Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3769: generation

"What happened to you just now, no one here..."

General Qin looked at him suspiciously.

The words spoken were only half way out, and he was shocked by the sudden appearance in front of him.

It was an old man with white hair in a white robe, white eyebrows and white beards, who was longer than his height. His long hair seemed to be under a violent wind, constantly fluttering behind him.

What shocked him most was that this old man appeared out of thin air.

Cangming Realm is not the land of shining stars.

According to the feeling, the gravity here is indeed ten thousand times that of the shining star land.

But if you want to achieve this level here, you can't do it by increasing your cultivation base ten thousand times.

Even if it is a million times tens of thousands of times, there is no such qualification.

Although General Qin was near the desert Gobi, he was considered a figure.

But his real status is insufficient.

The old man in front of him could vaguely feel that he was definitely not an ordinary person.

He couldn't guess what the other party's true identity was.

General Qin swallowed a sip of water, resisting the shock in his heart, and asked: "Senior, are you?"

"Are you a disciple of Wu Jin Xuan?"

The white-clothed old man looked around Qin Shaofeng's body.

"Junior Qin Shaofeng, I have met seniors."

Qin Shaofeng folded his fists and bowed.

Immediately, he pulled up the sleeve of his left hand, revealing the Xuanwu that turned into a watch.

Then the endless seal will be displayed.

That endless seal slowly emerged from the center of his eyebrows.

"A generation of disciple seal, with it by your side, it seems that your identity is 70% true." The old man nodded in satisfaction.

"A generation disciple seal?"

Qin Shaofeng was stunned, somewhat confused.

"After we moved to the Cangming Realm of the Endless Mountain, it was almost equivalent to rebuilding. The predecessors at the time naturally entered the ancestral hall and needed to accept our worship."

"However, the ranks of the sect disciples were reordered for some reasons."

"Since you are a disciple of Wu Jin Xuan, there is no problem with your eyebrows, you are naturally our generation of Wu Jin Shan."

The old man seemed to explain to him patiently.

Qin Shaofeng and General Qin are not fools who are new to the arena.

Although the old man's words are very simple.

They have also heard from the words of the old man, the old man is the person of endless mountains.

Moreover, Wu Jin Xuan's disciple status is already a generation of Wu Jin Shan.

The old man opened his mouth and closed his mouth, but he called his name directly.

This can be seen.

His status and qualifications are definitely not weaker than Wu Jin Xuan.

General Qin had guessed at the first moment what kind of identity the old man who appeared suddenly was.

Even Qin Shaofeng, who didn't know much about the endless mountain, understood at the same time.

Endless muddy!

The old man from the main line of the endless mountain, his master respects the brother of the endless xuan.

After the world-destroying war in the Void World.

In the entire endless mountain, there seems to be only one person left who can directly call the endless mysterious name.

"Disciple Qin Shaofeng, I have seen Uncle Qin." Qin Shaofeng bowed again.

"You kid are smart."

The old man is naturally the endless mud that rushed over first.

With a smile on endless face, he said, "Since you have come to the Cangming Realm with your own people, obviously my junior has gone immortal, right?"

Qin Shaofeng bowed his head and said nothing.

When he first saw Wu Jin Xuan, Wu Jin Xuan had already reached the end of his life.

Then he helped him to find Qi Cai Ling.

Although in the end he saw nothing.

But in the actions of the Seven Great Ghost and Corpse Kings, it is not difficult to see that Wu Jin Xuan should have lost.

Even if it is not, it will definitely pass away.

This can be said to others.

During the time he arrived in the Cangming Realm, he had already learned something about the relationship between endless chaos and endless profound.

Facing the endless muddle of this, there was no way to say it.

"Sure enough, alas!"

Endless sighed deeply, and then began to think.

It's been a long while.

The endless chaotic finally said: "When he asked you to come to me, he believed he had already given you something, take it out!"


Qin Shaofeng took out the jade slip.

If you want to remember things in the Land of Stars, most of them use memory spar.

As for this kind of jade slip, although he has a few pieces, he doesn't know how to use it. Maybe it has an encryption function?

I saw the endless chaotic sticking Yu Jian on his forehead.

I don't know what he saw, but two lines of clear tears flowed slowly from the corner of his eyes.

"Hunting Xuan! You bastard!"

Suddenly endlessly scolded.

The curse was so loud that many people from the three warships ran out immediately.

In the warship they were in, the speed of people coming was naturally the fastest.

But when Ke Jiuxiao, Chu Huan, Old Ghost Chenxing and others who ran out first saw this scene on the deck, they subconsciously stopped.

The endless chaos did not exude the aura of cultivation.

The faint aura of a superior emanating from him is shocking.

Not to mention his honor.

I am afraid that even an ordinary person dressed like him would be mistaken for a senior expert, right?

Qin Shaofeng just stared at the endless muddy curiously, but never spoke.

"Fine! Forget it!"

After the endless chaos seemed to finish cursing, he suddenly grew older.

He took a deep breath before looking at the people in the ship.

"Shao Feng, although he hasn't been able to teach you anything, since you are his disciple, you are naturally half of the old man's disciple. From now on, you will cultivate in our endless mountain." Wu Endless said.

"Follow the uncle's order."

Qin Shaofeng knew that after he came to the Cangming Realm, it was the real beginning of the life and death crisis.

He was naturally delighted to be able to directly own the backing of endless mud.

"Don't worry, thank you, the old man hasn't finished speaking yet."

Endless Hun interrupted him and continued: "The conditions for recruiting disciples in our Endless Mountain are very harsh. Although you can directly enter our Endless Mountain, the people you brought can't."

"And since you are a generational disciple of Endless Mountain, you can naturally form your own subordinate forces. When that time comes, let them serve as an affiliated force of Endless Mountain for the time being!"

"Thank you, Uncle."

Qin Shaofeng was overjoyed.

Old ghost Chenxing and others are all people who are used to it.

Although they came to Cangming Realm, their strength was far from insufficient.

But let these thousands of them become the bottom of the endless mountain, I am afraid that most of them will be unacceptable.

It is naturally the best choice to let them form a subsidiary force on their own.

It doesn't matter if someone is overwhelming.

There will be only one result.

That's when other forces are looking for trouble, they can bring out the name of the endless mountain, this is a good thing he could not even think of before!

"Uncle, where do you think it is better for them to settle down?" Qin Shaofeng continued to ask.

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