Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3634: Variety

Although the number of people after the combination of Tianjilou and Baihua Pavilion is large.

People who really have combat experience and a good cultivation base are rare.

Furthermore, after Zhou Qing and Chu Huan had some discussions, they also decided on the method of military training and started directly after entering Tianlian Mountain.

In just the last few days of fighting, the number of people killed and injured by the two major forces exceeded four figures.

And this is just the beginning.

It was another half a month before Zhou Qing began to take out countless treasures.

The real mission of life and death also begins on this day.

In an instant it was another two months.

The cultivation of this group of people finally entered the right track.

However, there are only about 10,000 people left on both sides. This is not counting the daily deaths and injuries.

The situation in the tomb was also not slow to them.

The rule is the same as in the Great Northern Wilderness, the small shogunate will directly search, and the medium-sized tomb will be slaughtered to the castle outside, leaving only the inside of the castle where the corpse king is.

Ask for advice on the periphery of the large tomb mansion, but the old castle is not touched at all.

It's just like searching and fighting.

Their numbers are still declining rapidly, but their combat power is rising like a rocket every day.

In another short period of three months, they had found more than 400 tombs.

Qin Shaofeng was really in his early 100s.

Half a year.

Qin Shaofeng finally brought people here again.

The cultivation base of Rao Shiyue and others rose quickly.

When they saw the cultivation of the people led by Qin Shaofeng, they were shocked again.

Ziyun Shu did not hide this time.

The two eight-step climbers, Qin Shaofeng and Zhao Na's two six-step, three-step cultivation base Tianxinye, unexpectedly followed two ancestors.

The two of them are naturally the ancestors of Scorpion and Ziwei of Xiaoyaomen.

Although the number is small, there are only seven.

But the cultivation base of these seven people is enough to make everyone feel fear.

Especially when Hua Shiyue noticed that Ximentian, who came one step earlier, was infinitely close to six steps, she was even more shocked after Zhou Qing and others had reached three steps.

Fortunately, I agreed to Chu Huan's request, otherwise Baihua Pavilion would be completely incomparable!

"All ascend to the sky to gather, ready to sweep the tomb mansion!"

Qin Shaofeng gave an order, and more than a hundred strong climbers came quickly.

Among these people, Zhou Qing brought all three steps or more, but Tianjilou and Baihua Pavilion were also strong.

Especially Qin Shaofeng discovered that he had discovered at least 30 strong climbers from the Tianji Tower.

After the people who had had some conflicts with him were among them, he felt even more weird.

Before the life and death crisis, people who chose to enjoy the last life were few.

He has no prejudice against these people.

Especially after discovering that those people's eyes were full of vitality different from those of the past, and the color of gratitude to him, he left everything behind.

Lead the team to start.

It is still the requirement.

Every tomb was quickly swept out.

After staying with the two major forces, they witnessed Qin Shaofeng and others slaying six or seven ghost corpse slaves, just like after cutting melons and vegetables, they were even more surrendered.

I also believe that Qin Shaofeng can lead them to live.

Fight for seven days.

With the continued increase in Xing Yue value, he finally raised his cultivation base to seven steps.

at the same time.

After thoroughly cooperating with Tian Xinye, he obtained the first level of the Tianji Tower Cultivation Technique, which was obtained through thorough cultivation of Tiandao.

The only thing that made him uncomfortable was that Heavenly Mystery Technique was tyrannical.

But the sub-host of the Heavenly Secret Tower in the Land of the Stars is only qualified to practice the first level of Heavenly Secret Art.

It is said that only the chief poster has the qualification to practice the second level.

In the entire land of the shining star, there are only the first two techniques of the heavenly secret technique.

As for more power of vitality and blood, he is the true value of all seven trillion, all smashed on Thunder Thousand Flashes.


The power of so much energy and blood only allowed him to push Thunder Thousand Flash forward seventy-seven flashes.

Such a number almost made him spit blood.

But he was helpless.

The only thing that can make him happier, it seems that the only thing that will make his cultivation level improve more quickly as the war really unfolds in the future.

After cleaning up the tomb mansion here, he did not take people away directly.

Instead, he took people to the small world inside Tianlian Mountain for some exploration.

After some exploration, he really found many tomb houses.

It is a pity that there is nothing of value in these tombs.

In desperation, he had to take people to move on.

As they got deeper and deeper, the power of forbidden force inside Tianlian Mountain was truly revealed.

First, the two ancestors, as well as the older generations he brought with him, took the lead and couldn't bear it.

After that, the two of Zilong became unbearable.

After losing their help.

Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to go too deep alone, so he had to take someone back out.

In an instant it was another month.

Qin Shaofeng successfully got the fourth colorful order.

At this point, only the last two pieces remain unknown.

The further reduction in the number made him finally a little relieved.

But instead of stopping the progress he requested, he asked for faster.

It was another six months in a blink of an eye.

Tianji Tower finally decided to evacuate on this day.

Qin Shaofeng went to observe the ceremony as scheduled.

And after sending away the people of the Tianji Building, he got the fifth colorful order from the seniors who guarded the Tianji Building.

At this point, the two-year time limit he requested is getting closer and closer.

After the incident here.

The progress here is also extremely close to the core.

After some urging, Qin Shaofeng took people away again.

The last distance is already very close, making the number of times he has communicated with both sides during this time is also increasing.

Returning again, he brought all the powerhouses with a cultivation base of more than five steps.

So far, there are more than forty five-step strong.

Although many have returned from the Tianji Tower, they are now his true subordinate strength.

In addition to the alliance, after the arrival of more than 30 people who have boarded five steps in recent days, they finally launched a large-scale encirclement and suppression of the Tianlianshan Tomb Mansion.

In just seven days, everything is over.

And when he finally walked out of the last tomb, he found that the people on both sides had also been completely united.

The moment he returned, when he saw the martial arts cultivation level of nearly 30,000 sacred stars or above, a look of hope finally burst into his eyes.

Clean up the last tomb found.

His cultivation has finally reached eight steps.

At this point, he finally became one of the world's top powerhouses in the land of the shining star.

Although the cultivation base still failed to catch up with the two Zilongs who had already reached nine steps, their combat power was only stronger than them.

"Your improvement in recent days is not bad, but there is still a big gap between the realm you want." Qin Shaofeng stood in front of everyone, exhorting.

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