Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 376: Easy kill

Knowing that the other party's purpose was the fragment of Qianshanling, Qin Shaofeng was pleasantly surprised.

Because at this moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered.

Could it be this person who bought the corpses of the monster beasts with Thousand Mountain Token fragments on the 90th peak?

If so, then...

With a flash of gaze, Qin Shaofeng's gaze at the other party became a bit fiery.

Liu Yongyuan, who was looking at Qin Shaofeng with disdain, suddenly felt uneasy when Qin Shaofeng saw it like this.

Damn, this person's gaze makes me feel something is wrong!

Forget it, regardless of him, take him down first, and then carefully question the origin and purpose of this fragment.

With a move in his heart, Liu Yongyuan turned his head back to a legendary ten-fold master next to him, and said: "Chen Yun, go and take this person down, don't make a heavy hand, save him!"

After receiving Liu Yongyuan's order, Chen Yun smiled grimly, looked at Qin Shaofeng with a cruel look, and said grinningly: "Boss, don't worry, I will never make a heavy hand!"

But when Qin Shaofeng heard this, he was speechless.

Character: Chen Yun

Level: Ten Legendary Early Stage

Aura value: 3.5 million / 3.5 million

Spiritual root of talent: Fourth-grade soil system spiritual root


Seeing Chen Yun walking towards him confidently, Qin Shaofeng really didn't know what to say.

At the initial stage of the legendary tenth layer, it actually only had 3.5 million aura points.

And Linggen is also the fourth rank, so you still say that you don't need to put heavy hands on me?

Even if Sao Nian feels good about himself, it is not such a good way, right?

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's silence, Chen Yun thought Qin Shaofeng was frightened stupid!

During this period of time, following Liu Yongyuan's entry into the Thousand Mountain Sect for the entrance examination, Chen Yun could be regarded as energetic.

He was originally only a legendary triple realm, but he did not expect that in the short two months of entering this thousand mountain sect entrance examination, because of Liu Yongyuan's appreciation, he actually rushed from the legendary triple realm all the way to the legendary tenth stage.

Even if it was Chen Yun who understood that using Sheng Yuan Pill to improve his level, his strength would not be as good as his independent breakthrough.

But after feeling that after entering the legendary tenth realm, his own strength was more than ten or twenty times higher than the previous legendary threefold, and Chen Yun could be regarded as energetic.

After feeling Qin Shaofeng's own legendary nine-fold realm aura, he took it for granted that the opponent's realm was lower than his own, and it could not be much of his own.

With such thoughts, it can only be said that Chen Yun hasn't seen the world very much yet.

It can be regarded as Liu Yongyuan's fault, because this Liu Yongyuan is completely bullying and fearful of hardship, and he never dared to deal with people stronger than himself.

Even if it was someone with his own strength, Liu Yongyuan did not intend to provoke him because he was too cautious.

Therefore, so far, Liu Yongyuan's men have met the weakest people.

This gave Chen Yun a way, even if he relied on the Shengyuan Pill to improve his realm, his own strength could defeat most people.

Needless to say, this is a mere kid with the legendary nine-fold solution realm.

With this thought in mind, Chen Yun walked towards Qin Shaofeng step by step, and said with disapproval as he walked: "Boy, for the sake of your realm, I'll let you do three tricks. You can make me enjoy it. Ah! Otherwise, once I get upset, I won't be a big deal!"

For such a person, Qin Shaofeng no longer intends to give the other party a chance to continue.

So self-righteous!

It makes people afraid to look straight!

With a sigh in his heart, Qin Shaofeng stepped on his feet.


Chen Yun, who was about to say something more, suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Because the opponent in front of him has disappeared.

But before he could react, he was a flower in front of him, and at the same time he felt a strong wind.

Huh, what is going on?

Chen Yun gave a startled suspicion, and at the same time, he felt the strong wind hit his chest.

In an instant, Chen Yun felt a force that he could never match, blasting into his chest.

With a chuckle, the boss spouted a mouthful of blood, and Chen Yun only felt that his chest seemed to be split in two, and the severe pain instantly spread throughout his body.

At this time, Chen Yun finally understood.

What kind of legendary Koo!

This man is definitely a fierce tiger!

This strength, even his boss, is far inferior!

With this kind of guessing, in the process of flying upside down, unable to withstand the heavy blow, Chen Yun's breath disappeared directly.


After a heavy object fell to the ground, Chen Yun's body fell out of seven or eight meters like a rag, and finally stopped under a big tree, and there was no more movement.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully leapfrogging and killing the legendary tenth master Chen Yun. After getting the leapfrog kill bonus bonus, he gained a total of 20,000 points of experience!"

A system prompt sounded, Qin Shaofeng didn't even look at Chen Yun, but just looked at Liu Yongyuan and others with a joke on his face.

Qin Shaofeng's punch just now only used one of his many mortal skills.

But even if it was a mortal level one-star boxing technique, combined with Qin Shaofeng's strength at the moment, it would be no problem to kill a legendary ten-level master like Chen Yun in seconds.

No need to take it seriously!

Oh, I met a master!

The scene that happened before his eyes made Liu Yongyuan's heart sink abruptly, his expression a little ugly.

Although Chen Yun was a legendary ten-fold master, he used Shengyuan Pill to pile it up.

But even if the strength is not good, it is still a legendary tenth realm!

But the man in front of him killed Chen Yun with just one punch.

This kind of strength can only be achieved by the genius of a big family.

Wait, the Luo family he just talked about is not the Luo family of Luo Chaokun?

Thinking of something suddenly, Liu Yongyuan's face became even more ugly.

The person who can be at odds with Luo's family can still live to this day. The origin of this person is definitely not simple, and he must not provoke!

But this is the end of the matter, and it's too late to regret.

And seeing the playful expression on the other's face, Liu Yongyuan knew that even if he begged for mercy, he would not escape the disaster.

With a ruthless heart, Liu Yongyuan screamed fiercely at the people around him: "Go on, give it all to me, kill this kid for me!"

Although surprised that Chen Yun was killed by the opponent in this way, Liu Yongyuan's men were even more afraid of Liu Yongyuan. They knew Liu Yongyuan's methods.

So after Liu Yongyuan gave the order, more than a dozen people rushed forward.

"Go together? Huh!"

Seeing the other's actions, Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

It's just a chicken dog!

His right hand flicked together slightly, and Qin Shaofeng's right hand was covered with blue lightning.

"Thunder Dunk Thousand Birds Flow!"

With a loud shout, Qin Shaofeng blasted out a thousand birds at the moment when a dozen people rushed towards him.


The blue light flashed, and the sky flashed with electricity. Under Qin Shaofeng's deliberate control, the Qiandiaoliu instantly turned into a dozen two-finger thick lightning, which blasted on a dozen people.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully leapfrogging and killing one of the ten legendary masters. After gaining the leapfrog killing bonus, he has gained 20,000 experience points!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing one of the legendary level nine masters. After gaining the leapfrog kill bonus, he gained a total of 4,000 points of experience!"

"system hint:……"


A dozen system prompts came in succession, and the dozens of people were instantly pierced by the two-fingered Thousand Birds Lightning.

Instant kill!

And still kill a dozen people instantly!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally realized his own strength at the moment!

Heh, it seems that my strength has improved a lot, and the average legendary ten master is definitely not my opponent.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng, who was smiling on his face, suddenly stopped and smiled bitterly, and he still said a word.

"I wiped it and ran away?"

Looking at the empty place not far away, Qin Shaofeng was speechless for a moment.

It turned out that when Liu Yongyuan gave orders to attack more than a dozen of his men, he turned around and fled.

At this moment, after Qin Shaofeng found out, Liu Yongyuan had escaped more than three hundred meters.

"Oh, want to escape?"

Hehe smiled, Qin Shaofeng screamed, and instantly chased after him with his empty dance technique.

When he felt the breath of his dozen or so subordinates disappeared in an instant, Liu Yongyuan's heart was completely flustered.

Without keeping anything, Liu Yongyuan instantly aroused all his strength and ran away desperately.

But not long after, Liu Yongyuan's whole body was chilled, and there was an extremely bad feeling in his heart.

Looking back, Liu Yongyuan was shocked.

Because he saw a figure that was at least three times faster than himself, chasing him.

Damn it!

I was shocked, but the next moment, Liu Yongyuan's heart jumped, and a biting cold feeling hit.

Looking back in a hurry, Liu Yongyuan saw a silver sword beam shooting at him.

Liu Yongyuan couldn't make any evasive reaction at all, and was approached by the silver sword light.

Then, with a pop, Liu Yongyuan immediately felt a pain in his abdomen.

But what made him most desperate was that Liu Yongyuan felt the aura of his dantian, and at this moment, it was madly pouring out, and a thought that made Liu Yongyuan whole body cold appeared in his mind.

My pubic area is abandoned?


This Liu Yongyuan's dantian has been abolished at this moment.

The silver blade light just now was naturally the Xiao Li flying knife that Qin Shaofeng used to display his second life sword flying feather sword.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng deliberately aimed at Liu Yongyuan's dantian. After Liu Yongyuan was hit, the dantian broke open, his aura poured out, and was completely abolished!


Falling to the ground without feeling, Liu Yongyuan fell a lot.

But the expression on his face remained unchanged, only as gray as death.

Liu Yongyuan can go to this day, he relies on his own strength, but now that his dantian is abolished, Liu Yongyuan is completely desperate, and has completely given up all struggles.

Under such circumstances, facing Qin Shaofeng's inquiry, Liu Yongyuan didn't conceal the least, and said what he should say.

After speaking, he rolled his eyes like a dead fish and asked Qin Shaofeng expressionlessly.

"Before killing me, can I be a ghost, I want to know whose hands I died!"

At this point, Qin Shaofeng was satisfied with the Thousand Mountain Order Fragment that he brought to himself for the other party.

"Well, my name is Qin Shaofeng!"

"Qin Shaofeng?"

A ray of light flashed in Liu Yongyuan's eyes, and finally he burst into laughter.

"Haha, it turned out to be you! In that case, I would be reconciled! Uh-!"

In the laughter, Liu Yongyuan was finally killed by Qin Shaofeng, who gathered an aura.

But the strange thing is that the appearance of Liu Yongyuan's death is extremely satisfactory, and it seems that he has been stunned!

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