Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3802: Blue Scale Python

"Can you find out who the tail is and where is it?"

Qin Shaofeng thought for a moment, and felt more and more that he could do nothing about the tail behind.

The Sky Worm King suddenly fell into silence.

It's been a long time.

Judging from the constantly changing map where he got it from the Heavenly Void Insect King, he was already close to the range of those top class students Autumn Hunting.

The voice of Tianxu Insect King finally sounded in his consciousness again.

"The other party is likely to be an extremely powerful existence. The descendants I sent out have been within a distance of several tens of meters, and everything has been investigated clearly. There is absolutely no one there." Tianxu insect king said.

Qin Shaofeng's brows frowned suddenly.

Absolutely not.

He believes in the detection ability of the Sky Worm.

If someone really exists, even if they step into the void, they will not be able to escape the vision of the Void Worm.

Since Tianxu Insect King said absolute, there must be no falsehood.

Someone is following, what should I do?

Qin Shaofeng frowned and thought for a long time, and couldn't help muttering: "Forget it, no matter that, I will fight for my next practice!"

When the whispering ended, he rushed forward quickly.

His cultivation is only the fourth-order barren moon position.

Its speed is so fast that it can definitely match the power of Zhou Yue.

Although it is not a fast-moving speed, it is like an elf in the forest, taking off with the help of trees.

Every time he jumps, he can rush out several meters toward the front.

A few breathing times.

He has already come to the place where the top class students are trying.

Relying on the results of the investigation brought to him by the Tianxu Insect King, he held his breath with all his strength and quietly lurked forward.

Endless Academy dare not call the Cangming Realm the first, but it is also the top ten.

When it comes to level, it is even more of a top-notch existence.

Big and small family forces, who wouldn't want to send their younger disciples to endless college to study?

Even if the requirements for recruiting students at the endless college are extremely strict.

The people who want to squeeze in every year are still crowded.

Although the students in the academy have an upgrade exam every year, whether to participate in the exam depends on the student's feelings.

Because of this, there are tens of thousands of people in the top class.

Rao is that the Yunling Mountains are huge.

When the tens of thousands of students in the top class were integrated into this area, the exploration was still very clear.

After all, behind them are the lower-level class students who represent the endless college to participate in Bidou.

If they didn't do well enough, causing the students to have accidents, it would be really bad.

It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that these people make them extremely careful.

Qin Shaofeng was cautiously lurking, but he was also moving forward quickly.

According to his understanding, the people in the top class are scattered, forming a team similar to theirs, occupying many scattered places in this area.

For this reason, the front is drawn very long.

Qin Shaofeng lurked quickly for a long time.

He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally passed those people."

He sighed softly, and just about to hurry up, he felt a chill.

Hastily looked around.

Does that guy who is always staring at him want to shoot himself?

Probably not?

Isn't that guy not a human being, but some kind of strange star beast?

He quickly looked in all directions.

It doesn't matter if you don't look.

This glance immediately made him take a breath of cold air.

The imaginary human powerhouse did not notice, nor did he find anyone who was always staring at him.

Instead, a huge head appeared in the grass not far away.

The skull seems to have the thickness of a bucket.

It turned out to be a huge python lurking here, and was startled by his sudden appearance.

The head of the python is triangular.

The emerald green snake head and body make it easy to make mistakes when observing.

"It turned out to be a green scale python."

Qin Shaofeng frowned fiercely.

He has seen it in books.

This is a kind of python-like star beast, and its level is not too high.

But it has the size of an anaconda, and the poison of a poisonous snake. Even for some under-level existence, its combat power is very terrifying and very difficult.

"Nima, how come you came across this thing!"

Qin Shaofeng almost vomited blood with anger.

He still hasn't escaped the area that the top class students can explore.

Although it has come to the front of those students.

But if he did something with this green scale python, it would definitely attract the attention of the top class students.

That's not a good thing!

"Tian Xu, can you control that green scale python?" Qin Shaofeng asked immediately.

The Heavenly Void Insect King said: "Although that Jade Scale Python is good, I don’t feel as good as this Jade Dragon King. Master, you can bypass him directly. I will let my children and grandchildren take it down and let me use it for food. I made a big improvement."

"Then do it."

Qin Shaofeng didn't have much time to think.

Even though there were people staring at him behind him and in the air, he didn't want to really expose it. That kind of trouble was too much.

Thousands of Thunder came out.

His speed burst directly to the extreme, rushing out towards the forest in front of him.


Bilin Python noticed that he started to move, his huge figure still resembling electricity, and he exploded at Qin Shaofeng.

If you change to some time in the past, such an attack will naturally be no problem.

But its current attack is not realistic.

As soon as it moved, in those eyes that used thermal imaging to see things, it suddenly found that there were dense dots all over the sky.

Nothing is like a flying insect.

It shook its body subconsciously and swept towards the sky worm.

Facing common bugs.

Its tyrannical attack power, as well as the tyrannical scales, can make him an invincible existence.


It is facing the worm.

The combat power of the Void Insect is not amazing, only the ability to transform the void into the enemy's body to fight.

It happened to be this kind of ability. When dealing with many star beasts, they had absolute restraint ability.

If Qin Shaofeng hadn't found the problem and had taken the Tianxu insect king first, he would definitely die.

Although the attack of the blue scale python was powerful, it could not harm the incorporeal sky worm at all.

And when it attacks.

However, the celestial worm got into its body by virtue of its virtual body.

Swallowing, splitting, suddenly began.

In an instant.

The Bilin Python felt severe pain.

It had already lost the trace of Qin Shaofeng in its eyes, but it was no longer in the mood to pay attention to Qin Shaofeng's situation.

Just as human beings start autumn hunting once a year.

The autumn hunting place is actually a place where the star beasts hunted humans. Most of the humans they hunted in this battle will need to be handed over to the blood clan in the future.

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