Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3827: We bibi

"So, Dean Wen is not optimistic about that kid anymore?"

The smile on Yun Cheng's face was closed, and he felt that there was something in the words of endless text.

Is there anything else I don’t know?

I saw endless text shaking his head again and again.

"You have seen that kid's cultivation base, how can it be comparable to the sum of the achievements of the two Zhouyue little girls?" Hentai Wen laughed.

Everyone was speechless again.

Even if there is really no chance, you don’t seem to be so blunt, right?

"Dean Wen doesn't need to be presumptuous now." Yun Cheng smiled.

"No, no, the old man just told the truth."

Endless Wen smiled and said: "It's just that since we have opened a gambling game, we naturally have to gamble on luck. Since everyone is not optimistic about that kid, how about you and I increase the bet?"

"Winning or losing depends on luck."

Everyone was shocked by his words.

Yun Cheng even looked at him dumbfounded.

First of all, he said that it was worthless to belittle Qin Shaofeng, but when he opened his mouth, he wanted to increase the bet.

This, this, this...

Yun Cheng felt that he was going to be covered.

What is this?

"In that case, Dean Wen is still optimistic about that kid!"

Yun Cheng shook his head, feeling more and more unable to see through the endless text.

He also thought that Qin Shaofeng could not win the next two women.

But the attitude of endless text is too weird.

The original gambling agreement between the two parties came because of endless text.

Even if they had Yun Lan in Yunxian Academy, he had never thought of such things.

If the personnel of both sides are sure, he feels even more weird.

This is even more so now.

Is it because the endless money is so much that I want to lose some to myself?

Or is that Qin Shaofeng really terrifying to that degree?

What is all this?

Especially when things are up now, he even asked to increase the stakes.

Does he want to raise the bet, or does he want to stop me with words and then ask to withdraw the bet?

No, nothing can be done.

Yun Cheng thought about it, and said: "Small gambling, but if the gambling appointment is too big, it will be bad."

"Then we might as well..."

"Moreover, the small gambling contract has already been opened, so naturally there is no mention of it being removed."

"So! It's fine as usual."

Between each sentence of Yuncheng, a little time was reserved.

But I didn't expect that the time left for the first time would be interrupted by endless text, and the next sentence that followed immediately blocked it back.

When these words were said, the students of Yunxian Academy immediately gave a secret compliment: High!

A simple sentence, but it is blocked before and after, making endless text no longer available.

"You old thing is really shameless, but don't you really think that your Yunxian Academy can win, do you?" Hentai Wen still laughed.

Laughed very happily.

"It's okay to gamble on it."

Dean Yun Cheng also laughed.

Every word of the two makes people feel that there is something in the words, but they can't figure out what is hidden.

No, it should not be said to be all.

At least Meng Na and Wu Shuang were unmoved.

They witnessed the existence of Qin Shaofeng's terrorist combat power with their own eyes.

Rao knew that Qin Shaofeng's cultivation was insufficient.

However, that invincible RMB equipment was enough to help Qin Shaofeng achieve gains far beyond everyone's imagination.

Between the two conversations, two figures flew in the sky.

The figure flashed.

Luo Tianyang and Qi Bai had fallen in front of the two deans.

"President, Qin Shaofeng has returned."

The two spoke in unison.

As soon as he said this, he looked towards Yunling Mountain with a hundred thousand eyes.

Sure enough, a group of eight figures were galloping down the mountain.

In a moment.

Eight people have already returned.

Qin Shaofeng went directly to Wu Shuang and the others.

But the Seven Long Haoyue moved towards the top class.

"Senior Long Haoyue?"

"How can the kid be with the seniors and others?"

"It seems, it seems..."

"That kid in endless college, aren't you the star beasts hunted together with the top class, are you?"

"No wonder Wu Shuang is so confident, so you guys even did this kind of thing?"

"Shameless, too shameless."

The 100,000 students from the two academies all thought together in one direction.

The difference is that when the people from the endless academy talked about which part, Qi Qi shut up, but the people from the Yunlan Academy kept scolding.

The scolding was intense.

They were indeed heading towards Qin Shaofeng.

But no one noticed that the faces of certain two have become increasingly ugly.

"Shut up all to the old man!"

Qi Bai couldn't bear it first, and roared: "This time the two colleges are in a gambling battle, the old man is the person responsible for notarizing both parties on behalf of our Yunxian Academy. Are you saying that the old man did not fulfill his duties?"

Everyone in Yunxian Academy closed their mouths together.

They were just outraged just now, and they really didn't expect this.

The vice president is personally responsible.

I can still guess that the people of the endless college are making ghosts, isn't this distrust of the vice president?

Yun Cheng saw Qi Bai's anger, and he was also happy.

It seems that the little guy named Qin Shaofeng didn't use any conspiracy, otherwise Qi Bai wouldn't be like this.

People in the two colleges naturally understood the meaning of Qi in the vernacular.

Qin Shaofeng didn't get help from Long Haoyue and others?


Isn't this abnormal gambling still without any suspense?

"Now that everyone has arrived, don't waste everyone's time."

Yun Cheng said in a deep voice, "Qin Shaofeng, the previous competition between your two teams was calculated as a tie, and then you and Yun Lan will compete in the final. Which of you wins the higher will represent which side wins."

"Compare the two of us?"

Qin Shaofeng glanced at Yun Lan in surprise.

Looking at the star beast corpses on the ground again, a smile appeared in his eyes.

The team at Yunxian Academy is indeed much stronger than the team he leads.

However, he clearly saw the pile of snake corpses and hundreds of corpses.

Since Wu Shuang and others can only get a hundred corpses, how many can the team at Yunxian Academy get?

Double? three times?

It is absolutely impossible to be higher.

When he thought of this, a bright smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Captain Yun Lan, since there are only two of us left here, there is no need for one to come first and start taking out the corpse at the same time?"

Yun Lan was taken aback for a moment.

Xindao: Does this kid really have a small gain, and dare to compare with me?

"It's okay."

She put away the waves in her heart, and went forward.

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng would not wait to strike Yun Lan in the face.

That's really cool.

But he was not a young person, and he knew that he would really make Yun Lan the most cruel.

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