Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3629: Come again to Baihua Pavilion

Inside the carriage.

"Tianxin, you are also one of the sub-hosts of Tianji Tower, should you have some understanding of Baihua Pavilion?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

"So you came here for this?"

Tian Xinye smiled and said, "Although Shen Wang is a little older, I really look down on his ability. I haven't even understood the situation of Baihua Pavilion."

"So you have figured it out?"

Qin Shaofeng looked at her in surprise.

"That's natural."

Tian Xinye said as if she was asking for credit, "I am afraid that this matter will start from you. Do you still remember your friend named Chu Huan?"

"Chu Huan?!"

Qin Shaofeng's eyes widened in shock.

If Tian Xinye didn't take the initiative to speak out, he couldn't believe it. This incident was actually related to Chu Huan.

"Isn't that the kid!"

"After you saved him and gave back to others and resources, he began to search for a base again."

"Later, Yingyue of the Xuanyin Gate was too rebellious with the opinions of the people of the sect, which made her completely break with Xuanyin Gate and entered Chu Huan's command."

"The joining of Yingyue and other powerful people immediately made Chu Huan more confident. After learning about the wedding of the master of Baihua Pavilion, he put his idea to Baihua Pavilion."

"The same is because you had a big fight in Baihua Pavilion, which made him enter Baihua Pavilion smoothly, and even negotiated the content of the transaction with the owner of Baihua Pavilion."

"In recent days, that kid seems to have gotten closer to the pavilion master of Baihua Pavilion, and with the doubling of the strength of his subordinates, he will be able to participate in the war."

Tian Xinye's recount was exactly what Qin Shaofeng didn't know.

At the moment after listening, Qin Shaofeng almost dropped his chin.

How could it be like this?

Isn't all this a coincidence?

Although I was surprised.

Qin Shaofeng was also thinking about it, and decided to meet Chu Huan.

Now that the end is coming, only the last two years are left. Now that he knows Chu Huan's whereabouts, he must settle Chu Huan's situation.

In the entire Yaoxing Land, he can ignore other people, but Chu Huan can't.

After half a day of advancing, the carriage has already arrived outside Baihua Valley.

The same scene reappears.

Several female disciples who were in charge of guarding the entrance to the valley stopped them for the first time, and one shouted: "Who are you? What are you doing in Baihua Pavilion?"

"Help spread the word, the landlord of Tianxin Yefen of Tianjilou and his family came to visit!" Zhao Na shouted.

have to say.

Although Tianji Building is preparing to withdraw from the land of the shining star.

And they will also become abandoned sons of Tianjilou.

But all this is done in secret, even those who are unwilling to work with them, it is impossible to spread the matter.

As long as the end does not come in one day, they will still be the most mysterious and terrifying force in the land of shining stars.

Tian Xinye, who is the owner of a sub-loud, is the master of super powers, and he has to be cautious of his existence.

"The landlord of Tianji Lou?!"

The faces of several female disciples of Baihua Pavilion who were responsible for guarding the valley mouth of Baihua Valley changed drastically.

Although their Baihua Pavilion is also a force that does not get involved in matters of the Yaoxing Land, they dare not contradict such a behemoth as Tianji Tower.

Suddenly hearing that the landlord of Tianjilou had arrived, it was a shock to them.

"Don't rush to report, what are you doing here?"

Not long after Zhao Na entered the martial arts, he became a member of the Tianji Tower. The pride that has been cultivated by the Tianji Tower for many years can not be wiped out by following Qin Shaofeng in these few days.

The words were out, and the women were shocked again.

The girl who was able to call the shot hurriedly said: "I also ask the adults to go into the valley first, Aya, you go to pass the pavilion master, let the pavilion master come to meet the adults of the Tianji Tower in person."


Aya rushed towards the valley.

The female disciple personally led Zhao Na and said, "This lord, please also bring Lord Pavilion with me."

The carriage quickly drove into the valley.

Baihuage's reaction did not make Qin Shaofeng wait too long.

The owner of the Baihua Pavilion, Hua Shiyue, personally brought the two ancestors, almost all the elders who were still staying in the Baihua Pavilion, to greet him.

Qin Shaofeng didn't come here to put on airs.

Since the other party had already gone out to greet him personally, he said to the three of them: "Since the pavilion owner has come to greet him personally, it won't be much better for us to ride in the carriage, let's go!"

He pushed open the carriage door and walked down first.

Hua Shiyue's identity as the pavilion master, once had a relationship with Tian Xinye.

Although she could only remember one or two points in appearance, she was 100% sure that Tian Xin Ye was a young girl.

Suddenly, when he saw the carriage getting up and down, it turned out to be only a young man, the whole person was a little at a loss.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng was not the only one on the carriage.

Tian Xinye ran out afterwards, and after Qin Shaofeng landed, he took his arm again, and then smiled at Hua Shiyue and said, "Pavilion Master Hua, let's meet again."

"Heaven...Tianxin, you...you are..."

Hua Shiyue was shocked for a long time, then pinched herself fiercely, straightened her tongue, and asked, "Tianxin, this gentleman?"

"Don't you see it? My boyfriend."

Tian Xinye chuckled and said, "I'm just a visitor to Baihua Pavilion this time. It's the mate he wants to see you. I believe you know who it is?"

"You want to see him?"

Hua Shiyue's face suddenly became gloomy.

Qin Shaofeng could even see that among the elders present, at least four of the faces became as if they were facing an enemy.

"You don't actually have to worry so much. This son and Chu Huan are dead friends. There is no plan to embarrass you, otherwise I won't bring only a few people over." Qin Shaofeng smiled.

Hua Shiyue couldn't help but re-examine Qin Shaofeng.

In her understanding, Chu Huan seemed easy to deal with, but it was difficult for someone to enter his heart.

At least Chu Huan had worked with her for a long time during the time in Baihua Pavilion.

She has already regarded Chu Huan as a friend.

But as a woman's sensitivity, she clearly knew that in Chu Huan's heart, she was exactly the same as Yingyue and the others who could be used, and it was just a tool that could help him.

As for fate, she couldn't imagine.

So how can a guy who is like ten thousand years of ice have such friends?

"Since this young man has said so, it is naturally impossible for Hua to prevent him from seeing him." Hua Shiyue smiled and said, "Elder Lin Mi, go and invite him to meet this friend."


Before leaving, Elder Lin Mou examined Qin Shaofeng again.

"My son, Tianxin, let's not stand here, please come to the living room to serve tea." Before Hua Shiyue laughed, she was startled by the purple dragon who finally walked out of the carriage.

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