Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3804: Jade Dragon King promotion

Qin Shaofeng was still galloping.

He has been far away from the place where the Jade Dragon King eats, and it is naturally impossible to know the communication of the next few people.

of course.

Even if he heard it, he wouldn't care too much.

Although the Jade Dragon King and the Sky Worm only exist in the legendary species, they are not his real trump cards, even if they are exposed.

As he was moving fast, he was constantly feeling that the Heavenly Void Insect controlled by the Heavenly Void Insect King was constantly degenerating.

The level of the Emerald Dragon King is difficult to say accurately.

But ran down this way.

Qin Shaofeng faintly felt that the level of the Jade Dragon King seemed to be comparable to himself.

Tier 4 Barren Moon?

What level is that Jade Scale Python?

Isn't it that the stuff is generally not very high?

It appeared outside Yunling again, shouldn't it be a high-level existence, right?

When the Emerald Dragon King swallowed the snake, he also evolved toward the position of God. How could it be comparable to himself?

"Tian Xu, what's the matter with that green scale python, it has such a good nourishing effect on the Green Dragon King?" Qin Shaofeng still couldn't hold back.


The Heavenly Void Insect King replied: "The Jade Scale Python was originally the low-grade existence of the Jade Dragon King, and that one Jade Scale Python still exists in old age. Although its combat power has degenerated to the yellow moon position, the toxicity and blood in its body can Bring great benefits to the Jade Dragon King."

"The position of the yellow moon? Do you want to say the position of the yellow moon?" Qin Shaofeng trembled.

He knew that the level said by the Heavenly Void Insect King was true, but he still didn't want to believe it.

"It is indeed the yellow moon."

The voice of the Heavenly Void Insect King seemed to be a little sad, saying: "The Green Dragon King is even rarer than ours, and my strength is no longer able to help the master, so my children and grandchildren have suffered a lot of damage in that battle."


Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt dizzy.

He finally knew how a group of celestial worms, who were not as good as their gods, managed to get a green scale python.

Tianxu insect is too small.

Moreover, it can also be transformed into nothingness. When he gathered all the celestial worms in the tomb of Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods, there were tens of thousands of them.

In the past two years, it has been developing towards 70,000.

Only in that battle, most of them were directly damaged.

One can imagine how cruel that silent battle was.

"Then how many worms are available for us now?" Qin Shaofeng hurriedly asked.

"About seventeen thousand."

The answer of Tianxu Insect King made Qin Shaofeng feel black.

Are you too dare to do this?

Suddenly damaged more than 50,000 Celestial Void Insects, just to help him quietly take down the Jade Scale Python, increase his cultivation base and help Qin Shaofeng.

This kind of courage really makes people speechless.

"You call the other celestial worms over here!"

Qin Shaofeng was heartbroken: "Besides, without my order in the future, you absolutely can't do this kind of thing anymore. The number of your children and grandchildren can't help you so much."

"If you really want it, even if I expose something, it will be much better than this."

"Yes, I understand."

Tianxu Chongwang's answer seemed to be very moving.

It has been with Qin Shaofeng for a long time.

I knew before that if I asked Qin Shaofeng, Qin Shaofeng would never be willing to waste his own tribe's life like this.

But as a wise race, it naturally knew what Qin Shaofeng was doing now.

It couldn't help Qin Shaofeng, so he felt very self-blame.

If Qin Shaofeng was asked to expose something that shouldn't be exposed in order to help him improve, it really didn't want to.

As for the issue of descendants, it is not within its scope of consideration.

Every time it let the Heavenly Void Insect army come out, it will leave a thousand cubs to grow in Qin Shaofeng's arms.

As long as there are it and the thousand cubs.

It is impossible for the Tianxu Clan to be destroyed.

Rao is psychologically prepared.

It still feels very heartbroken after discovering that more than 50,000 Void Insects had died in World War I.

Listening to Qin Shaofeng's words, how can it not be moved?

Such a moment.

Its digestion is finally completed, noting that Qin Shaofeng is still full of sorrow, and hastily said: "Master, my promotion is complete."

"So fast? What level are you now?"

Qin Shaofeng asked immediately.

The Heavenly Void Insect King replied: "The Desolate Moon is at the peak."

"This... so fast?" Qin Shaofeng felt a little dumbfounded.

The speed of the Jade Dragon King is too fast, right?

Follow this trend.

Doesn't it mean that by allowing it to swallow more powerful snakes, it will be able to raise it to a terrifying realm in a very fast time?

"In fact, it's already very slow."

The Heavenly Void Insect King replied: "When we just took this Jade Dragon King, it was already close to the growth stage."

"It's just that the land of the shining star does not have suitable food to help it grow, which causes it to be so weak all the time."

"But it's different now. It has truly entered the growth stage. As long as it has enough food supplies, it can reach the peak of the growth stage in a very short time."

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved: "Where is the peak of the growth period?"

"The peak of the moon."

The answer of Tianxu Chongwang made Qin Shaofeng more excited.

The peak of the moon!

Although it hasn't reached his expectations, it is enough to help him do too many things.

"It seems that we need to hurry up for the next period of time. If it doesn't work, I will ask the guy in the sky to come down and help." Qin Shaofeng's face suddenly appeared strange.

Tianxu insect king was speechless for a while.

It paid more than 50,000 lives for a Jade Scale Python, but was unwilling to let Qin Shaofeng interrupt the plan for him.

Then, isn't it a waste of money?

"Master, you don't actually need it. The star beasts that exist in this cloud forest are not enough to help me rise to the peak of my growth period." Tianxu Insect King replied.

"Whether we can or not, we have to speed up."

Qin Shaofeng did not answer its questions directly.

He came to Yunling Autumn Hunting, and it has been nearly three days, so there really isn't much time to waste.

After thinking about it, he quickly rushed in a direction that the Sky Void insect had explored.

There is a pack of gale wolves over there.

The hurricane wolf is not a melee star beast, but an existence similar to a human mage.

If ordinary people hear of this existence, they will definitely avoid it.

Facing them is almost at the same time facing a large group of powerful magicians of unknown level, and that is just looking for death.

Qin Shaofeng is an exception.

When he faced the blood wolf, he already knew clearly that if his attack was against a tyrannical star beast, it would be difficult to cause trauma to it.

Under the surveillance of the air and behind him, he dared not let Li Naling and others come out to help.

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