Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3756: Unworthy


The screaming screams suddenly spread far away.

The screams were so miserable that all the Thunder Sect members who were digging under the pothole weakened their legs and collapsed to the ground.

"Does it hurt? Does it hurt?"

The anger in Lan Cheng's heart has just begun to vent: "Do you know how much pain this king feels? Ah!"

"No! Don't blame me, I didn't betray you!"

Lei Dongtian was scared to pee.

He could clearly feel that Lan Cheng had entered a state of madness after being stimulated by Qin Shaofeng's words.

If you can't let him calm down.

Qin Shaofeng didn't need to do anything anymore, Lan Cheng would lead people to slaughter all of their Thunder Sect members.

"You didn't betray us? Hahaha, what a joke!"

Lan Cheng roared: "Do you think that by virtue of Qin's status, you will be wronged for no reason?"

"If you say you don't blame you, then you will answer Qin's question!"

Lei Dongtian trembled violently again.

He is very clear that there are really some problems with what he said at the beginning.

But if it is not said.

Lan Cheng was about to kill him directly.

Balance the two disadvantages, whichever is less.

Lei Dongtian hurriedly said: "The people of the Four Elephant Sect and the Sea of ​​Clouds Sect did find me, but I just told them about the situation in the Yaoxing Land, and I didn't betray you!"

"Just? You said just?"

When Lan Cheng heard his rebuttal, he was still somewhat puzzled.

At this point, his doubts completely disappeared.

"Do you know that just because of your telling, those **** were able to find us in Fire Cloud City a lot in advance?"

"Half an hour, no! Even if it's tea time!"

"As long as there is a cup of tea time, the strong in endless prison will have someone to help and guard. We have built the Huoyun City for more than a year, how can we be ruined by those bastards?"

"If the city weren't destroyed, how could my father die?"

"You said it has nothing to do with you?"


"If this has nothing to do with you, what is it with you? Ah?!"

Lan Cheng had indeed entered a runaway state.

Don't say it's him.

When Lei Dongtian spoke about the situation in the Land of Bright Stars, the eyes of everyone present had already turned red.

After all, everyone has their relatives who died tragically in this battle.

Even people in endless prisons are no exception.

The combat power of the ghost corpse slave is indeed limited.

But even people in endless prisons could not hold back countless ghost and corpse slaves, like the tide, coming up in waves.

It turned out that they didn't have to use their bodies and their comrades to make walls.

These people are all because of these people.

If there is more tea time, why is it?

"I, I, I... how did I know it would be like this?"

Lei Dongtian suddenly felt that the whole world had become dark.

Everything he knows is not like that.

"At that time, the Sea of ​​Clouds Sect and the Four Elephant Sects had dozens of powerhouses of the **** star slaying our Thunder Sect. If I were not willing to even say the terrain of the Land of the Stars, they would definitely slaughter our Thunder Sect!" Lei Dongtian is still trying to get lucky.

The elders of Thunder Sect were all scared to speak.

How did Qin Shaofeng know about this?

Why would you know?

Only this question is left in their minds.

"Do they really dare to slaughter Thunder Sect?"

Qin Shaofeng's voice came again leisurely.

Hearing this, everyone looked back.

Even Lan Cheng, who was in a state of rampage, was no exception.

The killing intent in Qin Shaofeng's eyes grew stronger, but a bloodthirsty smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. His voice was cold and said: "As long as Senior Jun Zhan stays in the Thunder Sect, even if he doesn't make a move, who would dare to kill your Thunder Sect? "

Senior Jun Zhan?

Everyone was stunned, and they all sat drinking in a corner.

Jun Zhan, who seemed to have never thought of talking to anyone, looked at it.

Jun Zhan never talked to anyone.

But when they were about to be unable to resist it several times, it was this one who suppressed the tide of ghost and corpse slaves on their own.

According to the estimation of Luo San et al.

Even if this person doesn't have the cultivation base of a powerful person, he is definitely about the same.

They used to wonder who this strong alcoholic who doesn't care about anyone is.

Only now fully understand.

This affection, used to stay in the Thunder Sect.

As Qin Shaofeng said.

As long as this person is still in the land of the Thunder Sect, even the people of endless **** led by these shining star powerhouses will not have the guts to slaughter the Thunder Sect.

"Understood, I understand, hahaha..."

Lan Cheng looked up to the sky again and laughed.

His laughter was even more heartbreaking than Lei Dongtian's screams just now.

It was almost to the point where the listener shed tears.

"Humpty Dumpty, what else do you have to say now?" Lan Cheng roared.

"Lei Dongtian, you **** bastard, why didn't the old man killed you before?" Old ghost Chenxing jumped out at the same time.

"The people of the Alliance took the order and let me kill all the Thunder Sect members, not one left!" Ximen Li roared even more.

No one hesitated anymore.

Even many people from endless prisons, with red eyes, rushed towards the Thunder Sect.

This is the case in the city.

The same is true in that huge pit not far away.

There were endless screams.

It wasn't until Lan Cheng cut the butcher knife towards the Lei Ting Tian that they had left behind, the panic on Lei Dong Tian's face finally disappeared.

People will die, and their words will be good.

At the moment of death, a trace of regret finally appeared in Lei Dongtian's eyes.

That's where his people found the alliance.

Bring people on the way.

Along the way, in order to ensure the survival chance of their high-level bloodlines, even some of his personal disciples were thrown out.

If not, Thunder Sect would not be cut off from his hand, right?


He seemed to hear the scream of his eldest disciple before he died when he left his eldest disciple.

"It turns out that this is the sect where I came from, really my good master, really the good sect master of our Thunder Sect, hahaha..."

"Lei Dongtian, you survive today for your trash heirs, come and use all of us as cannon fodder, one day someone will avenge us!"


The stern roar seemed to appear in his ears again.


If it weren't for his selfishness, it doesn't matter if he can still use it now, and beg Qin Shaofeng to leave a few incense inheritance to Thunder Sect.

But now... who is innocent?

"Shao Feng, would it be too much to kill them all?"

Li Naling only saw the deaths of the high-level Thunder Sect who followed Lei Dongtian, but she didn't know that the conditions under the huge cave were miserable, dozens of times more than here.

"Have you ever?"

Qin Shaofeng glanced back at her, then shook his head with a wry smile, "However, this kind of scumbag's descendants are equally unworthy to live."

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