Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3740: Hard drive

"A mere sky-level killing array?"

"That's it?"

Qin Shaofeng suddenly followed the prestige, just in time to see the basalt he was wearing on his wrist, like a watch.

He suddenly heard what the legend says about the power of Xuanwu.

He slapped his forehead suddenly.

"Why did I forget you?"

He suddenly laughed a few times and said: "Senior Xuanwu, how do you think we should go? How many times can the impact of the killing formation here reach?"

"Let these people fully defensive and walk over with you." Xuanwu seemed to see through his meaning.

Ben Xuanwu is not your pet.

Even if you are his disciple, I cannot help you casually.

Not to mention, this is just a heaven-level killing array.

Let me do it myself?

Isn't that losing the face of my old Xuanwu?

Layers of black lines suddenly appeared on Qin Shaofeng's face.

Turn back subconsciously.

However, seeing Li Naling and others breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that the killing formation was only at the top level.

He didn't know much about the Void Realm and Cangming Realm.

But I already know some general conditions.

At least in the Void Realm, weapons, techniques, and formations are all tied to the martial artist's cultivation level.

Since this killing array is only heavenly.

They are such a large group of shining star martial artists, how can they really take it in their eyes.

"Shao Feng, you come between me and Ke Jiuxiao, Di Shan is in front, Mo Ya is behind, and the rest are defending." Li Naling said immediately.

Xuanwu regards the sky level as a mere sky level.

In their eyes, they are similar.

If only these people came, it would not be said that it was a heaven-level killing array, even if it was really an ordinary shining star killing array, they would not take it seriously.

Everyone moved quickly.

Qin Shaofeng didn't think clearly about what he should do, but he felt like Li Naling and Ke Jiuxiao were being picked up.

The team suddenly accelerated and rushed into the killing formation.


The majestic aura in the killing array actually made him feel like he was about to be suffocated to death.

Li Naling and others did not plan to help.

But in the next moment.

He felt the light shine on the Yaoshen's clothes on his body, and he immediately absorbed all the pressure.

In a moment.

The sky becomes dim.

He looked up subconsciously, and his pupils contracted violently again.

I saw that all the things that appeared in the sky were branches that had easily killed ghost slaves.

The tips of the branches are sharp thorns.

Just like a spear.

When he saw the sky changing clearly, countless branches fell from the sky.

Li Naling and others are not like the poverty they used to be in endless prison.

In order to return and explore, Qin Shaofeng never took back the weapons given to them as Li Naling said.

More than 20 people shot together.

Although the number of spiked branches in the sky is extremely large, none of them can come near him.

"Unexpectedly, the gap between the heavenly rank and the dazzling star is so huge!"

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help sighing.

After Li Naling's reminder, he will not forget now that these people are now being suppressed by the forbidden force in the tomb of the Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods, far beyond the level they should be.

With so many spiked branches, they still couldn't break through their defenses.

The gap can be seen from this.

Just as he uttered his grateful voice, he felt as if he was squeezed at his feet.

Hastily looked down.

A scene that made him more frightened suddenly appeared in his eyes.

I saw that under the ground, there were also spiked branches, thorning towards them from bottom to top.

Shot together up and down.

The creators of this big formation are really terrible.

"Everyone, be careful, there are also killer moves at your feet!" Qin Shaofeng hurriedly greeted everyone.

The shout came, but no one looked back at this side.

Moreover, no one shot to block it.

Whenever the thorny branches of the partial killing array were about to stab them, they would be shattered by the defensive qi condensed by the power of qi and blood around their bodies.

The people who came with him were all Yaoxing powerhouses.

Qin Shaofeng could understand this scene.

But he saw with his own eyes that the spiked branches emerging from his feet unexpectedly appeared to be even more shocking.

Those branches are able to reach him.

But the moment he touched his clothes, it was as if snowflakes met the blazing sun and melted instantly.

It's too late to say, then fast.

The killing array's ultimate move appeared quickly, and disappeared very quickly.

Before and after is just a blink of an eye.

Qin Shaofeng was shocked to discover that all the ultimate moves of the killing array returned without success.

Mo Ya was already laughing.

"Shao Feng, you should not think that the old man has spent so much effort, combined with the poisonous power of the prison lord, the power of Di Shan's pill, and the Yao Shenyi refined by your spatial power, just a look Good?" Mo Ya laughed.

Qin Shaofeng's mouth widened in amazement.

No way?

He exclaimed involuntarily in his heart.

This one is a large array of heaven.

If it were changed into a martial artist attack, at least it would have to be a joint attack by a few strong men of the sky and the moon.

The defensive treasure of the Void World, is it too scary, right?

"Since Senior Xuanwu said that there is only one Heaven-level Killing Array, it is impossible to pose a threat to us, let's go straight away!" Mo Ya smiled.

"But Ling Zhong..."

Qin Shaofeng hurriedly closed his mouth.

Ximen Lingzhong is in control of everything in the tomb of Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods, so he knows the origin of these people.

When he was calculating, he obviously calculated his clothes and the situation of these people without the forbidden treasure.

Now that the situation has changed drastically, if you face these red areas, you will naturally have to recalculate.


Qin Shaofeng smiled awkwardly, and immediately walked forward.

In a few steps.

They have come to the center of the tomb mansion world.

There is only a small courtyard in the central location.

The courtyard looks very leaky.

But as they stepped in, the door of the room opened automatically, and the table placed in the center moved slowly to the back, revealing a fast iron board.

Qin Shaofeng wondered: Shouldn't a passage appear?

Contains full of doubts.

He will not stand still because of this.

When he led people on the iron plate, the iron plate sank into the ground voluntarily, giving the feeling of riding an elevator in another world.

The ‘elevator’ went all the way down to a small space underground.

With their arrival, what they saw in front of them turned out to be a steel passage, and there were still many **** handprints in the passage.

Even if it is endless years, it is also because of the underground.

Insufficient air circulation.

These **** handprints are only brown.

"Isn't this one of the tombs? How come there are so many **** handprints?" Li Naling also frowned and murmured.

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