Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3796: Into the mountains

"Zhang Hen, Wu Xiu of Tier 9 Huangyue is hunting a member of Yunxian Academy this time."

Yun Xian Academy obviously arranged the two strongest as the captain and deputy captain.

Although this Zhang Hen's cultivation base is not bad, he can only be counted as the third place, so naturally he can only be the first person to come out.

"Meng Na, Tier 3 Zhouyue, member."

Meng Na, who everyone had waited for a long time, finally came out.

most of the time.

Martial arts cultivation is the representative of everything.

Although Meng Na and other five team members have not discussed it.

When they really came to stand up, it was still Meng Na who stood up naturally.

Her voice was very cold.

As if it makes people hear a sentence, it seems that they can be frozen.

Suddenly, many puzzled people from the two universities seemed to understand something.

This woman seems too cold, right?


There are many so-called iceberg women they have seen.

It's really the first time to see someone as cold as she is.

It was extremely cold.

It seems that people dare not easily entrust such people with important tasks.


Even so, it seems that the captain shouldn't let that, only a small Tier 1 Baron Moon Wu Xiu do it, right?

The cultivation base gap is too big!

"Li Xiao, Wu Xiu of Rank 7 Huangyue, this time hunting a member of Yunxian Academy."

Another young man walked out from Yunxian Academy.

Between the captain, the deputy captain and the team members, there may be weak first and then strong.

But among the players, similar things would not happen.

Since the fourth person who came out of Yunxian Academy was already a seventh-rank barren moon, it was obvious that there would be no stronger person among them.

The seventh order goes directly to the ninth order.

It seems that the span is not small.

In fact, it was because Qin Shaofeng and Wu Shuang were directly promoted to the endless academy where Qin Shaofeng was located.

If you really sort by cultivation base.

They really only have to be crushed here.

"Chu Yao, Wu Xiu of the Eighth Tier Desolate Moon, this time a member of the endless academy of hunting."

Finally it was the turn of Endless Academy to press Yunxian Academy.

Chu Yao quickly walked out of the team and shouted out his cultivation level.

As everyone reported their own cultivation level one after another.

The eyes of the people at the two colleges gradually became strange.

There is a gap between the strongest people in Wujin Academy and Unzen Academy.

However, according to the martial arts level of the students, it is really not weak.

After all, the general academy recruits students, basically starting from the star position.

Only the existence of the two great academies standing at the pinnacle of the Cangming Realm can find one or two Eternal Moon Powers in the lower class.

All the martial arts of rank 7 and above, right?

Of course, this is to forget the existence of Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng's cultivation is too special.

If you count it seriously, I am afraid that many people will drop their jaws by surprise.

When everyone reported their cultivation base level, more people looked at Wu Wanwen and began to become weird.

Those who participated in the war in the two academies had the lowest level of rank 7 and above.

The captain of the endless academy is a special existence.

I remembered what the mentors once said.

It seems to be a discussion between the two colleges.

There are already many people in the endless academy, and they are beginning to believe that it is indeed their dean who was run by Yun Cheng of Yunxian Academy.

After all, just look at it from the level.

The strength lineup on the endless college side is indeed too weak.

Only a handful of high-level officials in the two major academies became more curious and confused as they watched.

They really know the cause of the matter.

When the senior officials of the two academies discussed it, it was clear that endless essays came out to gamble.

At that time, he even knew about Yunxian Academy, and a named disciple of the outer door of Yunxian Temple appeared.

They had always thought that endless text had some killer skills.

Now I feel more and more curious.

"Since everyone knows each other, let me explain the next autumn hunting rules. This autumn hunting will last ten days in total."

"Before you enter the forest, everyone will get a special space ring. You need to pack the killed prey into the space ring and bring it back. We will calculate the points according to the level of the prey you killed."

"In the end, your score will be calculated based on the points situation."

Endless Wennai is the only person among the top of the two colleges who has no thoughts in his heart.

Qin Shaofeng's cultivation base is indeed very low.

But so what?

That was his junior, except for Yun Cheng, no one else was able to compare.

Even if it was only a Tier 1 Desolate Moon, he was willing to believe that Qin Shaofeng was capable enough.

The students from the two colleges have introduced themselves.

It is natural to announce the start of autumn hunting.

After he introduced the rules, he continued to shout: "I announce that the autumn hunting in Cangming calendar 1020 has officially begun!"

The high-level attention of the two colleges was drawn back by him.

Some instructors who are in charge of each class have no time to think and doubt.

They immediately began to direct the students in each class to start their actions.

The first to act is the top class characters.

Those people are the real top figures in the two colleges.

College class levels: five levels: low class, intermediate class, advanced class, top class and teacher class.

The first four levels are naturally very obvious.

As for the teacher class, it is a bit special.

Those who leave the teacher's class are those who have finished their studies in the top class but failed to graduate successfully.

Those people need to continue their studies and wait for re-assessment and graduation.

But it has already been a teacher.

The teaching of tutors is already very scarce, and most of them are self-study and practice by virtue of the atmosphere of the academy, so they are called the teaching class.

Those who came out of the teacher's class were also disciples of the academy, but they were not eligible to participate in autumn hunting.

After the top class enters the forest, the others are waiting.

A full half an hour.

Nie Xuanxing and Ye Leng walked towards them.

"The people in the top class have opened part of the road for you, and the senior class is in front, and the senior class is in the back. It is also helpful for you to ask for help when you encounter danger, go!" Nie Xuanxing said.

While the two of them were talking, in front of Yun Lan and others from Yunxian Academy, there were also several people talking.

You don't have to listen to it, you can only get it, and I believe it is the same for what those people said.

"Then let's go!"

Qin Shaofeng spoke directly without any hesitation or politeness.

The six people all looked at him.

At first glance, their faces didn't seem to have changed.

In fact, the moment when the people from the two academies all reported their grades, there were waves in their hearts.

The level of the people who participated in the war in the endless college is too far away.

It is impossible for them not to worry.

However, Qin Shaofeng was still so arrogant, he didn't even wait for the words of his instructor to finish.

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