Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3749: auto update

"I also hope to improve my cultivation as soon as possible."

Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to say more, but smiled bitterly: "If one day, my cultivation level can reach Master's level, I must slaughter the ghosts and corpses with a knife, and avenge Master."


Xuanwu's voice shook slightly.

He didn't expect Qin Shaofeng to say such a sentence.

But as a sacred beast that has lived for thousands of years, how can he not hear it? Qin Shaofeng specifically said that, just to give him a motivation to live.

Is this hatred, can I not report it?

It is obviously impossible.

But what should I do?

Wu Jin Xuan's life seemed to come to an end.

Even if he hasn't died yet, he can only hold on for a few more hours at most.

And if I train this kid, it will take at least several years, ten years, or even decades, hundreds of years.

Old ghost... can you really wait any longer?


Will he be alone?

Xuanwu was obviously caught in self-doubt.

Qin Shaofeng's attention never dared to move away from the royal ghost.

It was when Xuanwu questioned himself.

He suddenly felt that the faint crisis of death seemed to be coming.


Qin Shaofeng hurriedly shouted and raised his left arm.

At the same time, the space map is fully displayed.

"Ghost cut!"

Prepared with a knife.

It's not that he doesn't want to use a knife of nirvana, but the cost of performing a nirvana is too great.

With the previous battle sword, it won't feel too unbearable.

But the weight of the ghost song in his hand is not what he can bear today.

Gui Sanzhan's initial sword.

Devil cut with a knife.

This is the strongest attack he can use this sword to play today.

He doesn't need to doubt himself.

As long as he dares to use two swords and double cuts, his body will definitely fall because he can't support that one.

It's too late to say, then fast.

He clearly saw it when he was preparing for the battle.

Only about one-tenth of the royal family's ghosts remained connected to the neck, and a sudden turn, shook away the six who were finally attacking him.

With his own perverted defense, he forcibly resisted the attack of the three Li Nalings, and forcibly broke through here.

"Everyone is ready to swallow the pill and stop the ghost at all costs!"

A captain of the Ranger jumped up for the first time.

"No need!"

Qin Shaofeng's previous thoughts were all about how to deal with the royal ghost.

I really forgot their loyalty.

Hurriedly shouted and said: "Everyone makes a way for that ghost corpse, and I am going to kill this guy by myself today!"


Everyone was suddenly messed up in the wind.

It was because of failing to stop the royal family ghosts, regrets appeared in her heart, but she knew that the rescue was too late, and pinned all her hopes on Li Naling, who was injured and returned to the people beside Qin Shaofeng, and they were all messed up in the wind.

Isn't this kid crazy?

We have so many shining star powerhouses who can kill that royal ghost and corpse at such a high price.

You, the mere ant of the star, want to single out the royal family ghost?

What international joke is this?

"Hahaha! Kill me with your own hands? Are you trying to make me laugh to death?"

The royal ghosts couldn't help laughing.

It's too late to say, then fast.

The speed of the royal family's ghosts and corpses was displayed, and even Mo Ya and Di Shan felt a little unclear, not to mention Qin Shaofeng, a small god-level ant.

It's just...Does he really need to see clearly?

The answer is obviously the opposite.

Seeing the royal ghost corpse appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng in the blink of an eye, stretched out his right hand like a ghost claw, and peeked towards Qin Shaofeng's head.

Qin Shaofeng's capital finally appeared.

First, a ray of light suddenly shined.

Along with the emergence of light, a shield phantom resembling a tortoise shell appeared abruptly in front of the claws of the royal ghost.


A deafening roar sounded.

I saw that the tortoiseshell shield didn't even have any cracks, but the claws of the royal family's ghosts were quickly shattered.

It fell on the ground like a pile of rubble.


Another voice sounded like a dragon.

A **** snake appeared suddenly from the tortoise shell.

No one could see the movement of the snake.

The serpent had already picked up the royal ghost corpse, leaving only the neck and head in the sight of everyone.

"Mist Grass! What kind of attack is this?!"

In Zhang Meng's misty voice, she shouted out with shocked emotion.

Qin Shaofeng obviously couldn't explain it for him.

He didn't even have that time.

He knew very well that Xuanwu did it just to make it easier for him to kill the royal ghost.

How can you give up such a good opportunity?

The ghost song of the sword is also waved among the electric light and flint.

"Ghost cut!"


Knife light passed.

Less than one-tenth of the connected necks of the royal ghosts suddenly broke, and a head carved out of stone flew up.

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for killing a ghost of the royal family of Yaoxing."

"System reminder: As the player Qin Shaofeng has a huge difference in level with Killing Ghosts, the Star and Moon value gains are reduced by 99%."

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for obtaining 10,000 star and moon points and 100 star points."

"Nima... Foggy grass!"

Qin Shaofeng subconsciously wanted to scold his mother when he heard the 99% decrease.

He was shocked by the sound of the system before the voice was uttered.

Ten thousand stars and moon?

What a huge gain this particular is?

Not to mention the 100 points of flares.

He subconsciously looked towards the character interface, and his heart was suddenly shocked.

Because of the star and moon value display, it has become 10000/600.

However, the display of the star value is 100/0.

The display of the flare value is very clear, but it is telling him that he still cannot reach the level of using the flare value.

And his original star and moon values ​​were all erased.

It is undoubtedly a certain limitation of the system.

It seems that he now has the limit of 10,000 points for the value of Xingyue.

"System reminder: As the player Qin Shaofeng may have overflowed his star and moon quota, the system will automatically upgrade."

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for upgrading, the current Tier 6 **** star position."

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for upgrading, the current seventh-order **** star position."

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for upgrading, the current Tier 8 star position."

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for upgrading, the current Tier 9 **** star position."

The sound of the system sounded one after another, causing Qin Shaofeng to spend time in shock.

Nima, did the automatic system upgrade stop?

Judging at this speed, wouldn't everyone be scared to death?

Isn't it necessary to expose the secrets of my system?

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