Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3512: overall enhancement


"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for his successful upgrade, the current seventh-order holy star."


"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for his successful upgrade, the current rank of the eighth sacred star."

"Improve Martial Skills and Ghost Three Slashes!"




"Continue to improve!"

The periphery of Tianlian Mountain.

After Qin Shaofeng and others escaped for more than an hour, they finally stopped collectively under his command.

It was another order to rest.

Everyone dared to breathe a little while leaning against the tree.

There was no way to know how far behind, there was Bi Long and others who might be chasing over at any time, they didn't dare to sit down seriously.

Shi Wenli took a few breaths and looked at Qin Shaofeng curiously.

He felt that he couldn't see through Qin Shaofeng more and more.

This is obviously a young man who is less than twenty years old, how can his mind be so careful that it can be called horrible?

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, this look almost made him startle his chin again.

When looking up.

He saw Qin Shaofeng's cultivation base aura increasing rapidly.

It was just a blink of an eye.

Qin Shaofeng's cultivation base had just been promoted to Tier 6 soon, and he began to rapidly improve again.

In the blink of an eye, the seventh-order holy star.

It was another blink.

He turned out to be an eighth-order saint star powerhouse.

Even when the cultivation base aura came to this time, it no longer grew.

But even so, such an improvement can make people scared, okay?

Although the growth of the cultivation base's breath stopped.

Qin Shaofeng still didn't mean to stop at all.

He could clearly feel that Qin Shaofeng seemed to have entered a certain strange state, as if he was trying hard to do something.

But even with his eyesight, he couldn't understand it at all.

Can't understand at all.

a long time.

He turned to Simon Kuang and asked the three of them, "Hey, what is he doing, why doesn't he move?"




The answers of the three were exactly the same.

At the same time, he stretched out an index finger to his mouth and made a silent motion, making Shi Wenli feel speechless.

He could see that the eyes of the three were also full of doubts.

What was different from him was that while the three of them were puzzled, there was still full of excitement in their eyes, as well as the look of expectation that he couldn't understand.

It seems that the slightest improvement in Qin Shaofeng's body is more than the improvement of their cultivation level.

Shi Wenli felt more and more dizzy.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for his successful upgrade of martial arts. The current Ghost Three Slash proficiency level is full.

"At full level Ghost Three Slash, the overall power is doubled when it is cast, which can induce the Ghost Slash in the Ghost Three Slash sword."

"Applying the power of Demon Slash can double the power of martial arts, double the speed, and increase the sharpness by ten times."

The system does not know how long it has not given such a detailed prompt.

Obviously this time of promotion is inseparable from the ghost three swords he has cultivated, and even the ghost three swords in his hand.

Qin Shaofeng recalled.

He understands the power and speed of martial arts, but what about the sharpness?

No matter what he thinks, he can't come up with a reason.

But when he took out the ghost three sword sword.

After faintly feeling the general situation of the ghost three swords martial arts, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Not that it will double...

wrong! Is the overall power!

The system only talked about the extra improvement brought by the three ghosts after reaching the full level, but it was not a simple ghost three swordsmanship.

It seems that the acquisition of the third knife at least doubled the attack, right?

With this calculation, the improvement is far from being as simple as imagined!

With my current strength of cultivation, it seems that I only need to use the three ghost sword martial arts, and I can easily kill the powerhouse of the 9th-order holy star, right?

Just don't know if it can be compared with the powerhouse.

He really fought against the powerhouse.

Looking back now, it was a shock to discover that the gap still seems not to be huge.

At first, he did his best, but Wang Tianlong waved casually.

It seems that even one-tenth of the combat power has not been used?

If it weren't for their absolute chance of winning, the ancestor Scorpion could get out of trouble at any time, otherwise he would never leave.

The more he thinks about it, the more he feels the gap, as well as doubts.

It seems that both Ximen Yaoyang and Ximen Xinyue both have the ability to contain the powerful ascending to the sky.

If the gap between the pinnacle sacred star position and the ascending position is really so big, how could they possibly block it?


They all hide their strength?

Qin Shaofeng thought about it for a while, and was shocked to find that he was shocked.

I used to think that the star chaser would not survive without himself.

But now think about it again, it seems that the background of a superior power is really beyond my imagination!

Fortunately, Simon Li had no malice towards herself.

He is even willing to reuse him, otherwise he might not know when he will learn so much!

Thinking about it this way, more and more doubts.

Starchaser is just the last of the top forces, all with so many hidden strengths.

What about the Seven Star Gate?

Why does Old Ghost Chenxing still stand firmly on his side, knowing that he has a suspicion of using the Seven Star Gate?

No, I can't think about it anymore, thinking about it, my head will burst!

Qin Shaofeng shook his head fiercely, forcibly suppressing all his thoughts.

"Ghost Three Slash has been completed, and then I will improve Thunder Thousand Flash, Qian Qian... Foggy Grass!"

As soon as Qin Shaofeng prepared to move, he suddenly discovered that the true value of more than five billion just now turned into a three-digit number.

several hundred?

Just perfecting Ghost Three Slash, it actually consumes more than 5 billion true value?

Compared with the first two cuts, the gap seems too big, too big?

But when he turned his head and thought about the cultivation of Thunder Qianxian, he couldn't help but shudder.

Ghost Sanzhan consumes more than Thunder Thousand Flashes even at the beginning.

The problem is that Gui San Zhan has only three layers.

Thousands of thunder flashes, but a thousand weights, okay?

Even though he had already cultivated to Baishan, he could still feel the increasing difficulty of upgrading.

If you want to complete the Thunder Thousand Flash cultivation, you need at least a few hundred...No, hundreds of billions of real values ​​are enough?

Qin Shaofeng felt that he was about to cry.

Even when the cultivation reaches 900 weights, the consumption is compared with Gui Sanzhan, what kind of consumption figure is a full 100 weights?

Astronomical numbers, astronomical numbers.

It's no wonder that Thousand Flashes of Thunder is a martial skill that is far superior to the divine rank. Simply speaking of the difficulty of cultivation, it is enough to be together!

Is there wood? Is there wood?

The more Qin Shaofeng thought about it, the more sad it became.

It took two full steps before he finally suppressed the sadness in his heart.

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