Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3809: Keep secret

"So...you also believe that he can kill all these hurricane wolves?"

Luo Tianyang's eyes were gleaming.

From the very beginning, he knew that Qin Shaofeng should have many secrets.

Whether it is just the tearing space.

Or perhaps the cultivation base breath of the fourth-order barren moon position.

Fourth-order barren moon position.

In their eyes, it is still weak enough to look at the existence.

But this kind of cultivation level, appearing on Qin Shaofeng, who had clearly only had a first-order cultivation base before, obviously represented too many things.

After going through the gambling game he said before.

How could he not know that the vice-president of Yunxian Academy would easily not agree to the gambling game he said?

Rao is so, he still never thought of giving up.

"Who thinks like that?"

The deputy dean of Yunxian Academy gave him a vicious look.

He really hated Luo Tianyang to the point of itching.

This guy can be shameless to this level. Wouldn't he never give up without betting with the old man?

"Since what you think is different from what I think, how good is it for us to gamble?" Luo Tianyang laughed.

His laughter made the vice president of Yunxian Academy more and more unhappy.

"The old man has no money!"

The vice president of Yunxian Academy roared.

"Then let's not gamble."

Luo Tianyang spoke very generously and said: "Then let's bet a word, this kid is the secret of our endless college. I have told you too much just now. If you are an old man talking nonsense, it's not Wonderful!"

"Furthermore, if that kid really learns the endless seal to use it, it is likely to cause a lot of things."

"If you lose, you only need to swear to Cangming Will and never tell anyone about him until the day when he personally tells the truth, how about?"


The vice president of Yunxian Academy looked back in surprise.

Just listen to the story.

Every sentence of Luo Tianyang seems to be okay.

But he didn't know what was going on, and he always felt that there was something wrong inside.

But look at Qin Shaofeng's situation on the ground again.

But he couldn't think that he might jump into Luo Tianyang's dug pit.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng has been here for three breathing times.

If he really had the combat power Luo Tianyang imagined, he would definitely not be so unbearable.

In that case, how should Luo Tianyang win?

He thought for a moment in his mind.

"Since it's a gambling game, you can't just let the old man pay on one side. What do you old guy plan to use to gamble against me?" The vice president of Yunxian College said solemnly.

"The bet is fair, you might as well tell the old man a secret. If the old man loses, you can promise not to say anything, how about it?" Luo Tianyang laughed shamelessly.

I want people to swear that I still want to use such a bet to speak.

I really haven't seen anyone more shameless than this old guy!

The vice president of Yunxian Academy thought very uncomfortably in his heart.


A glint flashed in his eyes.

He could see that Luo Tianyang wanted to help Qin Shaofeng hide secrets from beginning to end.

If this were not the case, there would be no such situation.

Since he insisted on not giving up.

Doesn't you have a good opportunity?

Thinking of the conditions Luo Tianyang just said, he was really moved.

"Old things, what you think is too beautiful. It is extremely shameless to ask the old man to keep the secrets for you, but still refuse to pay!" Yunxian Academy's vice president roared.

Luo Tianyang did not show weakness: "Who said that I would not pay, it is clear that you don't want it, OK?"

"Who said the old man doesn't want it anymore?"

The vice-president of Yunxian Academy restored his original appearance.

If a student from Yunxian Academy saw it, he would definitely not dare to think that this seemingly amiable, but in fact, powerful and domineering deputy dean would have the expression and words just like that before.

"Bet on fairness. Since you have to bet with me, naturally you have to show sincerity. Just the heart you just mentioned." He said with a smile that seemed indifferent.

In a word, Luo Tianyang's face turned black immediately.

If it was possible, he would definitely scold him back.

But as the vice-president of Yunxian Academy said, betting is fair.

At least in his opinion, this bet is fair.

Not to mention, time has been delayed for so long, and there is a possibility that something will happen to Qin Shaofeng.

"It's hard to chase a gentleman with a word!" Luo Tianyang responded directly.

The deputy dean of Yunxian Academy was shocked when he heard this.

So... agreed?

In his opinion, no matter how much Luo Tianyang wants him to help keep the secret, he can't pay such a high price!

Suspicious for a long while.

Then he looked back at Qin Shaofeng and Dafeng Wolves.

He didn't think that Qin Shaofeng had the possibility of winning.

Since it is a bet, you should always take some risks.

Not to mention the relationship between the two academies is pretty good, even if you really know many secrets of Qin Shaofeng, you can't just talk about it outside.

Use this point as a bet to bet on a heart crystal, it seems that you only make a profit without losing it!

"Okay, then bet like that."


"Aw! Aw! Aw!"

The Dean of Yunxian Academy had just promised, and the howling of wolves continued to resound.

Both of them looked at the ground together.

I saw the twenty or so dying wolves that survived, all with painful eyes, constantly scratching the ground, it seemed very painful.

Even the Great Wind Wolf King seemed to be shaking all over.

"This, this, this...what happened?" The vice president of Yunxian Academy immediately exclaimed.

In contrast, Luo Tianyang sighed fortunately.

If he didn't directly agree just now, but instead provoke a few more words, I am afraid that everything will come to nothing.

He could clearly hear what Qin Shaofeng rushed into the wolf pack.

Tianxu, what is Tianxu?

He didn't understand, but his eyes fixed on Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng heard those wolves howling, and finally stood firm, put away the ghost war sword, replaced it with an ordinary war sword, and walked towards the blast wolf step by step.

"A group of beasts, do you really think you can stop me?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled disdainfully, then rushed out.

The blast wolves found him rushing up again, and all the blast wolves performed their wind blade attacks together.

But they are too poisoned.

Even if he stops attacking, it is impossible to resist.

Wind Blade just used a simple round, and they all went down.

Qin Shaofeng took advantage of this moment and rushed forward, slashing at the neck of Dust Wind Wolf one by one.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing the Universe Powerful Wind Wolf and earning 200 Star and Moon points."

"system hint……"

The system sounds one after another, making Qin Shaofeng's face more and more joyful.

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