheng smiled indifferently, then turned around and said: "Danqing, you can use it to let the deputy master see it!"

"A great deal!"

Nie Danqing immediately took out a puppet, his hands quickly flew up while shouting, and the appearance of the puppet gradually changed towards him.

In just a moment, the puppet became another Nie Danqing.

Not only is it exactly the same in appearance, even the temperament and cultivation base aura look exactly the same.

"Is this the Pill Green Secret Technique?"

Qin Shaofeng's sad discovery, even he couldn't see any clues, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"This secret technique is not as good as you think."

Gucheng saw his surprise and explained: "Once you use this secret technique, it is equivalent to transferring your consciousness to the puppet to increase the authenticity of the puppet."

"However, because his body has no conscious control, he can't do anything, and the storage location of the body must not exceed ten miles of the puppet."

"This is really a real phantom!"

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help sighing after hearing his introduction.

Immediately, he instructed: "Since Nie Danqing has this kind of secret technique, let him stay and be responsible for delaying time, Gucheng is responsible for staying to assist, and at the same time responsible for giving us a signal."

As he spoke, he took out a piece of transmission jade and gave it to the ancient city.

"Once the people from the Shenbing Pavilion appear, you will immediately crush this piece of communication jade, and we will attack the city as soon as possible." Qin Shaofeng said.

"Deputy Sect Master Qin, our preparations here are indeed very good, but have you ever thought that since Shenbing Pavilion started as a magic weapon, its defensive formation is definitely not as simple as we thought, especially in a short time Is the inside destroyed?" Gucheng couldn't help asking.

"Yes or not, you don't need to be entangled now, this matter will be seen soon." Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly.

After letting the ancient city hide Nie Danqing, he personally knocked out Bi Rong and the others.

After Simon Kuang and the two arranged the real phantom, he waved his hand and led the crowd to leave quickly, heading straight to Shenbing City.

When they moved, the Shenbing City finally moved.

The ancestor Bi Long personally took the six rank ninth sacred stars. Although the seventeen had not yet reached rank ninth, half of them had already stepped in, and they were able to barely display the power of rank ninth powerful men. , Quietly hide this figure and hurried out of town.

A group of more than twenty people, all have the strength of the ninth rank.

In their view, with the help of the sky that has begun to gloom, the movement should be quiet, it should be perfectly hidden.

Isn't it?

At this moment, it was at the top of the palace-like building in the central palace of Shenbing City. In the dim sky, some yellow dust suddenly appeared.

"Red flag, it seems that the people who are going to deal with us are out of town."

Qin Shaofeng and others have long been hidden in a corner outside the city.

The sky gradually dimmed, making him really unable to see Bi Long and others who came out through the dim sky.

But even so, without Ran Zun's signal, he didn't need to worry about not being able to know the news.

In the heads where he personally settled, some small organs were set up.

Unless the people of Shenbing Pavilion don't put their heads away, he will definitely receive the news.

When he said that, he took out a pile of communication jade and put them in front of him.

Everyone suddenly saw him using the communication jade in this way, and they all looked over with a surprised expression.

After Xizi observed, they finally saw clearly.

At first glance, the transmission jade seems to be similar, but there are also small marks on it.

Not long after time passed, the first piece of transmission jade suddenly shattered.

"It seems that they are really doing their best. Only in such a little time, they have already put away the first head I placed." Qin Shaofeng looked at the fragments on the ground, and the corners of his mouth formed a faint smile.

Soon, the second block, the third block.

When it broke to the fifth piece, he rushed out of hiding.

"Those people have already gone to the Forbidden Martial Forest, everyone is ready."

When Qin Shaofeng spoke, he had a piece of communication jade in his left and right hands, but his steps began to move towards the city.

When the four saw this, they quickly followed.

Although it was not early at this time, if it were changed to the past, the city of Shenbing would still be open.

But today is different.

Following the two arrivals of Bi Fuxing, then the head of the elder was thrown over, causing the city gate to close early.

Especially after sending those big guys out of town just now.

Although the soldiers on duty at the city gate did not leave, they all hid on the wall in fear.

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng's five people came here with a bad face.

A soldier with the appearance of a captain immediately asked: "Our Shenbing City has special circumstances today to close the gates ahead of schedule. No matter who you are, please come back tomorrow!"


Qin Shaofeng listened to his words, but a quirky smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

His right hand slowly raised.

The captain found in doubt that there seemed to be a green thing in his palm.

But before he could observe, Qin Shaofeng suddenly exerted force.


The green thing was crushed into a ball of powder.

Immediately, he slowly opened his hands. The strange thing was that his left hand was also above the raised right hand and began to spill green powder.

"What is that young man doing?"

"It's green, isn't it poisonous?"

"Very poisonous? It's unlikely. The great defense formation of our Shenbing City is open. Even if he uses poison, he can't do anything."

"What could it be?"

"Pass, pass the jade!"

A soldier suddenly thought of it with horror.

But when the voice came out, I saw other people with disdainful expressions, and one person asked: "Do you know the value of communication jade? Where can anyone crush two pieces of communication jade at the same time? How much news does he have to pass on? "

Everyone was puzzled again.

The person's rebuttal was indeed correct, but he had forgotten that there was another possibility that two pieces of transmission jade shattered at the same time.

One for the connection, one for the biography.

It was Qin Shaofeng who came to the gate of the city, and he had made plans to attack the city even if news of the ancient city did not come, but he happened to receive the news of the ancient city.

Then, there is no need to hesitate.


Those people are still talking about it.

A terrifying roar suddenly resounded from the depths of Shenbing City.

When the sound rang, it seemed that a strange white light flashed in the sky.

The white light flickered.

If you are not a very confident person, you may doubt your life for a long time.

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