Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3557: resolution

"The war is unified, the planning is unified, as for the respective disciples, naturally they will continue to be in charge, there is no need to be like our Qixing chasing." Qin Shaofeng still said plainly.

Zilong frowned slightly.

Unified warfare and unified planning.

It sounds like there is nothing wrong, but if it really continues like that, it is likely that Xiaoyaomen will become a member of the alliance in three years.

This must be guarded.

Zilong asked again: "Who should be the person with the highest voice?"

"This is the reason for this battle."

Qin Shaofeng’s mouth picked up: "If your Xiaoyaomen do not have enough strength to satisfy the seven-star chase, what I just said is naturally empty talk. Even if Xiaoyaomen has your two high-level ascendants, I will also You take it at Xiaoyaomen."

"No matter how unified the actions of the alliance are, it is still inferior to one force?"

"In other words, as long as your Xiaoyaomen have the strength that can satisfy us, they will naturally proceed in accordance with the battle. Just as I once said to my conscience, the victory or defeat is determined by several battles. Just go on like this. In the end, whoever wins is the highest word Which party comes the right person."

The two Zilong fell into contemplation again.

They have seen the strength of the Seven Stars Chasing Alliance.

Especially for the fierceness of Qixing Chase disciple, they must fight even if the battle really wins the alliance.

Qin Shaofeng's schedule is not for nothing.

They also believed that it was impossible for Qin Shaofeng to bring the Seven Stars Chasing Alliance to their freelance work.

They did everything, but in the end they gave them a chance to stay behind.

Then there is only one alliance between them.

Mind electrical transfer.

Zilong nodded and said, "Leader Qin really makes sense, but I don't know how you plan to proceed in the seven battles?"

"I don't think the peak battle is necessary."

"Although you Qixingchai have two strong men who have ascended to the sky, we also have a martial artist of the same level in Xiaoyaomen. None of them can exert the strongest strength. It is really unnecessary to fight this game."

"In terms of the highest combat power, although we only have one person, we still have two immortals at ease. No matter how we fight, it's not fair, isn't it?"

"Since there is no way to fight more than three moves, let the three moves to fight."

Qin Shaofeng laughed a few times and said: "Our Chenxing League master is the master of the Seven Star Gate, and this one next to you is also the master of the hidden forces of the Xiaoyao Gate. Let them fight the first battle."

The two Zilong's expressions suddenly changed when they heard this.

Zi Chongming knew the gap between his cultivation and the old ghost Chen Xing, even if he was confident that he had the martial arts of the Xiaoyaomen, he would not lag behind the old ghost Chen Xing too much in combat power.

The problem is that the old ghost of Chenxing is a person who crawled out of the dead, and his combat experience is more than him?

If the two of them really fight, the probability of him losing is as high as 70%.

Zilong also knows these things.

He deliberately said that Ximen Tian was allowed to play, but it was difficult to tell where Ximen Tian was seated.

"Why? Does this sect master dare not? It's better to let the old man play the battle." Ximen asked immediately when he saw the eyes of Zilong and Zilong constantly roaming him.

In a word, the old faces of the two suddenly blushed.

It took a long time to say why.

They could all see that Ximen Tian had just made three steps, and there was a huge gap in his identity.

If you really agree, it is almost tantamount to admitting counsel.

"Since the leader of Qin Shaofeng said that I will fight with this leader, let us fight." After all, Zi Chongming is a three-step strong, but he can't say anything to bully the weak with strength.

Qin Shaofeng nodded, then asked: "In the second battle, the battle to climb to the sky, how about finding a strong one to climb to the sky?"


Zilong nodded.

"The third battle, the peak battle, each of you and me sent a sacred star to the peak power to fight." Qin Shaofeng said again.


"In the fourth battle, the ninth-tier battle, the two sides each sent the ninth-tier strong to fight."


"Fifth battle, low-level team battle, how about sending seven eighth-tier martial artists to participate in the battle?" Qin Shaofeng asked again.

He also knew that if Zilong really wanted to make trouble, he would only look for it in the next three battles.

"Nine people on each side are fine."

Zilong knew that in the Seven Stars Chasing Alliance, there was a Seven Star Gate. The Seven Star Gate seemed to be divided into seven veins, but it also had a Seven Star Array.

Although their Xiaoyaomen also had a seven-man battle formation, they couldn't compare with the seven-star formation.

If you really promised the seven to join the war, it would only cause them trouble.

"Since the owner of the Purple Dragon Gate has made a request, then the seven will be fine."

Qin Shaofeng was not interested in making trouble here, after all, in the several battles he had said before, at least two or three battles were stable.

This fifth game...hehe!

What about Xiaoyaomen even if there is a special strong or formation?

Could it be that the people in the battle hall he brought out were given for nothing?

"According to my plan, when I kill the land of the shining star in the future, the eighth-order martial arts will already be the lowest-level martial arts.


Zilong exclaimed.

"The strongest rank of the eighth-order saint star is the lowest level? Is this request too much?" Zi Chongming shouted out in horror.

When he came, he did see the madness of the Alliance disciples, but he didn't expect that their goals were all here.

Compared with them, people from Kitazawa Island are more recognized.

"In the sixth game, the ratio of alchemists, each side will have one or more alchemists to compete, with the number and quality of the first or the top three."

"In the seventh round of refining, compare refining capabilities."

"If you have not been able to compete in seven games, then the eighth game is the ratio of formations. Although the formations are of great benefit to the formation of our alliance, they have the smallest effect in the war. There is no need for comparison."

Qin Shaofeng spoke out the last two competitions one after another.

Nothing he said was that it was based on the future war, which made Zilong feel unwilling, but could not say anything.

Although their Xiaoyaomen also have good alchemists and artifact refiners.

But if you want to compare with the Seven Star Gate and the Star Chaser Gate, which are the best in this respect, it is hard to say which is stronger and weaker.

If it were a thousand years ago, they would not admit counsel at Xiaoyaomen.

But the current Xiaoyaomen is withered!

"Qin Shaofeng, the old man has to admit that you are really slippery, but I can't find a way to refuse what you said."

"Fine! Forget it!"

Zilong sighed deeply. It seemed that the whole person was getting old, and said: "Since you have planned so well, and our Xiaoyaomen's overall strength is indeed inferior to yours, then follow your requirements. bring it on!"

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