Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3816: Drug List

"its not right!"

"Isn't the Jade Dragon King a proud creature that never recognizes the Lord?"

"How could it become that kid's pet?"

"It seems that even the Great Emperor of the Void Realm can't do it, right?"

The vice-president of Yunxian Academy passed through.

His question caused Luo Tianyang to roll his eyes fiercely.

Xindao: If you don't know, I can know?

Although both of them are people of two major forces, they are even the second figures in the academy, but they are not figures in the imaginary world a thousand years ago.

If you change to endless essays here, it will certainly not be like this.

"Since the kid can handle the Jade Dragon King, he naturally has his chance, let's not think so much." Luo Tianyang shook his head.

But my heart is about to bloom.

Fortunately, the old man has already made this old man swear, it feels cool to think about it!

But well!

This old man can't ask others. After I go back, I have to ask the dean for advice. Can this legendary proud creature be subdued?

And the person who subdued it was still such a weak little guy?

When everyone was thinking, the Jade Dragon King moved.

I saw that little mouth opened and sucked suddenly.

The poisonous mist in the air in front of Qin Shaofeng seemed to condense quickly.

In the blink of an eye.

The poisonous mist in the air is like a condensate that turns into a glass ball, and it is gently sucked into the mouth.

In a short time, everything became transparent.

But when Qin Shaofeng and others saw the situation in front clearly, they all took a deep breath.


Long Xiaoxiao screamed.

Rolling his eyes, he fainted directly in Long Haoyue's arms.

Don't blame her for being timid.

The scene in front of me is really terrifying.

Just as the celestial worm explored.

The venomous snakes here are divided into three types, one is green all over, and there are blood red patterns in the green.

A blood red with black patterns in the blood.

The last one is pitch black, with a raised object shining dark green and blood on top of the head.

It can be seen that the three types of venomous snakes respect which black venomous snake.

Red and green poisonous snakes are scattered on both sides of the black snake.

From the feet to the trees, among the leaves, there are countless snakes.

Countless venomous snakes kept spitting out snake letters.

Even Qin Shaofeng felt a tingling scalp after seeing this scene, let alone Long Xiaoxiao.

"Jade top king snake, blood rose, green scales!"

Qin Shaofeng called out the names of the three poisonous snakes.

His year in the academy was not in vain.

He had already gone over most of the books, and he could recognize most of the existence of Cangming Realm.

These three types of poisonous snakes are among the top 100 existences on the Cangming Poison List.

Any kind, just a small bite, can instantly kill the Wu Xiu who is below the Yaoxing position.

"Jade... Yuding!"

"Scarlet Rose……"

"Green scales..."

Xiao Liu and others didn't know these poisonous snakes.

But when Qin Shaofeng called out the names of all three types of poisonous snakes, their legs trembled with fright.

Long Xiaoxiao, who had just been rescued by Long Haoyue, immediately rolled his eyes again when hearing these three names and fainted again.

Long Haoyue almost spit out blood.

I had known that Qin Shaofeng was very capable, and the Star Beast that had to be killed by them was absolutely difficult.

But he couldn't think of it, it turned out to be a terrifying existence.

Rao is that he usually prides himself on being calm enough, and at this moment he also feels deep anxiety in his heart.

"Xue Xiao Qin, these guys can't be offended, let's go back!" Long Haoyue hurriedly shouted.

"Yes, that's right, if you run for your life now, you might still have time."

"Quick, go!"

"School brother, I will take you, let's go."

"I can't play this game!"

In the voices of Xiao Liu and the others, there was a deep cry.

The scene before me was really scary.

Don't say it's going to fight, even if they stay here for a while, they feel like they are going to be scared to death.

"It looks like I was so rash."

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help taking a breath, and said, "You don't have a strong defense treasure on your body. There is no need to take a risk with me, you go back quickly."

"How about you, brother?" one person asked quickly.

Qin Shaofeng glanced back at him.

This person's presence is very low.

He still remembered that when Long Haoyue introduced before, this seemed to be Zhang Ye, the third character in their team, with a strong moon in the eighth level.

"Luo Tianyang Management Committee is responsible for my safety, you don't need to control it."

Qin Shaofeng shook his head, looked at the snakes in front of him again, and said: "Moreover, I have a fake Yao suit on my body. These poisonous snakes can't kill me."

"Yao Shenyi!?"

The six exclaimed again.

They suddenly remembered the first place they saw, the ruined battlefield of wolves.

Even if the seven of them joined forces, it would be difficult to kill dozens of blast wolves.

Why did Qin Shaofeng do it?

Now I understand.

The blast wolf's attack and defense methods are indeed powerful.

But the level of the blast wolf is generally not very high, and the attack falls on the Yaoshen's clothing, which is simply worse than tickle.

"Tian Xu, go!"

Qin Shaofeng looked at such a large group of poisonous snakes, his eyes flashed with desire.

He wants to be promoted to the Eternal Moon Rank, he needs one hundred thousand stars and moon values, and any poisonous snake in front of him is actually at the Eternal Moon Rank level, and the killing will be a huge number.

If you kill enough, you can also increase your martial arts value quickly.

Plus the upgrade of the Emerald Dragon King.

This is a great thing with three birds with one stone!

Thinking in mind.

He had already raised the War Sword Ghost Song in his hand.


The three groups of snakes seem to be impatient.

When he raised the sword, like a tidal wave of snakes, it surged towards him.

"Ghost cut!"

Qin Shaofeng screamed, and the breath of the ninth-rank barren moon erupted completely.

The sword ghost in his hand suddenly slashed towards the nearest green scales.

"The Ninth-order Wild Moon Position?"

"It turns out that this is his real cultivation base."

"Cocoa, but that's just a barren moon!"

Only then did Long Haoyue and others really see Qin Shaofeng's cultivation status.

Not only did they feel their heads dizzy.

After all, Qin Shaofeng's record is really terrifying.

In their hearts, Qin Shaofeng had long been regarded as an existence similar to their cultivation base.

Desolate Moon Position is too far beyond their expectations.

How can you kill so many tyrannical star beasts in a mere barren moon?

They are in shock.

Seeing one by one, the Jade Dragon King also moved, spitting out the dark green poisonous mist.

The poisonous fog speed is faster than Qin Shaofeng's attack speed.

Just in the blink of an eye, the poisonous mist has enveloped a large area of ​​poisonous snakes.

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