Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 378: mutation

Originally, he just came to investigate, but after it was confirmed, he took the person directly.

But since the first sight of Zhao Yun'er, the five princes' heart jumped fiercely.

What a beautiful woman!

There was a strange feeling in his heart. After determining that the other party was not the murderer of his seventh brother, the five princes actually felt a sigh of relief.

Looking up and smiling, the fifth prince said to Zhao Yun'er: "This girl is Miss Zhao Yun'er, right?"

At this moment, it was Zhao Yuner's turn to be confused.

The other party used to look menacing, but now he feels that his attitude has changed?

Despite this, Zhao Yun'er remained vigilant and replied blankly: "So what? Who are you?"

"The five princes of the Huoyun Kingdom are fierce, and I want to make friends with Miss Yuner!" said the five princes with a smile.

But his words made Na Du Meng and Tang Qijian upset.

In the eyes of the two, Zhao Yuner is her future sister-in-law.

But now this **** five prince dares to hit his future sister-in-law's attention, this is really damn!

But considering the opponent's strength, even Du Meng, who is the most impulsive, just held back.

However, at this moment, he looked at the five princes, but he was extremely hated.

Zhao Yuner's face was slightly surprised, she did not expect the other party to say so.

But soon she noticed something.

Fire Cloud Country?

Is it the Huoyun Kingdom, the largest country in the Qianshan Sect?

Zhao Yun'er was taken aback in her heart, and then she said indifferently, "It turned out to be the fifth prince of Huoyun Nation. However, the fifth prince has shown love. The little girl is just an ordinary girl. She is not worthy to make friends with His Royal Highness. The little girl is still Leave it first!"

Having said that, Zhao Yun'er winked at Du Meng and Tang Qijian, and then the three of them began to back off guard.

But at this time, the face of the five princes was gloomy.

He was really moved by Zhao Yuner!

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't change his previous style, and had a gentle expression on Zhao Yuner.

But Zhao Yun'er's act of not giving him any face made the five princes feel a wave of anger.

This anger aroused his ferocious nature.

Cheap maid!

This prince treats you kindly, but you don't appreciate it. If that's the case, you can blame the prince for being ruthless.

As soon as his face became cold, the fifth prince was ready to give an order for his men to take down the three of Zhao Yuner.

But at the moment he was about to give the order, the young man who had been silent behind him suddenly whispered.

"Five princes don't do anything!"


The fifth prince was stunned for a moment.

Maybe other people think that this time the entrance examination is only for the first 100 special places.

But the real situation is not so!

Because Huoyun Nation is also considered to have a great position in the Qianshan Sect, the fifth prince learned of an extremely secret event for this entrance examination.

And the young man behind him was the emperor of his father's Huoyun Kingdom, who was specially sent to help him this time.

Even in some cases, he, the fifth prince, still has to follow the instructions of the other party.

After all, the opponent is a real powerhouse.

But at this moment, the five princes actually heard a hint of panic from the other's voice.

This shocked his mind, and the right hand that had been raised up instantly froze.

And it was in this situation that Zhao Yuner and the three slowly retreated.

For such a situation, Zhao Yuner and the others are also puzzled.

However, in order to be safe, after this withdrawal, Zhao Yuner decided to let Lord Tiger take the three of them to rush to the 90th mountain.

Zhao Yun'er believed that as long as he reached the 90th peak, even if the so-called five princes would do anything to them, he wouldn't dare.

Zhao Yun'er, who hurriedly hurried on the road, did not notice at this moment. On her shoulder, a little guy rolled his eyelids, and his little mouth murmured silently.

If so, if there is a voice, I am afraid that Zhao Yun'er can hear such a sentence.

"Hmph, stupid little bug, **** it, disturbing my lord's sleep, or else I'm too lazy to talk to you, this lord would have pinched you to death with a paw! Hmph!"

After Zhao Yun'er and the others completely disappeared, the fifth prince sighed in relief when he heard the young man behind him.

This made the Fifth Prince even more alarmed, and couldn't help but say: "Uncle Lin, what are you?"

The young man behind the Fifth Prince looked like a young man, but in fact this man is a powerful guard for the emperor of the Huoyun Kingdom. His name is Lin Yi.

Lin Yi is so strong that even the five princes dare not put any prince status in front of him.

When the fifth prince asked this, Lin Yi's expression flashed with happiness, and at the same time, looking in the direction where Zhao Yun'er and the others had left, a flash of confusion flashed in his eyes.

Finally, after thinking about it, Lin Yi said with some uncertainty: "I don't know the specific situation, but my feeling tells me that if we attack the three Zhao Yuner at this moment, we are absolutely dangerous."

Upon hearing this, the face of the five princes changed instantly.

"Uncle Lin, are you saying that there is someone better than you behind Zhao Yun'er?" The Fifth Prince said in disbelief.

At this moment, Lin Yi hesitated.

"This, shouldn't it be possible? Maybe the Qianshan Sect's powerhouse has already known of my existence, this is a warning to me!"

But the five princes didn't think so, because if the Qianshan Sect really discovered Lin Yi, I'm afraid Lin Yi would be expelled in the first place.

Is there really any backstage behind Zhao Yuner?

Thinking about it this way, the five princes will finally notice something.

He only found out now that Zhao Yun'er didn't seem to put herself in the eyes from beginning to end, but the other party clearly knew his identity.

Now that he knows the identity of the five princes of the Fire Cloud Nation, and dares to treat him like this, there must be a strong guard in secret, and the other party will naturally not be afraid.

Damn it!

After communicating this point, the five princes looked a little ugly!

Suddenly, he suddenly remembered something, and asked a person next to him: "How did he get the news that the murderer was suspected to be Zhao Yun'er?"

The legendary tenth master who was asked immediately replied: "Back to your highness, some time before the news, a legendary seventy boy came to tell his subordinates."

"Legend Seven?" The Fifth Prince frowned, "Do you know who it is?"

"It's from a small family in our Huoyun Nation. The name is He Qiang. However, He Qiang's cousin is Su Yunjin from the Su family!"

Su family?

Su Yunjin?

Upon hearing this, Lin Yi frowned suddenly and interjected: "Is it the Su family where that kid Su Yuncheng is?"

The subordinate nodded quickly and said, "Yes, Master Lin, it is the Su family, and Su Yunjin is Su Yuncheng's only brother!"

Hearing this, the five princes face was completely angry.

"Damn it, it's like this, it seems I was calculated!"

With a fierce growl, the fifth prince uttered a few words with a grim expression.

"My good third brother, you can really value my brother!"

Lin Yi on the side became silent at this moment.

In fact, after learning that the news came from Su Yuncheng's younger brother, he had a vague guess in his heart.

Su Yuncheng is indeed a genius, and it is said that the three princes of Huoyun Nation seem to have the tendency to accept Su Yun as a subordinate.

In this way, the explanation seems to have passed.

Several princes of Huoyun Nation's generation have their own characteristics, and each is better than the other. They are all favorable competitors for the future emperor of Huoyun Nation.

In fact, the three princes, the three princes, the fifth prince, and the sixth prince, have the most intense competition.

Therefore, after something happened in the Qianshan Sect, these princes all joined the Qianshan Sect one after another, preparing to conquer some geniuses in the Qianshan Sect, fighting for the throne and adding some strength.

Obviously, the current situation made the five princes, Lin Yi and others subconsciously think that this was what the third prince deliberately did.

The other party definitely knows that Zhao Yun'er's identity is not simple, but they deliberately let the five princes come to provoke them, which would not help the other party to get rid of the five princes.

Unfortunately, in fact, neither the Fifth Prince nor Lin Yi knew, they had misunderstood.

And this misunderstanding can be a big misunderstanding.

However, one thing is true, that is, if Lin Yi didn't take action to stop the Fifth Prince, then their fate would be very bleak.


After venting his anger, the five princes finally recovered their peace.

But the calm is calm, but his face is still not very good.

"Tell me to go on. Everything today is considered to have never happened, do you know?"

After calming down, the five princes gave the first order.

Then, with a cold smile, he continued: "There is also to pay close attention to the whereabouts of Su Yunjin and He Qiang. If necessary, you know what to do!"

A murderous intent broke out in his eyes, and the five princes hated Su Yunjin and He Qiang extremely, so naturally they would not spare the other two.

"Understand!" More than a dozen people turned their heads immediately.

It was Lin Yi, who remembered something at this moment, and planned to speak to the fifth prince.

But at this moment, there was an inexplicable vibration, and in the sky far away, a blue light suddenly broke out at this moment, dazzling and illuminating the entire sky.

At the same time, the scope of this blue light flipped over was so wide that it actually included all the top 100 mountain peaks.

For a time, it shocked countless people.

And among these countless people, a very small number of people were greatly surprised after seeing such a blue light!

This includes the Five Princes and Lin Yi.

"This is the light of bronze?"

After seeing the blue light, the fifth prince said in disbelief.

That Lin Yi also lost his voice with a stunned face at this moment: "Why? Someone actually stimulated the bronze light now? This action is too fast? Also, he doesn't know, now he stimulates the bronze light. Is it just a foolish act?"

"Hahaha, whether he is stupid or not, this is an opportunity!"

The fifth prince laughed, and then took out something from his storage.

It was a pale white token, and it was an orderless order of Qianshan!

However, at this moment, this stepless Thousand Mountain Sect is faintly glowing with a blue light.

The blue light stretched out of the token itself, and only the void pointed a certain direction.

After seeing this scene, the five princes smiled excitedly, completely forgot the anger before, turned to his men, and shouted: "From now on, everything will be put aside. The primary purpose at present is to seize the first piece of bronze. Order of Qianshan. Let’s go!"

After all, the five princes jumped up and rushed in the direction that Qianshan Ling made in his own hands.

The dozen or so of the five princes immediately followed, but Lin Yi did not move, but stopped in place.

"There is a Bronze Order Qianshanling now, is it confident in his own strength, or completely ignorant?"

With a doubt, Lin Yi sighed again when he looked at the figure of the Fifth Prince who was going away: "Oh, I hope the Fifth Prince will have time to catch up. Since the bronze light has appeared, I can't make any shots at will!"

At the same time, there are many people who act like the Five Princes.

These people were very excited at the moment, holding the Orderless Qianshan Order, and under the guidance of the blue light, they rushed quickly.

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