Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3604: Dare to bet

"Everyone rests on the spot for a day, and then goes in after a day."

Qin Shaofeng stood in front of the gate and hesitated for a long time, but still took back the hand that had already been stretched out.

"Take a day off? What do you do?"

The people who were already mentally prepared for a while, all of them looked over in confusion.


Qin Shaofeng said in a deep voice.

"Are you going to break through again?"

Everyone said in unison.

"It's not just me who wants to break through, but the old ghost also wants to break through."

Qin Shaofeng looked very solemn and said, "The old ghost's cultivation base has reached the critical point. Although it is not easy to break through, you may not have paid attention to it. When a person is under pressure, it will be easier to break through. ."

"What we are about to face is basically a ghost. If we don't break through, the two of us will almost certainly die, so...can you break through?"

His last sentence was said to the old ghost Chen Xing.

Old ghost Chenxing trembled all over.

He never thought that Qin Shaofeng would ask such a question.


You said everything, if you don't break through, you can die, okay?

"I will do my best!"

Old ghost Chenxing felt like he was about to cry.

It seems that this is the first time he has encountered such a situation since he became the master of the Seven Star Gate.

"I can definitely break through."

Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched, with an evil smile, and then sat down cross-legged.

After this slaughter, the star and moon value had already overflowed.

If it hadn't been difficult to show up in front of so many people, he would have chosen to break through.

The degree of danger of this tomb mansion is no safer than the place where ghosts appeared before.

Even more dangerous is unknown.

He wouldn't risk his life.

Since he was going to face that horrible existence, he didn't care about the incident that had just broken through in front of others.

One day, coupled with the great pressure of Nuo, is only a nominal statement.

When he sat cross-legged on the ground, he did not directly improve his cultivation.

Instead, the real value obtained from the killing in the past few days is used to improve the Thunder Thousand Flashes.

Now only the last two flashes remain.

If it can be improved, his combat power will certainly be greatly strengthened.

Time after time promotion, time after failure.

Feeling the crazy reduction of true value, his heart kept trembling throughout this day.

Fortunately, the true value he got these days is really not rare.

He finally lifted these two flashes up when he felt scalp numb for consumption.

Look back when the true value is left.

Sad emotions came to my heart again.

Compared with the time when the real value was just started to increase, every attempt to increase nowadays consumes in 100 million units.

After his martial skills were improved, the true value he had left was only enough to raise his cultivation base to five steps.

There is only a short time left in one day.

He didn't waste time anymore, and finally silently said a breakthrough in his heart.

The faces of the people who were always observing the situation had already become extremely ugly.

"Isn't this kid saying that he can definitely break through in one day? Why haven't he broken through yet?" Zilong was the first to worry.

Among the six of them, the two ancestors are indeed their support.

However, the importance of Qin Shaofeng is undeniable.

Whether Qin Shaofeng can make a breakthrough, at least his heart has changed greatly.

As soon as his voice came out, the two ancestors' strange eyes were immediately attracted.

The two ancestors didn't know much about Qin Shaofeng's cultivation level, they were more willing to believe that Qin Shaofeng was talking big.

Ascend the sky every day.

If you go to a certain power in the Cangming Realm, relying on its power resources to accumulate, it may be easy to do.

Even among some overlord forces, it is not impossible to cross the ascending rank position in one day.

Here is the land of shining stars.

Qin Shaofeng didn't even have any resources for him to make such improvements.

Can he really improve in one day without relying on anything?

Is it just joking?

"Yaohua, you don’t need to worry. There are many secrets in this kid. Since he said that he can break through in one day, he must be able to. There is still more than half an hour left. You need to eat carrots and worry about it. Is it?" Ziyun Shu immediately sneered.

After he chased Qin Shaofeng with the body of conscience to no avail, he did return to the Great Northern Wilderness according to Qin Shaofeng's design.

But he couldn't find any way, and in desperation he ran to the land of the star.

At that time he didn't know where to go.

Perhaps beheading Qin Shaofeng, the kid who robbed his two subordinates became the last thought in his heart.

But he never thought of it at first.

The first time he went to the Land of Bright Stars, he heard of Qin Shaofeng's identity change.

Especially when he learned that Qin Shaofeng was using the two powerful forces to prepare to fight the Four Elephant Sect, he was almost dumb for a few days.

A few days later, as always, he embarked on the path to find Qin Shaofeng.

The goal has changed completely.

He wanted to see what Qin Shaofeng could achieve.

If it's just a little trouble, he must still kill, but if Qin Shaofeng is really capable, he is really willing to help Qin Shaofeng.

After all, the contradiction between him and Zilong could not be worthy of the fact that since the beginning of the record, he has fully followed his belief for more than two hundred years.

Kill the two superpowers and let Xiaoyaomen return to the land of Yaoxing.

Nothing when not touching.

After the contact, he discovered that Zilong had directly offended a little guy who could be called a heaven-defying.

That's why.

When Qin Shaofeng chose to personally stop Wang Tianlong, he secretly used his breath to deter him.

Later, he saw too many miracles from Qin Shaofeng.

Mo said that there is still more than half an hour before the time of the day, even if the one-day deadline is reached in the next second, he still believes that Qin Shaofeng can break through.

"You...what do you mean by eating radish and worrying?"

Zilong jumped up abruptly, and said angrily: "He hasn't moved for a day, and now there is only half an hour left, and his aura has not changed at all. How can you believe that he will be able to break through?"

"He said, I believe it."

Ziyun Shu curled his lips and said: "Would you like to make a bet, if he can break through in the last half of the hour, you will return the Xiaoyaomen to my hands and give me the position of the leader of the alliance."

"If he can't break through in the last time, the old man is willing to be demoted to become a thug in the sect. Where do you say you want me to fight, I will fight, how?"

When Zilong listened to what he said, he wanted to scold him, but he heard everything just as soon as he spoke.

For a moment, the voice became trembling: "You drive...you...how...you have so much confidence in him?"

"Didn't he say to break through?"

Ziyun Shu white glanced at him, and then said: "Dare to bet, you can give me something!"

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