Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 371: Absorb spiritual space

Soon, Qin Shaofeng learned from the small ball mouth what happened in the past few days.

The first is the place where Qin Shaofeng is currently located. To be precise, it is a special space.

The name of this special space is Lingdao!

Lingdao, some of the best spiritual veins have a strong spiritual energy, a special space formed naturally.

The reason why such a special space is formed is because the spiritual energy is condensed to the extreme, and the special space is composed of spiritual energy.

This spiritual path is like a passage for spiritual energy to move around. Not only is it composed of spiritual energy, but even spiritual crystals that are far better than spiritual stones can appear.

The most important point is that once this spiritual path is born, unless this spiritual vein is completely exhausted, otherwise it will continue to exist.

"...So, according to my speculation, the medium spiritual vein possessed by Qianshan Sect is probably a top-grade spiritual vein degraded or branched out, so there is spiritual space in it." Xiaoqiuqiu explained Said.

"So that's the case!" Qin Shaofeng nodded in understanding, but Qin Shaofeng soon became confused.

"But don't you say that this spiritual road is difficult for humans to enter? How did I get in?" Qin Shaofeng asked inexplicably.

When Qin Shaofeng asked, a trace of confusion flashed across Xiaoqiuqiu's face, and he said with some uncertainty: "Well, um, according to my guess, I think it's the non-spirited peak, which is a spiritual person who specializes in absorbing spiritual energy. Although the entrance is basically sealed now, the previous attack by Zhang Zhentao should have hit that entrance unintentionally, causing the spiritual space and the short space to open!"

Speaking of this, Xiaoqiuqi looked at Qin Shaofeng contemptuously, and said with disdain: "And when this was opened for a short time, you happened to be knocked down by Zhang Zhentao. By chance, you fell to this spirit. Dao space!"

Perceiving Xiaoqiuqiu's contempt, Qin Shaofeng's face was also embarrassed, but he still tried his best to deny: "This can't be blamed on me, who knows that Zhang Zhentao had such a method in the end? And because of Amaterasu's sequelae, I am not without React in time!"

"Hmph, this shows that you are still too tender. Fortunately, the charm that Zhang Zhentao is best to take out is not very strong, otherwise you will hang it, so you need to train harder!"

Xiaoqiuqi did not miss the opportunity to educate Qin Shaofeng. This is a rare opportunity to find, and it will definitely show off the adult's spectrum.


So that's the case, let me just say that the aura in Zhang Zhentao's body was burned out by my skylights. He didn't have any power to explode, it turned out to be a magic talisman!

Spiritual talisman, this Qin Shaofeng also knows, is a kind of spiritual power or a more advanced elemental power, combined with special jade charms, to portray the attack into it, and then wait until it is needed, with a small amount of spiritual power or even spiritual energy, can stimulate Something out.

To put it simply, the magic talisman is equivalent to a one-time item produced by the system store, just like a card.

However, under normal circumstances, the magic talisman can only be used normally after entering the Xiaoyuan Dan realm and being urged by spiritual power. The legendary realm only possesses the spiritual energy, but it does not have the magic magic. I am afraid that it will not be used.

"This Zhentao can actually inspire a magic talisman. It seems that his strength should be even better. Fortunately, I saw the opportunity to use Amaterasu and killed him directly!"

Secretly rejoicing in his heart, Qin Shaofeng breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Qin Shaofeng soon realized that he had been in a coma for five days, what happened to Yuner?

Fortunately, Xiaoqiuqiu quickly talked about this, saying that it had already explained it to Yuner, and let the three of them take a step first.

With Yun'er, plus the legendary Nine-layered guy from Lord Tiger, Qin Shaofeng was quite relieved of them.

This relieved, Qin Shaofeng and Xiao Qiqiu began to talk.

"Small Ball, how should I get out of this?" After talking for a while, Qin Shaofeng realized that there was a vast expanse of whiteness all around him. Although there was sufficient aura, it seemed that there was no exit!

This made Qin Shaofeng worried.

Unexpectedly, when he asked such a question, the ball cried out in exclamation.

"Get out? It's so hard for me to start absorbing this spiritual space, but you actually plan to go out? Can you be more stupid?"

Xiaoqiuqiu's heart is not happy. In these five days, it has spent a lot of time, and then he has reluctantly turned this spiritual space into his own benefit. How can it be abandoned halfway and go out now?

However, what it said made Qin Shaofeng pay attention.

"Absorb? How can this spiritual space be absorbed by you? Then what abilities can you gain after absorption?" Qin Shaofeng quickly asked.

Xiaoqiuqiu did not directly answer Qin Shaofeng, but gave Qin Shaofeng a full look, and then said triumphantly: "Hmph, feel yourself now, what's the situation in your original world now!"


Listening to Xiaoqiuqiu's words, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, his spiritual consciousness moved, and he instantly entered his original world.

This ‘look’ Qin Shaofeng was taken aback, because at this moment Qin Shaofeng discovered that his original world space had undergone tremendous changes.

Got bigger!

Qin Shaofeng discovered that his original world space had changed from a space that was only about 100 meters in length, width and height before, and now it has become a space that is 300 meters in length, width and height.

Compared with before, it has increased three times.

This is not the point, the point is that Qin Shaofeng discovered that his original world space, at this moment, there is such a slight aura fluctuation.


This is incredible!

Qin Shaofeng had discovered before that even though his original world space would give birth to air and allow living creatures to survive, it was like a little fox Baixue. Because of this, Qin Shaofeng placed it in it to sleep and evolve.

However, Qin Shaofeng's original world space had only some air and no power at all.

There is no power of any attribute!

In the words of the small ball, this original world is still in its initial stage, and no power will be born.

But now it is different!

There is aura here!

Although this aura is extremely thin, it is a genuine aura!

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved when thinking of the words before Xiaoqiuqiu suddenly.

Could it be...

Unable to raise his head to look at the proud little ball, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but ask: "Little ball, what you said about absorption, shouldn't it be for my original world space to absorb this spiritual path?"

"Hmph, of course, in order to achieve this, I have exhausted a lot of effort before reluctantly. You don't know, as long as you successfully absorb a spiritual space, from now on, your original world The space has the ability to give birth to aura!"

With that said, Xiaoqiuqiu couldn't help but jealously said to Qin Shaofeng, "Do you know how rare this opportunity is? Even the owner had the power of the Holy King before he came across a spirit? Dao Space, let your original world evolve to that point, but now you are only a small legendary realm, and you have done it. This is a great advantage!"

After speaking, it seemed that he had remembered something, Xiaoqiuqiu raised his little head and said with great pride: "So, don't you hurry up and thank this lord!"

Seeing the appearance of Xiaoqiuqiu, Qin Shaofeng was also happy.

However, after listening to it, Qin Shaofeng also knew that he had definitely picked up a big deal, so he smiled and somewhat flattered: "Yes, yes, Master Everbright, you have worked hard, you are amazing! But, can you please? Explain!"

Qin Shaofeng's praise made Xiaoqiuqiu more happy and more proud.

When the little eyebrows were raised, the little guy said with an air: "Well, seeing how ignorant you are, I'll explain it to you!"

Next, in the process of Xiaoqiuqiu's explanation, Qin Shaofeng finally understood what was going on.

Lingdao, as a special space born in aura, can not only store aura, even under the long-term influence of aura, it can also give birth to a small amount of aura.

This ability is far inferior to a spiritual vein, and the spiritual energy born from the spiritual path cannot condense the spiritual stone.

But if Ling Dao is born into a new world space, and is affected by the new world space, it will be a qualitative leap.

According to Xiaoqiuqiu, as long as Qin Shaofeng's original world space completely absorbs this spiritual space, then Qin Shaofeng's original world will have a special ability, that is, to create aura.

Qin Shaofeng was already faintly aware of this, because at this moment he clearly sensed that there was already an extra light cluster in the space of his original world.

And the auras in Qin Shaofeng's original world space were all produced by that light cluster.

Xiaoqiuqiu also said that as long as it absorbs the entire spiritual space, the light cluster will turn into a small space where aura is born. At that time, Qin Shaofeng can create aura in his original world space.

In this case, once Qin Shaofeng enters the Holy Realm and has his own domain, he can completely release his own domain without consuming his own strength by relying on the aura of the space in his body.

This is too far to say, Qin Shaofeng doesn't care, but right now, as long as the original world space in his body can create aura, then Qin Shaofeng can start to cultivate his own elixir.

Especially, at this moment, his original world is already three hundred meters long, which is used to plant some elixir, but it couldn't be more suitable.

This is definitely a great benefit!

Of course, this has advantages and naturally disadvantages.

Speaking of the disadvantages, it is actually not a disadvantage, that is, in order to allow one's original world space to absorb this spiritual space, the small ball has defeated its own property!

Seeing that on his attribute interface, there were only two-digit points left, Qin Shaofeng was crying.

I'm so poor again!

In order to lay out a space conversion formation, this little thing actually used all the points on his body to buy spirit stones, and there are a few space stones.

And not only that, it even didn't let go of the things in its storage ring.

Indeed, during these five days, all the things that seemed useless from the small ball were thrown into the system recycling furnace and recycled into points.

It can be said that Xiaoqiuqi made Qin Shaofeng's original world space begin to absorb the spiritual space after Qin Shaofeng's family was ruined.

All this was done by Xiao Qiuqiu when Qin Shaofeng was in a coma.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this.

Because seriously speaking, even if he was sober, Qin Shaofeng would probably choose this way!

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't believe Xiao Qiuqiu's statement that he had been in a coma for five days because of his injury.

Qin Shaofeng once thought that it must be this little thing that he was afraid of objecting, so he didn't know what method he would use to sleep for five days.

If that weren't the case, what happened to this little thing's private storage or those few shiny jade stones?

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