Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 364: Vs. Zhao Zifa

The moment Zhao Zi started his hand, Qin Shaofeng smiled strangely.

Zhao Zifa immediately noticed Qin Shaofeng's smile.

This made Zhao Zifa a faint feeling in his heart.

Soon, his bad feeling was confirmed.


A huge tiger roar suddenly sounded.

Zhao Zifa and the others just saw that a huge figure suddenly jumped in front of him and the others, abruptly stopping their sprinting formation.

Nine... Ninefold?

Damn this monster, tiger and beast, is still in the realm of legendary nine levels?

Feeling the breath of Tiger Lord, Zhao Zifa's expression instantly changed.

It was another accident, and another unexpected situation.

Zhao Zifa finally had a trace of regret in his heart at this moment.

Maybe I really shouldn't find these Qin Shaofeng people, right?

At first, I thought it was just a few small characters of the legendary six and seven layers, but later guessed that the methods were good, probably all in the realm of the legendary eight layers.

But soon, this kind of guessing turned into a legendary eight-fold pinnacle realm just like the others.

And that's not even counted, the appearance of a phantom array made Zhao Zifa finally face it completely, this time he had killed the target, and he made Qin Shaofeng his true opponent.

For this reason, he even exposed the magical beads that will not be easy in the future.

But then, Zhao Zifa was surprised to discover that Qin Shaofeng's methods once again exceeded his expectations.

Even if he took out the magical bead, he still didn't break the magical formation in front of him.

But compared with this moment, the unexpected circumstances that were previously shocking can be acceptable to Zhao Zifa.

But what made Zhao Zifa unacceptable was the demon tiger who appeared in front of himself and others at this moment, exuding a powerful aura.

Legend Kou!

If before, Qin Shaofeng also had such a powerful legendary nine-layer war beast, Zhao Zifa would definitely not catch Qin Shaofeng's attention before breaking through the legendary nine-layer.

But now it's too late to say anything!

Realizing that the faces of the people behind him, including Na Lu Mo and Zou Xinfeng, were very ugly at this moment, Zhao Zifa's heart sank slightly, and then he gave a violent shout.

"Don't panic, everyone, it's just a legendary nine-fold beast. With so many of us, are we still afraid of a beast?"

Is it just a legendary ninefold?

After hearing what Zhao Zifa said, Lu Mo smiled wryly in his heart, but he soon calmed down.

It's too late to regret now, just fight it.

"Yes, it's just a kind of legendary nine-layered monster. With so many of us, we can kill it. Come on, everyone, as long as you take the heads of Qin Shaofeng and a few people, and those 100 Sheng Yuan Dan, all will belong to you fifty people. , The three of us only need that Ning Yuan Dan!"

Human nature is really greedy.

After listening to what Lu Mo said, the fifty people instantly forgot the danger of the legendary nine-layer monster beast, and greedy rays of light appeared in their eyes.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Zi made a violent shout and rushed out first.


Although it is a legendary nine-fold monster beast, Zhao Zifa is confident that he can still have the power of a battle. This, plus the fifty people behind him, can completely kill the monster tiger.

As long as the demon tiger can be killed first, the remaining Qin Shaofeng people are not worth mentioning in Zhao Zifa's eyes.

But as soon as Zhao Zifa rushed out, a figure stopped him with a flash.

Zhao Zifa was shocked when he was stopped suddenly, but after seeing the person stopping him clearly, Zhao Zifa sneered disdainfully.

"Heh, it's you, Qin Shaofeng! I didn't expect you to run to my death without hiding behind, it's really stupid!"

It was Qin Shaofeng who stopped Zhao Zifa, and not only Qin Shaofeng.

At this moment, Zhao Yun'er and several others also found their opponents.

It's just that Zhao Yuner, who is in the legendary seventh realm, is alone at the moment, facing Lu Mo.

However, Tang Qijian and Du Meng met with that Zou Xinfeng.

As for the remaining fifty people, they were fought by the tiger master and the little wolf and the three beasts.

The lowest level of the three beasts is the eighth level of the legend, especially with the legendary nine levels of Lord Tiger, facing a large team of fifty people, they can all delay for a while.

"Heh, is it stupid? You will know soon!"

Facing Zhao Zifa's disdain, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, not angry.

However, Qin Shaofeng's heart was secretly vigilant.

Because at this time, after seeing the attribute information of Zhao Zifa, Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to look down upon Zhao Zifa in front of him.

Character: Zhao Zifa

Level: Legendary Eight Peaks

Aura value: 6.5 million/6.5 million

Talented roots: the seventh stage ice roots

Method: "Frost Bing Ling Jue"


Although it was only at the pinnacle of the legendary eighth layer, Zhao Zifa's aura was actually 700,000 points more than that of Luo Yi.

With such a strength, I am afraid that it is an ordinary legendary nine-layer master, and it is not his opponent.

And what surprised Qin Shaofeng most was the spiritual root of Zhao Zifa.

Seventh grade ice roots!

This was the special spiritual root Qin Shaofeng met for the first time.

The ice system spiritual roots actually belonged to the water system spiritual roots seriously, but because the spiritual roots changed, they eventually evolved into special spiritual roots like the ice system.

Such spiritual roots are often much stronger than the general five-element spiritual roots.

Therefore, facing such an opponent, Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to be careless, his eyes flashed for the first time, and a three-gou jade appeared.

Write round eyes open!

"Huh, arrogant!"

Zhao Zi snorted coldly, his eyes froze, and with a sudden wave of his hand, he shot a white light at Qin Shaofeng.


With a light move with his right hand, Qin Shaofeng summoned the profound iron heavy sword, and then lightly blocked the white light.

What shocked Qin Shaofeng was that after the white light hit his profound iron epee, his profound iron epee actually instantly condensed a layer of hoarfrost.

And soon, the hoarfrost spread, from the blade of the profound iron heavy sword, quickly spread to the hilt, and froze towards Qin Shaofeng's right hand.

This ice spirit root is really amazing!

Perceiving this scene, Qin Shaofeng sighed with emotion, and then his right hand shook suddenly.


With a sound, the profound iron heavy sword trembles instantly, and the hoarfrost is directly shattered.

Naturally, Zhao Zifa would not think that Qin Shaofeng would be solved with such a simple blow, but when Qin Shaofeng just shook the giant sword and broke his trick, Zhao Zifa was still a little surprised.

Looking at the exaggerated giant sword, Zhao Zi sneered and said: "Huh, Qin Shaofeng seems to have a great sword for you! But it will soon be mine!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhao Zifa stretched out his hands, flew towards Qin Shaofeng, and slapped Qin Shaofeng with his palms.

"Hold Ice Profound Palm!"

With a loud shout, Zhao Zifa's aura surged in his body, and his palms instantly shot out a cold palm.


As soon as the palm wind came out, Qin Shaofeng felt it, and the surrounding air suddenly condensed, as if it had been frozen, and the temperature dropped a lot.

What a strong chill!

Qin Shaofeng was slightly startled, his right hand Xuantie heavy sword tightened, and he roared fiercely.

"Strong power!"


As soon as the momentum came out, with the help of the instant increase in weight of the profound iron heavy sword, Qin Shaofeng slashed out with one sword, inspiring a powerful sword energy.

Under this powerful sword aura, Zhao Zifa's icy cold aura from the Frost Ice Profound Palm was directly blown away.

After dispelling the cold air, Qin Shaofeng instantly countered.

Lei Dun Chidori!

With a secret cry, the profound iron epee in Qin Shaofeng's hand violently exploded with a large amount of blue thunder and lightning, and Qin Shaofeng slashed towards Zhao Zifa.


This cut was to cut out several thunder and lightning sword auras, with blue lightning, blasting towards Zhao Zi.

This is the power of thunder and lightning?

Damn it!

This Qin Shaofeng is also someone with a special spiritual root!

Seeing that blue thunder and lightning sword aura struck, Zhao Zifa was shocked and his eyes became serious.

"Ice Armor!"

With a low drink, Zhao Zifa suddenly poured out a large amount of aura, and then those auras quickly condensed into ice. In the blink of an eye, Zhao Zifa's body was covered with a layer of white frost armor.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As soon as the ice armor came out, the thunder and lightning sword aura finally blasted over.

What surprised Qin Shaofeng was that he cooperated with Qiandiao Liu's sword aura, but he couldn't help but not break the ice armor of Zhao Zifa, and did not break the defense of the ice armor at all.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Zi smiled coldly and said, "Heh, Qin Shaofeng, do you have this strength?"

This strength?

Hey, I seem to be underestimated!

Qin Shaofeng's eyes condensed, and there was also a hint of anger in his heart, but the next moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly laughed.

"Oh, is that so? But didn't you find out, is there anyone beside you now?"


Zhao Zifa's heart shook violently, and then looked around, his heart sank suddenly.

Damn it!

Actually fooled!

At this moment, Zhao Zi found that there was no one in the 100 meters area around him.

It turned out that in these short fights, he was silently led away by Qin Shaofeng.

Without him, those who were a hundred meters away from him instantly fell into the illusion.

At this moment, whether it is Yuner's trio or Huye, they are all very relaxed.

Because with the power of the phantom array, they all have their own battlefields.

Especially the fifty opponents they faced, they were divided into three teams at this moment.

At this time, Tiger Lord led the little wolf fiercely, and was frantically attacking one of the teams.

Moreover, according to Qin Shaofeng's estimate, before the phantom formation disappeared, all of those fifty people could be severely injured and unconscious, leaving him to finish and earn experience points.

Damn, this Qin Shaofeng is too cunning!

Zhao Zifa felt a little anxious.

Because he knew in his heart that if the legendary nine-layer demon tiger had solved all three of his men, then he would be in danger.

Now, he can only kill Qin Shaofeng one step quickly.

With a move in his heart, Zhao Zifa, who had made a decision, did not intend to continue the ink, but suddenly burst out with all his strength, intending to kill Qin Shaofeng in the shortest possible time.

"Qin Shaofeng, let me die!"

With a roar, Zhao Zifa took another shot with a cold palm, but compared with before, the cold shot from this palm was more than twice as good as before.

"Good job!"

Qin Shaofeng laughed and greeted him without fear.

Zhao Zifa wanted to end the battle quickly, and Qin Shaofeng had never been like this.

At this moment, the phantom array has divided several battlefields, which consumes more spirit stones.

Therefore, this phantom formation could not last long, and Qin Shaofeng naturally wanted to hurry up and end this battle.


This time, in the face of a more powerful chill, Qin Shaofeng directly used the Dugu Nine Swords!


As soon as the sword qi came out, the cold qi disappeared instantly.

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