Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3807: Tear space

"Why, don't you believe him?"

There was a strange light shining deep in Luo Tianyang's eyes.

He had seen Qin Shaofeng's methods with his own eyes, and knew that although this kid was young, his combat experience was not comparable to ordinary people.

All he lacks is insight.

As long as he can test out the abilities of the Storm Wolf, and want to break through it, or even kill the Storm Wolf, it seems that it is not impossible.

"It is clear that you trust this kid too much. Let's not talk about the difference in strength and quantity. You just need to tell me how to get close to the kid." Yunxian Academy Deputy Dean said.

"I do not know."

Luo Tianyang shook his head and saw a smile appeared in the eyes of the vice-president of Yunxian Academy, so he continued, "But I believe that kid will be able to kill the Storm Wolf."


The deputy dean of Yunxian Academy was immediately speechless.

This guy is too blind, right?

Ask yourself.

If you change the position of Qin Shaofeng, with your own combat experience, it is almost impossible to find a way to kill those blast wolves.

Why does that kid do what he can't do?

"Why, don't you believe it?" Luo Tianyang asked this question again.

"I don't believe it naturally."

The deputy dean of Yunxian Academy finally answered positively.

"Since you don't believe it, how about we make a bet?"

Luo Tianyang finally couldn't help flashing the smile deep in his eyes, and said: "I bet he can kill the pack of hurricane wolves. You bet he can't do it, you place a bet!"

The vice-president of Yunxian Academy looked strange in his eyes.

He could clearly feel that Luo Tianyang had punished him.

But even if he wanted to break his scalp, he couldn't figure out how Qin Shaofeng could break through this layer of defense.

But... gambling?

"The old man does not gamble. If the kid can really kill him, the old man admits that he is very powerful, and vice versa." The vice president of Yunxian Academy said indifferently.

Luo Tianyang was dumbfounded.

Didn’t you apply the set just now?

Why did he change his mind in the blink of an eye?

The changes in his expression were all in the eyes of the vice-president of Yunxian Academy, making the vice-president of Yunxian Academy more and more confused.

That kid is impossible to win no matter how you look at it!

But Luo Tianyang's confidence in him was too great, and he even used this matter to cheat the old man.

But the problem remains the same.

Why can this kid kill him?

He was puzzled.

Qin Shaofeng rushed towards Dust Wind Wolf once again.

"I want to see how long you can stop me."

He burst into mouth while sprinting.

Anyway, all this way, he resisted the wind blade attack of the Storm Wolf, and he didn't need to do anything.

During the sprint, he opened the space map.

Tiantu opens.

He immediately saw the cracks in the space.

I saw it.

But he could also perceive for the first time that the spatial cracks in the Cangming Realm were very difficult to tear.

If it is a general martial artist of the same realm, it is useless even if it can be seen.

He can indeed do it.

But even the horror of his energy and blood, I am afraid he can only tear it two or three times at most.

In other words, he only has two opportunities.

It's best to get it done once.

Mind electrical transfer.

He has the urge to scold his mother.

Who are they secretly following him, can't the two old guys in the air be so nervous?

I only need that moment to be enough!

One year of library reading.

He also already knew what kind of terrifying martial arts Thunder Thousand Flash was.

That is the core of the Three Laws of Qi Cai Zhenjun.

Rao already has a disciple background of the endless mountain generation, if it is exposed, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

Therefore, the thunder thousand flashes after martial arts fusion can be used.

But the characteristic ability of Thunder Thousand Flashes cannot be used casually.

When he cursed secretly in his heart, he appeared in his previous position again.

The glaucoma in the eyes of Hayate Wolf King flickered again.

"Nie Hu, are you still planning to use the same method on Xiaoye?"

"Drive me!"

Qin Shaofeng's left hand suddenly tore in the void on the right side of his body.

The hurricane condensed, forming a tornado under his feet.

When the tornado was about to wrap his body to a hundred meters away, he clung to the entrance of the space crack, escaped from the tornado swept, and entered the space crack.

"Tear space!"

"He can tear the space!"

Two exclamations sounded from the air at the same time.

At this time, the two of them were already messed up in the wind.

Whether it was Luo Tianyang, who believed that Qin Shaofeng had a way, or the deputy dean of Yunxian Academy, who was almost fooled, they all had exactly the same expression.

Torn space is very common in Cangming world.

Many people who understand the powerful existence of space art are all driving their way by tearing space.

However, the consumption caused by tearing the space is not the ordinary warrior can bear.

Even the most terrifying pride of the Kun Family, he seemed to be able to do it only when he reached the peak of Yuyue Position.

Ordinary people who have a cultivation base less than the yellow moon position are simply unimaginable.

And that's still a tear, and it can't do more.

But the almost impossible situation appeared in Qin Shaofeng.

"Luo Tianyang, he, how can he tear the space?" The vice president of Yunxian Academy still asked in shock.

"Don't ask me, I don't know, this kid is not a human being!"

Luo Tianyang himself failed to come out of the shock: "Even the Kunjia...No! If the Kunjia Space Sky Map is successful in cultivation, there seems to be something special...No!"


The dean of Yunxian Academy yelled angrily: "The Kunjia Tiantu Level 1 Consummation, consumes 1,000 bloodshots to tear it, Level 2 consumes 800, and Level 2 Consummation consumes 500."

"But is this just a statement, okay?"

"Huangyuewei cultivation base, even if it explodes with all its strength, it cannot tear the space crack apart, let alone the consumption of tearing the space crack."

"That kid is only a Tier 1 barren moon, and only 70 or 80 bloodshots can die. Why does he tear the crack?"

Luo Tianyang closed his mouth again.

What he didn't say just now was that he had already thought of this kind of thing, so he didn't dare to continue speaking.

But I have to admit that Qin Shaofeng really did it!

With their eyesight, how could it not be possible that the spatial cracks Qin Shaofeng tore were true or not?

But but but but.

How did he do it?

Too unscientific!

Take a breath.

Among the hurricane wolves, the space of heaven and earth suddenly fluctuated.

I saw a big white hand appeared from the space, and tore it to the side, cracks appeared in the space.

Qin Shaofeng's figure suddenly rushed out of the space crack.

"Wrong calculation, wrong calculation, the consumption of tearing space is still too terrifying, I need to tear twice when I enter and exit, I don't have the next chance." Qin Shaofeng whispered, and slew towards Dust Wind Wolf.

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