Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3771: Brother and sister

"The disciple has seen Master."

The seven men bowed towards endless clasped fists.

"How many times has the old man said, "Don't be so courteous, you don't understand it, right?" Hentai glared at everyone.

Immediately, he pointed at Qin Shaofeng, and said, "This is your Master Xuan's disciple Wu Endless Shaofeng, please familiarize yourself with it!"

"Qin Shaofeng has seen all senior brothers and sisters."

Qin Shaofeng clasped his fists and leaned towards everyone.

His opening immediately attracted everyone's suspicious eyes.

Qin Shaofeng?

Didn’t Master say that he is called Endless Shaofeng?


This kid's cultivation base seems too low, right?

"Although Shaofeng is your junior, he is too young and his cultivation level is too low. In the next period of time, he will go to the eighth academy to practice for some time, so when he is not in the endless mountain, he is still called Qin Shaofeng." Explained.

"That's it."

The woman on the far right laughed and said, "When Junior Brother Shaofeng is in front of outsiders, when he calls himself, it’s good to be Qin Shaofeng, but in front of us, there is no need to see out."

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm your second senior sister Hentai Ning."

"This is your third senior sister Wu Jin Yao, this is your fourth brother endless riding dragon, this is your fifth brother endless sing, this is your seventh sister endless beautiful eyes, this is your nine brother endless Yan, this is your thirteen brother endless Rush."

Hentai Ning is obviously a person who can't hide words.

Although his cultivation is extremely high, and his age should be over a thousand years old, this opening also cut off all the other people's words.

"Second Senior Sister, Third World, Fourth Senior, Fifth Senior, Seventh Senior, Nine Senior, and Thirteen Senior Brothers." Qin Shaofeng saluted everyone one by one.

Every time you bend over and bow, you will take out something when you see someone.

Although the things were not big, he didn't even know them.

They seem to be some delicate gadgets.

He knew clearly.

These talents are the real top-level figures of Endless Mountain, and the things they bring out are definitely not ordinary.

Every time he took something, he would thank him.

"Little Junior Brother, don't be so polite, otherwise the senior sisters will all blush." ​​Wu Xing Ning laughed.

She grabbed Qin Shaofeng's hand and said, "You just came to our endless mountain. I believe you are full of curiosity about the endless mountain. Let's go, senior sister will take you to our endless mountain."

Her movements are too jumpy.

At least when they first came to the hall and saluted endlessly, they were totally two people.

The current Hentai Ning, no matter how she looks, is more like a little girl who knows nothing about the world, and she has only superficial respect for her.

The respectful remarks we just met just now became clear.

Qin Shaofeng didn't let it go.

He subconsciously looked back towards endlessly.

"The old man has stopped managing things on the mountain since he came to the Cangming Realm. You don't have to be so nervous in front of the old man." Wu Endless Hu seemed to enjoy the scene very much, and said: "Go!"

Qin Shaofeng then left with endless Ning.

Get out of this hall door.

Qin Shaofeng was immediately stunned by what he saw before him.

The endless mountain is like a big mountain suspended in the air.

Perhaps this is not the case.

But at a glance, it was really a scene in the identity sky, surrounded by clouds and mist, and everyone in the preface seemed to be soaring through the clouds.

Every step of the way out seems to be able to bring a strong spiritual aura from heaven and earth.

He finally understood why there are so many strong people in the endless mountain.

If he can also rely on the absorption of spiritual energy to cultivate, he believes that in this mountain, the speed of cultivation will definitely be able to achieve leaps and bounds.

"This is the Huntian Peak where Master retreats. Under normal circumstances, we don't receive Master's call, and we can't come here casually. Come with me." Unending Ning took his hand.

Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt that he was enveloped by an aura of heaven and earth.


Under the leadership of Wu Xing Ning, Yukong flew towards the place where a more magnificent mountain range was in the distance.

Ascend into the air.

Qin Shaofeng could see the situation of the endless mountain clearly.

The mountain at their feet is indeed very magnificent, but it is not enough to penetrate into the sky.

But the aura of heaven and earth here is too strong.

Rich enough to have formed a substantial state.

And the clouds and mist he could see in front of him were not the clouds that existed in the sky, but the formation of spiritual energy.

When they fell on the peak that endless Ning said.

Qin Shaofeng was surprised to find that the top of this mountain was completely empty, and there were fewer than ten people who could see it.

When those people saw their arrival, they saluted endlessly.

But he could see the obvious speculation in the eyes of those people, and he seemed to be surprised at how the strong woman who had survived the front would take his hand and walk around.

The endless mountain rules are extremely strict.

Hentai Ning looks like a little girl in front of Hentai Huo.

But her majesty in the endless mountain was beyond Qin Shaofeng's imagination.

"This is the main peak of our endless mountain. The name naturally continues when we were in the imaginary world, and they are all the protectors of our endless mountain." endless Ning said.

Immediately, she said to everyone: "You didn't see anything just now. If you let me hear some rumors, you should know the result."


"Know, know."

Everyone was trembling with fright.

Who dares to spread her gossip?

"Go, I will take you to the mountain to get better."

As endless Ning said, that kind of entrusting aura once again brought Qin Shaofeng up and headed away.

Although they are not flying high.

With endless introductions, Qin Shaofeng quickly got to know the endless mountain.

The endless mountain is composed of four peaks.

The main peak endless mountain.

Huntian Peak where the endless chaos is located.

The secondary peaks are the endless forest line and the endless sea line.

Qin Shaofeng had already understood the endless prison line to which his master Wu Jin Xuan belonged, and why there is no mountain that belongs to him alone.

It's not because of Wu Jin Xuan's status or not paying enough.

But the people in the endless line of prisons are too maverick.

Qin Shaofeng is indeed the nine disciples of Wu Xuan Xuan.

But the surviving seniors above him, only the last five people remained.

When Endless Hun wanted to arrange a mountain for them, those people refused in unison.

It is said that of those five powerhouses, two of them are now practicing in retreat somewhere in Huntian Peak.

The specific location of the retreat, I am afraid that only endless mud can know.

Moreover, the owner of the mountain endless Canglan is not qualified to disturb them in retreat.

Their master endless is out of the relationship with endless xuan, and it is even more impossible to disturb them in retreat for anything.

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