Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3729: give up?

"What? Going to the endless abyss?"

"How could the prisoner give such an order?"

"The Endless Abyss is a place where there is death but no life. How can the prisoner let us go there?"

"Death, maybe also a way out of here?"

"I heard that our endless prison has recently arrived two newcomers. One of them seems to have a relationship with the prisoner. Do you think the prisoner will be deceived by them?"

"It's very possible!"

"Listen, everyone, the prisoner should have been bewitched by the outsider before asking us to enter the endless abyss. We must remind the prisoner."

"Yes, we have been here for so many years, and we must not give up our determination to escape this **** endless prison just because of a few words of bewitched by an outsider!"

"Yes! Yes!"


When Qin Shaofeng accompanied Li Naling and the others, he heard countless such chaotic shouts.

Rao thinks he has a good mind.

At this moment, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

I was clearly helping the people in the endless hell, how could it seem to have harmed the entire endless hell, and became the enemy of the entire endless hell?

This seems to make no sense, right?

He looked at Li Naling with a distracted expression.

It seems that at this time, the only one who can give an explanation is Li Naling.

"All quiet for this seat!"

Li Naling was also confused.

They came a little later, and could not hear the discussion in front of these people.

Listen now, all you can hear is ‘yes’ and ‘driving the newcomers away’.

Just listening to these two sentences, who knows what happened?

have to say.

Li Naling has been the prisoner of the endless prison for thousands of years, even if she just coughed, she could shock the entire endless prison.

What they did for thousands of years.

The same can make everyone in the endless prison not trust anyone, including themselves, and will not disbelieve Li Naling.

Finally heard the prisoner's arrival.

Before Li Naling could ask the reason, a few people quickly walked out, showing anxious expressions and began to persuade.

The words have just begun, Li Naling, Mo Ya...all the high-levels of the endless prison, all messed up in the wind.

For a long time.

So these guys suspected that we were bewitched?

It's really...

It's so weird, right?

With the minds of those of us, even if these foolish hats are all deceived to death by their own demon, it seems that we are not the old guys yet?

It's so weird!

"Shut up all of you!"

Li Naling was furious and roared: "What do you guys who don't know the so-called **** know?"

"I don't know anything about the shit, but only by guessing, I dare to suspect that this seat is going to kill you?"

"No, it's not!"

The few people who had just been persuaded were all trembling violently with fright.

Are we really wrong?

Otherwise, how could the prisoner be so angry?

"Master prisoner, don't get angry, we know our guess is wrong."

"But the atmosphere of the endless **** is too jerk, and one of the two newcomers is a demon who kills without blinking an eye, and the other has a bigger problem. We are just adults who are bewitched by them."

"My lord, you must keep a clear head!"

Everyone suddenly lowered their heads, but the expression on their faces looked very restless.

These people are very sad to say.

Ninety-nine percent of them have lived in endless prisons from the day they were born.

If there is no explanation from their parents and elders, they will only think that the world they were born into is such a world.

The atmosphere of endless **** makes them even if they don't want to understand the reason.

Once someone is driven crazy by the breath of endless hell, they will subconsciously tell the truth.

Not to mention, the number of people who have survived for thousands of years in endless prisons is far more than Li Naling and more than 30 people.

But they are only 34 of them who can really keep a clear head.

Others keep themselves in corners all year round.

When children reach the age of curiosity, they will always subconsciously explore the secrets of those people.

Over time, it is impossible to keep confidential.

Not to mention that Li Naling is not that kind of managerial talent at all.

The talents who really know how to manage can't live a month in such a world at all. It's just a joke to want to keep confidential.

They all have a deep understanding of the situation in the endless abyss.

Knowing that the possibility of a problem with the prisoner's head is infinitely close to zero, he has to take such precautions.

"Who of you suspects that this seat is ill-considered, you can choose to stay in the endless prison. This seat and others have spent thousands of years to finally find the way to leave. How can you stop it with a few words?" Li Naling's voice became more and more furious stand up.

It was just her reaction that still made Qin Shaofeng feel surprised.

If it were to change to the endless prison, a person of similar identity would be questioned by his subordinates, even if he was not punished on the spot, the least aura and coercion should appear.

But she was just furious.

Even if the anger in her heart had risen to great heights, it did not happen to these people at all.

Thousands of years have changed too much.

Qin Shaofeng watched their dispute.

Say something intentionally.

But he himself knew very well that the reactions of these people were mainly because of him.

If there is no appearance of him.

I believe that even if Li Naling said that she could only be relieved by jumping into the endless abyss, these people would not have even the slightest complaint.

Even to death, no half of them will hold a grudge against her.

This time.

No matter how convincing what I said, I definitely have to hold back all of it.

Li Naling is the master of endless prison after all.

Why does she need Qin Shaofeng to speak?

Only once before and after the violent rage, several times of speaking, it even suppressed everyone.

Even in the crowd, there are still some doubts, but they dare not say even a word.

Li Naling shouted a few more words before letting everyone follow in order.

As for her roaring.

I don't want to follow them on the adventure, but there is no one who can choose to stay.

Most people still look bad at Qin Shaofeng.

But they are all planning in their hearts.

If the prisoner is really caught in the trick of the kid, then we will bury the prisoner together.

With this thought, thousands of people in Infinite Prison moved quickly.

As the person holding the token, Qin Shaofeng naturally followed Li Naling and walked towards the endless abyss as the first group of people.

When he came to the Xuanwu divine beast again.

The gaze of the Xuanwu Divine Beast immediately turned towards him: "Didn't you say you are going to the Void Realm? Why? Give up?"

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