Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3738: Vulnerable

"God? God star position? Desolate moon position?"

"Month, moon... so many strong moons?"

"Isn't it said that there are very few martial arts in the land of Yaoxing?"

"How come there are so many strong men of the month?"

The more than fifty people who came from the two cases, under the coercion of thousands of terrifying auras, felt their legs tremble, and they seemed to be unable to stand firmly.

Coming to the land of shining stars is indeed here to die.

The problem is that there must be a way to send death, okay?

If they can spare these old lives and make the family members get the benefits they deserve, everything is worth it.

Simply being killed, they have no meaning at all to die!

"Impossible! This is just a small land of shining stars, even if a first-order **** star martial artist appears, it is an accident, how can so many moon star powers appear at once?" Yunhaizong's ninth **** star position The peak powerhouse, in such a fearful mood, the spirit begins to appear unstable.

The Huangyue powerhouse of the Four Elephant Sect was also trembling.

If it is still in Cangming Realm.

Suddenly encountering so many powerful people, even if they lose, they can move out of the sect leader, or directly ask for help from the sect.

This is the land of shining stars!

Mo said there is no means of communication.

If there is really a way to send the message back, how long will it take for the strong sect to come over?

Not to mention, the people of the sect have to be anxious to negotiate.

After all, here is to die!

When Luo San and Wang Sheng brought people over, Old Ghost Chen Xing and other leaders of the alliance had already rushed over.

The first sight of the horrible wounds coming out of the city wall, everyone's eyes were a little red.

But when they noticed the cultivation base aura emanating from the fifty-odd people opposite, their hearts were also tense.

"My lord, they are the powerful sent by the Four Elephant Sect and the Yunhai Sect. Even the weakest people have the **** star status." Ziyun Shu came to them with a worried face.

As soon as this narrative came out, everyone's fear became even stronger.

More than fifty powerful gods.

Under the fear in their hearts, their eyes changed once again, and they looked towards Luo San and the others.

Maybe only if this group of people are willing to help, we can pass this level?

When they looked over.

Luo San and Wang Sheng are already standing together.

The eight captains of the Ranger who came with them came to the front one after another.

These people have the weakest cultivation base, and they are also the strongest in the Tianyue position.

In the face of a mere fifty-odd martial artist, the real thing was that he didn't even have a plan to shoot.

"What kind of people are these people?" Wang Sheng asked incredulously.

As a researcher of the Ancient Great Array.

His actual combat ability is not very strong, so that he hadn't thought of the enemy who could make a nine-step ascend to the sky and martial arts to call out the enemy, how could it be powerful?

The others waited, but they hadn't participated in the battle for too long, and they had almost forgotten.

Seeing more than fifty people who came to make trouble, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Take it all for me!"

Wang Sheng stared at the opponent, and suddenly became furious.

A lion, when faced with the provocation of a rabbit, will definitely be unable to help it.

Not to mention their group of people, not to mention a huge group of lions, not much difference.

In their opinion, the fifty-odd people were really just a bunch of white rabbits who came to provoke.

Wang Sheng was angry, how could he allow those people to struggle again?

Any one of the thousands of people who came here was all above the fifty-odd people.

When he gave an order.

Thousands of people rushed up like a wave.

The huge suppression on cultivation base.

Plus there are so many people.

As spectators, they didn't even see the result of the battle. The two major forces, a total of fifty-two people, were **** by this group of people.

When Wang Sheng gave the order, he actually regretted it.

The man of endless **** he brought, no matter how bad the combat experience was, it was a high-level martial artist.

Facing a mere fifty-two little white rabbits, they still have to rush forward, which is too much for those little white rabbits.

As everyone knows.

Old ghost Chenxing and others knew that their cultivation base was very high.

The specific situation is not well understood.

When the people in the endless prison started to move, they were still worried. If this group of people were killed or injured, it would be a little unreasonable.

But none of them could have imagined that the battle could become so simple.

As soon as the group of people swarmed, the battle was over.

Not to mention the slightest casualties.

It seems that except for the one hundred comers rushing to the front, who came in a hurry to make a move, the others didn't even have a chance to make a move.

The other party turned into a bunch of little white rabbits.

In a blink of an eye.

The crowd led fifty-two people to return to Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng was not a heinous person.

He has been a good man for thousands of years in Infinite Hell. Where can I say the word beheading now?

Subconsciously glanced at the old ghost Chen Xing and others.

A flash of joy flashed in Wang Sheng's eyes.

"This is the place of the Alliance after all, take them with me."

He greeted everyone, and took the lead to walk towards Old Ghost and the others.

Originally hesitated to see him.

Luo San, who also wanted to give orders for him, was also relieved.

He was a killer who didn't blink.

Now that he wanted to issue an order to kill, he even made the word'killed' stuck in his throat for a while.

Up to this moment, I couldn't really say it.

Seeing Wang Sheng's actions, he also hurriedly followed.

"Leaders, we have just arrived after all, it is more appropriate for these people to be handled by you." Wang Sheng said with a fist.

Thousands of years ago.

He has seen too many big people of all kinds.

Now when I do this kind of thing again, I naturally won't feel too unnatural.

"Many, thank you."

Old Ghost Chenxing trembled slightly.

Zilong, Ximenli and others were stunned by the fighting power of Wang Sheng and others.

"Bring it up."

As soon as Wang Sheng waved his hand, 52 people were escorted over.

Everyone in the endless prison has a deep timidity about killing people. It is commonplace to just beat people up.

When fifty-two people were sent over, they were already covered with scars.

One by one, under the fierce pressing of everyone, they fell to the ground collectively.

Until now.

Fifty-two people really saw the person who made them planted here.

The wild moon powerhouse of the Four Elephant Sect, endured the pain all over his body, turned his head and roared: "Who are you? There is absolutely no way for such a powerhouse to appear in the land of shining stars. Even if we die, we should let us Don't you understand?"

"It's best to be a fool."

The old ghost Chenxing spoke at the right time and stopped Wang Sheng who seemed to want to answer, saying: "Mr. Wang Sheng, please send some people to imprison these guys. If they die, it will not do us much good, maybe something. Then our walls will be destroyed by their people again."

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