Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3829: amazing

"She actually has 273 star beast corpses in her hand?"

"This, how does this compare?"

"No matter how powerful Qin Shaofeng is, he is only Tier 1... Uh, it seems that he is now a Tier 2 barren moon cultivation base, how can he kill so many star beasts?"

"Even if he has invincible defense, he can't kill so many star beasts if he doesn't attack enough."

"It looks like that kid is going to work for Zun Xiandian for nothing."

When the students from the two colleges heard Yun Lan's words, Qi Qi felt sad for Qin Shaofeng.

Two hundred and seventy-three star beasts.

It seems that only about half of the advanced class can have such a gain, right?

Almost all intermediate classes dare not think.

But Yun Lan can produce so much.

Although she had already said it, it was the sum of her and Li Xian.

But that is also something in the hands of others.

Qin Shaofeng, how can he fight with others?

After Yun Lan's words were spoken, even Wu Shuang, who had a lot of confidence in Qin Shaofeng, suffered a sudden cardiac arrest.

Did you lose?

"More than two hundred star beasts, haha!"

When Lu Liu heard Yun Lan's proud voice, a look of sadness flashed in his eyes.

He couldn't help but remember when he was following Qin Shaofeng.

Pieces of star beasts.

Especially two or three hundred can describe?

Even if you don't count the thousands of venomous snakes in the final three large snake groups, you can't compete with these two or three hundred!

His voice is not very loud, it is in the crowd.

People who hear it are extremely rare, and most people don't care.

But Yun Cheng, the dean of Yunxian Academy, looked back curiously.

At a glance, he saw many things in Lu Liu's eyes.

There was a ‘cock’ in my heart.

Not good!

There is a problem with that kid's gain!

Yun Cheng, the dean of Yunxian Academy, just thought of this when he saw that Qin Shaofeng was already moving.

The same is pouring out.

One pile, two piles.

The look of many people soon began to become weird.

Falling out like him and Yun Lan.

No matter how many star beast corpses were in the space ring, they couldn't hold them from falling out like this.

Nearly three hundred corpses.

Yun Lan had already poured out in a moment.

But when she raised her head to look towards Qin Shaofeng, trying to see Qin Shaofeng's stunned eyes, she was shocked to discover.

Qin Shaofeng still did not look up.

The number of star beast corpses that Qin Shaofeng poured out seemed to have exceeded her feet by a lot.

It looked like it still didn't look like all of it was taken out.

Qin Shaofeng was still falling down there.

One pile, one pile, another pile.

Seeing just the accumulation of star beast corpses, it far surpassed her.

Qin Shaofeng didn't even plan to stop.

There should be four hundred, right?

Still not over.

Five hundred, right?

Six hundred, right?

The corners of Yun Lan's mouth had already moved fiercely.

Her eyes were even more round, as if she couldn't believe what she saw.

Don't say it was her, even the people from the two major academies had their eyes widened.

"Is this kid sure that he has managed so many star beasts?"

"The quantity is too much, right?"

"Even if you don't count them, it seems that there are already more than six hundred, right?"

"Look at that pile, it looks like a hurricane wolf, right?"

"Yes, that's Hurricane Wolf."

"Hi! Foggy grass!"

"When we were moving forward, we saw a trace of the raging wolves raging, and there were blood stains on the ground. I always thought it was Senior Long and others who did it, but I didn't expect it to be the wolf pack that this kid destroyed."

"There should be more than 30 Hurricane Wolves in this number?"

"When I just watched him fall, it seemed that there were still a few underneath. There should be about forty, right?"

"Forty...foggy grass..."

"How on earth did that kid manage to manage so many hurricane wolves?"

"Forty hurricane wolves can already be regarded as a lot of wolves!"

"It seems that if we change to our team, when we encounter such wolves, we can only ask for help, right?"

"That kid managed to get a pack of wolves on his own?"

"What are the wolves, look at what they are?"

Another person pointed to another pile up.

That place is not small.

But the number of star beasts is the least.

Just because a star beast with the largest body occupied it.

"Is that... ape?"

"The Frost Great Ape, with the ability of frost spells, can freeze enemies into ice sculptures at extremely long distances."

"It seems that at least Yuyuewei exists, right?"

"The Frost Great Ape was also beheaded by that kid?"

"It's too unscientific. That kid is not the pinnacle powerhouse, how can he kill so many terrifying magic star beasts by himself?"

Someone mentioned the word spell, and everyone soon discovered one thing in common.

Most of the star beast corpses that Qin Shaofeng tilted out were spell star beasts.

Its physical strength is comparable to the star beast of the same realm, and it is completely unable to whisper in the same day.

But they all have extremely powerful and strange spell abilities.

For students from the academy, they often prefer to face those physically tyrannical and defensive existences, rather than facing such existences with unpredictable abilities.

But when Qin Shaofeng was here, everything turned around.

The clattering sound still keeps coming.

When the star beast corpse he had taken out by himself was already comparable to the sum taken out by everyone before, he finally stopped.

"I don't know if these star beast corpses can exceed your number of nearly 300?" Qin Shaofeng looked up at Yun Lan.

One sentence made everyone feel a sense of despair.

Yun Lan felt even more angry.

You took out so many star beast corpses, and even said such a sentence, is it not enough to embarrass me?

"Vice President, are you sure that these star beasts were killed by him alone?"

Li Xian came out suddenly.

Her face is much uglier than Yun Lan.

They are not people who will admit defeat.

But Qin Shaofeng took out too many star beast corpses.

It has gone to an extent that they cannot bear.

In addition, Qin Shaofeng had come out with Long Haoyue and others before, how could she not think too much?

Everyone looked at Qi Bai, the vice president once again.

Rao has the previous storm.

The number of star beast corpses that Qin Shaofeng took out was so large that the students in the top class felt unreal.

So much so that they would rather believe that Qi Bai did not see clearly than the scene they witnessed with their own eyes.

"I know you don't want to believe it, but before you ask me, it's best to see what kind of existence the star beasts are." Qi Bai sighed, shaking his head repeatedly.

Everyone was taken aback again.

What does Vice President Qi Bai mean?

Is there any mystery in this?

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