Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 373: Fragment exposed?

Qin Shaofeng didn't care much about what happened to Jiuxing Pengyue.

The only thing he cares about now is what is going on with this reward for himself.

Before that, in order to be more cautious, Qin Shaofeng had disguised himself.

Although Xiaoqiuqiu has a lot of clever disguise techniques, those disguise techniques are too advanced, and Qin Shaofeng can only rely on slightly changing his face to perform simple disguise.

This is also the reason why Qin Shaofeng did not dissolve before.

There is no way, who told them to be a team of three men and one woman, especially Du Meng in the team, no matter how much his body shape changes, he can't escape the tracking of the caring people.

After entering the 90th peak, Qin Shaofeng inquired for a while, and found that many things that he didn't know had happened in the past half month.

The first one is a reward for several people.

Aside from the others, the three Ning Yuan Pills are a great temptation to many people.

Qin Shaofeng knew only now that after separating from him, the three Yun'er were still being chased by a large number of people.

Qin Shaofeng inquired about this matter.

Because now the Yuner trio has a very resounding name-the legendary trio!

Because the three of them are a legend in everyone's eyes!

Obviously he is the seventh realm of the legend, but he is a master who can single out the eighth or even the ninth realm of the legend.

Especially the star girl Zhao Yun'er of the trio, Qin Shaofeng heard other people's introduction to Zhao Yun'er.

"That star-like attack was too powerful. With a single wave, even Legend Eightfold can't handle it!"

"Ah! It's so beautiful, the star girl's attacking moves are so gorgeous, like the stars in the nine heavens, brilliant and dazzling!"

"It's too violent, you can't imagine how strong the star-like attack is. When the star girl was still the seventh legend, she actually killed a master of the legend nine!"

"Legendary Nineth? Hey, that's low, I saw it with my own eyes, the master of the legendary tenth layer, facing the star girl who is only the seventh-layer of the legendary star, they all looked at him and ran away!"


Regarding the news about Yun'er, Qin Shaofeng exaggerated one by one when he heard the statement.

However, thinking about it carefully, Qin Shaofeng felt that there might be such a thing.

And after hearing people's reminders, Qin Shaofeng knew that Yun'er and the three had changed in this way.

The legendary trio, star girl, violent bear, devil sword!

The star girl Zhao Yuner naturally said differently, and the violent bear was naturally Du Meng.

With Dumont's body shape, this name is really appropriate.

It was Tang Qijian, the sly sword, because the swordsmanship was strange and unpredictable, and it was often killed before the opponent even noticed it.

Such a weird sword technique gave Tang Qijian the name of a weird sword.

Qin Shaofeng knew that this was the effect brought by the swordsmanship.

And Qin Shaofeng also discovered now that all three of them have now been promoted to Legend Ninth Layer.

Qin Shaofeng had discovered the attribute information of his family members in his attribute interface a long time ago. It seems that if he is far away from his family members, his attribute interface shows Yun'er and their information, which are all previous attributes.

This is true of Qin Yueer.

On Qin Shaofeng's attribute interface, Qin Yue'er's attributes have not changed since Lanjiang City left.

The same is true of Meng Xiner's attributes.

In this situation, only after Qin Shaofeng meets Qin Yue'er, Meng Xin'er and the others again, will the information on the property interface change, or be updated.

Therefore, after Qin Shaofeng inquired, he knew that Yun'er and the three had already been promoted to Legend Nine.

And because of this, there are not many people chasing them.

No one will even chase them anymore.

Because Qin Shaofeng had also inquired about it, all the shops on the 90th peak heard faint news that the offer of rewards to Qin Shaofeng had been cancelled.

This made Qin Shaofeng guess at the first time that it should be the Geng family's effort.

This has been confirmed for a long time. After Qin Shaofeng entered the Geng's shop and expressed his identity, the owner of that shop told Qin Shaofeng about it.

It turned out that in the past few days, Geng Can, who was far away in the mountains of the Qianshan Sect, finally learned that Qin Shaofeng had been offered a reward.

Then, Geng Can persuaded his parents to put pressure on the Luo family and let Luo Chaokun withdraw the reward.

And Qin Shaofeng also heard that in this process, the fourth lady of the Geng family seemed to contribute a lot.

However, although the reward was cancelled, the owner of the Geng family store still reminded Qin Shaofeng to be careful of Luo Chaokun and the people of Luo family.

Qin Shaofeng naturally understood this.

And Qin Shaofeng would remember this without reminding him.

Qin Shaofeng planned to find some time to repay the trouble Luo Chaokun caused to the people in him.

I won’t talk about the reward for the time being. Another important thing is that I don’t know why, the real three-month period for Qianshan Sect’s entrance examination was made public.

Although this time the assessment of Qianshan Sect's entrance into the sect is one year!

Within one year, you can join the Qianshan Sect and become the outer disciple of the Qianshan Sect.

But in fact, there is another special assessment, which is to be promoted to the Xiaoyuan Dan realm and reach the 100th peak within three months.

Those who can do such an assessment can get extra rewards from the Qianshan Sect.

Especially the first 100 people who completed the first, the higher the ranking, the more generous rewards they can get.

Faced with such a thing, who is not tempted?

Most importantly, at one point, there is a special situation.

That is, even if it is not the cultivation base of the Xiaoyuan Dan realm, as long as you can take the so-called test on the 100th peak, and then meet certain requirements, you can count among the top 100 people.

In other words, in this way, even the cultivation base of the legendary realm can officially join the Qianshan Sect.

Even to understand this so-called test, it must be extremely difficult.

But almost the vast majority of people felt that they had hope, so after the news spread, a large number of legendary masters rushed to the 100th mountain frantically.

It doesn't matter if the realm is low, a hundred or hundreds of people are walking together, even if facing a large number of monsters in the legendary realm, they can smoothly pass through the mountain areas.

This is also the reason why Qin Shaofeng has seen a large number of examiners on the 90th peak now.

"Let me just say, why this is the 90th mountain? How come there are so many people. I originally thought it was the last place to rest and there were a little more talented people. But I don't want the real reason to be because of this. "

In front of a shop on Peak No. 90, Qin Shaofeng touched his chin and sighed softly.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly.

"But there are too many people here, but why..."

A trace of doubt flashed on his face, and he couldn't help but look at the shop behind him. Qin Shaofeng muttered with some incomprehension: "Why, the shop on the 90th peak, the monster beast corpse that sells, what is it with the fragments of Qianshan Ling? so little?"


Really very few!

Qin Shaofeng has now visited more than half of the shops on the 90th peak, but the monster beast corpses sold in these shops are basically not a few monster beast corpses, and they have a thousand mountain order fragments.

By now, Qin Shaofeng had also been traded. There were less than fifty pieces of fragments, which was totally inconsistent with the large number of people on the 90th peak!

"It is reasonable to say that even if everyone came for the three-month assessment, they did not intentionally hunt the monsters, but really speaking, there are countless mountain monsters along the way, especially on the 81st. By the eighty-ninth peak, these nine peaks seemed to have been deliberately maintained by the Qianshan Sect, with a large number of monsters. In this way, the ninety peaks should have the most monster beast corpses!"

Qin Shaofeng was puzzled, and he thought about it carefully. In fact, there were quite a few monster beast corpses in the shops he had been to before.

But there are also monster beasts with Qianshan Ling fragments, but they are very few.

At the beginning, Qin Shaofeng was not at these shops. He didn't bring out all the monsters, but even after getting a dozen pieces of fragments at the Geng's shop, Qin Shaofeng understood that this was not the reason.

"Could it be that……"

A light flashed across his eyes, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, thinking of a certain reason.

"Could it be that besides yourself, there are other people collecting the fragments of Qianshan Ling?"

Thinking about it this way, Qin Shaofeng seemed to think things were clear.

"Yes, it should be like this. Two months have passed. It is impossible that no one has discovered the existence of Qianshanling Fragment, and most of the special people have known the existence of Qianshanling Fragment from the beginning. That said, the explanation passed."

Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a glimmer of comprehension, and he completely understood.

"It seems that someone has already started collecting the fragments of Qianshanling, and I am afraid there are more than one or two people!"

With a sigh, Qin Shaofeng's face showed a trace of helplessness.

"Hey, if this is the case, the speed at which I collect the Thousand Mountain Ling fragments will slow down again. In this case, the ten-star completion rate of this entry assessment task may not be reached!"



Just when Qin Shaofeng sighed, he didn't know at the moment. Not far away, a gaze was looking towards him vaguely.

For this gaze, the ball was aware of it.

But for some reason, this little thing didn't remind Qin Shaofeng. Instead, it hid in Qin Shaofeng's original world space, sitting on the experience tree and smirked.

I don't know what bad idea this little thing is making.

At the same time, one of the 108 cultivation caves on the 90th peak was a cultivation cave.

The master of this cultivation cave is also a legendary master.

This person's name is Liu Yongyuan!

Liu Yongyuan was born in grassroots, but with his cruelty, he conquered many people.

And because of the bandit-like behavior, he grabbed a lot of good things. Although his cultivation talent was not outstanding, he reached the eighth realm of legend at the age of twenty.

Now that he learned that the Qianshan Sect had begun the assessment, Liu Yongyuan naturally planned to try his luck and see if he could join the Qianshan Sect.

And even if he can't join the Thousand Mountain Sect, this time the entrance examination will allow him to make a fortune.

In fact, it is true!

From the moment he entered the peaks of the Qianshan Sect, Liu Yongyuan didn't go to kill the monsters, and specifically rob other examiners.

It is precisely because of the acts of banditry that relied on home and robbery that Liu Yongyuan obtained a lot of resources. He himself was promoted from the realm of the eighth peak of the legend to the tenth realm of the legend.

Not only that, Liu Yongyuan also raised several of his confidants to the legendary ninth or even tenth realm.

Because of this, he was able to occupy a cultivation cave on the 90th peak.

However, Liu Yongyuan was still not satisfied, so he rushed over as soon as he learned about the three-month assessment.

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