Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 368: Madman Zhang Zhentao

"Damn, this Zhentao girl is a madman!"

At this time, Qin Shaofeng had already reacted.

Judging from the current situation, this Zhentao is probably a very abnormal person.

But the more it is, the more it shows that this Zhentao is a very dangerous person.

Qin Shaofeng had already realized this movement from the huge wind blades in front of him.

With a slight movement in his heart, Qin Shaofeng made a decision in an instant.

This wind blade is too powerful, and can only be broken with Dugu Nine Swords.

With a shake of his right hand, he raised the profound iron heavy sword, Qin Shaofeng slashed hard.

"Breaking style!"


A faint illusory sword energy, instantly cut out.

Then, just a moment ago, seven or eight huge wind blades were raging, mighty and violent. For a while, there was a muffled sound one after another, and they disappeared in midair.


Such a scene surprised Zhang Zhentao.

He originally thought that this time, Qin Shaofeng would desperately swing that giant sword, using the same arrogant sword skills as before the desperate outbreak, to destroy his own wind blades.

But I don't want to, this time Qin Shaofeng just slashed out with a light swipe, and a sword aura of if there is no such thing would dissolve his own wind blades.

Oh, it really became more and more interesting.

How can I resolve my attacking sword skills silently, Qin Shaofeng is really an interesting person!


A trace of madness flashed in his eyes, and Zhang Zhentao shouted loudly.

"Qin Shaofeng, you are so funny, I really want to know what other interesting tricks you have, let me use them one by one!"

While talking, Zhang Zhentao stretched out his hands, and his whole body was surging.

With a snap, Zhang Zhentao's palms closed fiercely when his spiritual energy was most turbulent, and the expression on his face became more and more crazy.

"Qin Shaofeng, you have to stand up a bit this time! Because this time, even an ordinary legendary ten-fold master can not be able to resist my move!"


As Zhang Zhentao's voice fell, a burst of spiritual energy tumbled and stirred on his head.

Then, what changed Qin Shaofeng's expression slightly was that after a violent surge of spiritual energy a few meters above Zhang Zhentao's head, a huge, terrifying blue wind blade that was more than ten meters long and two or three meters thick soon condensed.

If it were the wind blades that Zhang Zhentao condensed before, Qin Shaofeng was uneasy.

Then this time, this terrifying huge wind blade brought Qin Shaofeng only danger, pure danger.

Qin Shaofeng was sure that if he was hit by this wind blade, the slightest degree would be a serious injury.

There is no other way, it seems that I can only rely on Dugu Jiujian!

Faced with this situation, Qin Shaofeng could only get rid of with the Dugu Nine Swords.

Xuan Tie's heavy sword tightened, and with a secret cry, Qin Shaofeng swung his sword to cut out an illusory sword energy again.

Break gas!

It was another Qi breaking style, and the result was the same as before. Even this 10-meter huge horrifying wind blade was also broken by Dugu Jiujian.

Although Zhang Zhentao's trick was broken, Qin Shaofeng was not in a good mood.

This is the second time he has used Dugu Nine Swords.

In addition to the previous encounter with Zhao Zifa, Qin Shaofeng played the Dugu Nine Swords three times. Today, Qin Shaofeng has already played the Dugu Nine Swords five times.

This means that Qin Shaofeng can now use the Dugu Nine Swords four more times.

The situation is not good!

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng's heart tightened slightly, and he thought about other strategies in secret.

At this moment, Zhang Zhentao laughed wildly again.

"Haha, Qin Shaofeng, you can really make me admire me. A legendary eight-fold realm can actually break my trick. It seems that your sword skills are really not easy!"

There was a hint of appreciation, even if his moves were broken, Zhang Zhentao still looked indifferent, but on the contrary, he became more and more crazy.

"Have fun! It's so fun!" With a crazy smile, Zhang Zhentao sighed with a flash of disappointment in his eyes.

"Oh, it's a pity, it's a pity that you, Qin Shaofeng, are now in the realm of the legendary eighth level. If you are now in the legendary tenth level, you can really have fun once, it's a pity!"

As he said, Zhang Zhentao paused slightly, and the craziness on his face was suddenly stained with hideousness.

He looked at Qin Shaofeng, shouting like a lunatic.

"However, this is so enjoyable! To kill a genius like you is definitely a great enjoyment for me. Therefore, Qin Shaofeng in order to repay the enjoyment you brought me, I will let you see that I am truly Strength!"


As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Zhentao's entire body suddenly burst into flames.

Crazy aura poured out, with a hot breath.

This made Zhang Zhentao at this moment look from a distance, and it felt as if he was burning.

And in this burning, a hurricane blew around him.

Then after a tornado like a fire, it swept out and rose into the sky!

this is?

Such a scene, especially when he felt the breath of the firelight tornado, Qin Shaofeng was startled and said in secret.

The power of wind and fire!

Unexpectedly, this Zhentao is so proficient in his dual element power, this time it is a big trouble.

With dual element spiritual roots, it does not mean that you can fully control the power of dual element attributes.

This is because even with a single attribute, it is extremely troublesome to cultivate. With dual spiritual roots, the extra attribute power in the body will often bring considerable difficulties to the cultivation process.

Although possessing dual element attributes, the strength gained through cultivation is much better than that of a single element of the same realm.

But it is much more difficult to refine one of the attributes than others.

This is even more needless to say, the power of the two attributes is refined at the same time.

But Qin Shaofeng discovered that the Zhentao in front of him had not only reached the level of intensive cultivation of the power of his own two elements.

It can even fuse two attribute forces to launch an attack.

Although this is the two elemental power of wind and fire, the wind element has a great auxiliary effect on the power of the fire element.

But even so, Qin Shaofeng didn't wait to admit it at this moment. Although there was something wrong with Zhentao's mind, it was definitely a genius for cultivation.

Especially seeing the huge wind blade on Zhang Zhentao's head at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's heart is even more so.

"Blade of Gale Wind——!"

Accompanied by this Zhentao's loud shout, the fierce fire light above Zhang Zhentao's head flashed, condensing a giant wind blade over ten meters.

But unlike the previous wind blade, this wind blade not only exudes the ubiquitous blue edge, but also has a layer of burning flame.

The whole is like a giant burning wind blade!

But the aura on it gave Qin Shaofeng a feeling of suffocation.

Can't stop!

This trick is too strong!

"Qin Shaofeng, don't just die like this!"

Just as Qin Shaofeng was frightened by the strength of the burning wind blade, he suddenly heard Zhang Zhentao's chuckle.

After that, Qin Shaofeng saw that Zhang Zhentao lightly waved his right hand, and the burning wind blade blasted towards him with a hot wind and waves.

Before the wind blade arrived, the burning hot aura had already forced Qin Shaofeng to feel extremely hot instantly.

Damn it!

Shocked in his heart, Qin Shaofeng gritted his teeth and swung the Xuantie heavy sword again.

"Breaking style!"

With a loud shout, Dugu Nine Swords were displayed again.

But something horrified Qin Shaofeng happened.

This time, even though Dugu Nine Sword's breaking energy style, it was also successfully performed.

But the horrible burning wind blade that blasted at him has not disappeared.

In the end, it seemed that some power was weakened, and it was not broken by Dugu Jiujian.

This is certainly not due to the failure of Dugu Jiujian's sword skills.

The reason why the breaking style did not break this wind blade was that the power of Zhang Zhentao's wind blade was far beyond Qin Shaofeng's current realm of Dugu Nine Swords.

So it wasn't the problem of Dugu Jiujian, but Qin Shaofeng's low realm.

If one trick does not work, I will do another trick!

An angry light flashed in his eyes, and the profound iron heavy sword that had just been swung was raised by Qin Shaofeng again, and then slashed fiercely.


As soon as the breaking energy of the sword came out, this time, it succeeded.


The huge burning wind blade instantly turned into a ball of red light, forming a stream of heat, and under Qin Shaofeng's second air breaking style, it was completely dispersed with a boom.

"Haha, Qin Shaofeng, you really did not disappoint me, let us continue!"

After breaking the wind blade, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the opposite Zhang Zhentao smiled, and then Qin Shaofeng saw a flash of fire coming from the corner of his eyes, and he felt a heat wave again.

I circled a cross, come back?

Looking up, Qin Shaofeng quickly saw it, and another giant burning wind blade over ten meters blasted towards him aggressively.

However, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed this time, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly, revealing a trace of disdain.

Sister, what a shameless little master!

Can't break it, can't I still hide it?

Ling Bo stepped slightly, and with the insight of the writing wheel eyes, Qin Shaofeng dodged and dodged aside dangerously and dodge the wind blade when the wind blade blasted over.


There was a loud noise, and a dazzling flame burst into the sky.

Qin Shaofeng just felt the ground shook suddenly, and then he was shot out of a huge pit with a diameter of more than 30 meters and a depth of more than three meters.

I circled a cross, but fortunately I reacted quickly!

Looking at the huge pit, Qin Shaofeng secretly rejoiced in his heart.

But at this moment, Zhang Zhentao was furious.

"Did off? Qin Shaofeng, did you avoid it?" Zhang Zhentao yelled at Qin Shaofeng with great anger, just as Qin Shaofeng did something insane.

Upon hearing this, Qin Shaofeng looked at Zhang Zhentao with a look that looked like an idiot.

"I rub, your grandpa is not stupid, how can I stand there stupidly? You think I'm a dumb pen like you!"

I don't know if it was because of Qin Shaofeng's curse, or because of Qin Shaofeng's previous behavior, Zhang Zhentao felt extremely angry, his face suddenly sank, and Zhang Zhentao's eyes became fierce.

"It's boring, it's boring now, Qin Shaofeng, you should die for me!"

With a low growl, Zhang Zhentao's whole body agitated, and his hands shook, ready to condense the wind blade again.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up slightly, as if he had finally seized some chance.

Then, seeing Qin Shaofeng's left hand trembling slightly, he shook out a blade of silver light.

Romantic Swordsman!

Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng used a small Li flying knife while Zhang Zhentao condensed the wind blade.

call out!

With a sound of breaking through the air, the silver blade flashed, and the Feiyu sword with a silver blade shot at that Zhang Zhentao with lightning speed.

Almost at the same time as the sound of breaking through the air, Zhang Zhentao instantly felt a hint of danger.

When he saw Qin Shaofeng cast a blade of silver light and shot it towards him, Zhang Zhentao didn't even think about it, and immediately prepared to avoid it.

Unfortunately, even if he noticed it in time, at the speed of Xiao Li Feida, he was still a step slower.

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