Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3586: Harvest

"Search all sea areas?!"

Zilong sucked in a sharp breath.

As the overlord of Xiaoyao Island, he knows the vastness of the sea best. Even if he doesn't count storms and large star beasts in the sea, he wants to explore it again, even if the number of deaths and injuries cannot be calculated.

Let alone in a year, this is almost impossible task.

"I will try my best!"

Zilong's face was full of bitterness, and his heart was completely confused.

"If it is possible, let the young master of Ziwen City take charge of this matter. Your combat power is best used to explore Tianlian Mountain."

"It is indeed too difficult to explore the sea in one year. After you go back, mobilize your Xiaoyaomen power and dispatch all the power you can use."

"At the same time, some rewards can be released. Anyone who can get a clue and is verified to be effective will be rewarded with a bottle of holy product. All the resources of the star."

"The navigating capabilities of Kitazawa Island and those pirates are still higher than you. You can use ten times the terms to find the person in charge of Kitazawa Island. I believe they will not refuse."

Qin Shaofeng said eloquently.

Until he counted Kitazawa Island in, it was hard to think of anything, and then he said: "Which other people do you think can be used, can use the maximum amount of resources, let them find it in the past."

"Etc., etc!"

Zilong hurriedly interrupted him, and said, "It's easy to let them find it, but we don't seem to need such a large amount of reward?"

"What do you know? If we don't get enough resources, someone will kill us? What's more, do you think anyone can find the clue?" Qin Shaofeng shouted.

Zilong was almost angry by him.

But after hearing Qin Shaofeng's rhetorical question, he lowered his head in shame.

The facts seem to be exactly what Qin Shaofeng said.

They Xiaoyaomen have stayed in the Great Northern Wilderness for thousands of years, and they have never heard of the teleportation formation.

Can anyone else find this?

As long as no one can find them, all the promises of resources are all empty papers. If they can be found, how can the mere resources compare with the life and death safety of so many people?

"Okay, I'll go over and make arrangements."

Zilong figured this out and immediately turned around and ran away.

Its speed is so fast that there is no plan to wait for the old ghost Chenxing.

Rao is so.

Old Ghost Chen Xing said something to make them be careful, and quickly followed up. As for whether he can catch up, it is hard to say.

Until the two go away.

Ziyun Shu stretched out his thumb and said, "Cow! I have been arguing with that **** Zilong for so many years. This is the first time I have seen anyone dare to scold him like this. You are really the first person."

"There is no first person or second person. We simply don't have time to cultivate his ability to be responsible. If he is still like this, then he will be scolded in the future." Qin Shaofeng smiled and shrugged.


Ziyun Shu suddenly opened his mouth in astonishment.

As the pinnacle of Xiaoyaomen, in his memory, it seems that they are the only ones to scold others.

Things that were scolded are almost never encountered.

Suddenly hearing Qin Shaofeng say such words casually, it suddenly made him somewhat unacceptable.

At the highest level of the dignified Xiaoyao Sect, when it came to this kid's mouth, it turned out to be an object of scolding. How could he accept it?

"Okay, let's not be idle. It is important to go and explore the next tomb mansion quickly." Qin Shaofeng has no time to waste time with him here.

When he said this, he quickly ran towards the place where the tomb mansion was in front.

This tomb is not as calm as the previous one.

As soon as he entered the tomb mansion, as far as the eyes were concerned, they were all densely packed ghost slaves.

The outer ones are better, they only have the power of the heavenly position, but when he explored last time, he found a lot of ghosts and corpses slaves with the power of the holy star not far away.

He was worried that there would be more terrifying ghost slaves in the deeper, and did not go deep.

He knows this well.

It was the first time for Ziyun Shu to enter here, and suddenly he was shocked when he saw the number of ghost slaves who did not know how many.

"Shao Feng, what is this place, why are there so many... Uh, ghost corpse slaves? Right?" Ziyun Shu asked in shock.

"The periphery here are all venerable ghost corpses slaves. Except for a bit harder, there is nothing too much to be concerned about. You open the way in front, break their necks by half, and let me harvest." Qin Shaofeng said.

Ziyun Shu looked over in amazement: "You? Harvest? I just slaughter the past?"

"Let you do whatever you want, where is so much nonsense?"

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but scolded.

His command like this is really weird, after all, with the cultivation of Ziyun Shu as combat power, it is too easy to harvest the ghost slaves.

On the contrary, leaving the front line is a lot of trouble.

When he saw the speechless expression on Ziyunshu's face, he couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

If it were replaced by a person who was chased by Seven Stars, no one would waste time on such matters.

No matter how puzzled he is about his actions.

The people of Xiaoyaomen are still not convinced of his command!

When he was thinking about it.

Having seen Qin Shaofeng scolding Zilong with his own eyes, how dare there be more nonsense?

The two sides are already in an alliance, and Qin Shaofeng's side is the main one.

Unless he wants to take the lead in overthrowing this alliance, he can't resist Qin Shaofeng's combat orders.

As for overturning the league?

He didn't even think about it.

They have seen the strength of the alliance with their own eyes.

Now that he knows the doomsday three years later, if he doesn't have Qin Shaofeng's wisdom, he really doesn't know what to do.

He didn't want to be scolded and didn't want to overthrow the Alliance, so he had to act according to Qin Shaofeng's requirements.

Ziyun Shu is truly a seven-step climber.

When he moved up.

Even with Qin Shaofeng's eyesight, he could only see a flash of light and shadow, and the surrounding ghost and corpse slaves began to be chopped to death at a rapid speed.

This half-death is only for ghost slaves.

Only a trace of the neck was left holding his head.

If they were replaced by humans, they would have died a long time ago and could no longer die.

"This old guy is not honest, but his cultivation is really good."

Qin Shaofeng nodded with joy.

He knew clearly that the suppression of the Forbidden Force in this Tomb Mansion was comparable to the deepest part of the Forbidden Forest.

Even if this body of Ziyun Shu is equally young, he will suffer from suppression.

Even when the cultivation base is suppressed, it is enough to prove a lot of things that such a combat power can still be displayed.

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