Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3833: Decentralization

"Shut up all of you!"

When Qin Shaofeng waited for a while, a deep shout came from the direction of the teaching building.

The voice came from Long Haoyue.

The people surrounding Qin Shaofeng suddenly stepped back after hearing the sound.

This can be seen.

What status has Long Haoyue reached in the top class?

The crowd quickly gave way to a straight road.

I saw Long Haoyue seven people at the end of the road, walking towards him.

"Xuedi Qin, I heard that you slept for a few days. Did you just go to the teacher?" Long Haoyue asked.

"Not to the classroom."

Qin Shaofeng shook his head and said: "As early as two months ago, Teacher Nie Xuanxing said that she has nothing to teach me. Let me learn by myself. If you have any questions, just go to her again."

Everyone fell silent immediately.

Nie Xuanxing and Ye Leng have been teaching in lower-level classes for many years.

Many of them came out of the two-person class.

They have a deep understanding of Nie Xuanxing's horror.

In their understanding.

Instructor Nie Xuanxing only had such a good temper when he disagreed with the students?

"Awesome! It is indeed one of the most famous scholars in the history of the academy."

Long Haoyue couldn't help holding out her thumb.

His words are not flattery.

Qin Shaofeng was not well-known before, but no one paid attention to his situation deliberately.

After this autumn hunt.

All his words and deeds after entering the academy are all well known.

Break into the academy.

Nearly one year after he was admitted to the hospital, he spent almost 70% of his time in the library.

Even when I returned to the classroom, I was always listening.

After the course is finished, I return to the library directly.

This kind of schooling process, in their opinion, is simply inferior to the former digital masters.

Qin Shaofeng's face was full of black lines, and he immediately changed the subject, saying, "Senior Long, I need your help for something I am coming to see you this time."

"what's up?"

Long Haoyue asked.

"The dean wants me to be responsible for recruiting students this year, but I don't know anything about recruiting students, and I want seniors to help." Qin Shaofeng said directly.

For a while, everyone was stunned.

Long Haoyue's eyes widened even more.

Didn’t I make a mistake just now?

The recruitment of students in the academy is a major matter, and the staff in the office is responsible for everything.

How come this little guy who has just entered school in charge this year?

The doubts in my heart are thick.

Long Haoyue also felt that this was an opportunity.

There are indeed a lot of opportunities for experience in the academy, but for similar major events, under normal circumstances, it is not their turn to play.

Qin Shaofeng was a fierce man who even dared to be in charge of Luo.

If they only go to help, even if there is an accident, I believe they will not be blamed.

This is a great thing!

"This is a good thing, but should we talk to the person above?" Long Haoyue asked with joy.

"No, the dean has already said that I can come to you for help." Qin Shaofeng smiled.

"Then what should we do now?"

Long Haoyue passed over with joy, but suddenly felt a foggy mind.

He has only participated in the college assessment, but has never been responsible for such things.


What kind of existence does Endless Academy exist, and how can it simply conduct admissions assessment?

They are simply not qualified!

"I haven't participated in the assessment, how do I know this?"

Qin Shaofeng shrugged and asked: "When you entered the academy, what assessments did you conduct and how did you conduct it?"

Long Haoyue opened her mouth and looked back at Long Xiaoxiao.

Long Xiaoxiao directly answered: "When we entered the academy, we had a total of seven assessments, namely, literary test, talent test, temperament test, Tongtian Road, mountain hunting, combat layoffs, and finally on paper."

She just said the name of each assessment.

Qin Shaofeng was able to hear every name and understand the general situation.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Let's go to the office first."

Long Haoyue and others were all excited.

They will not be dazzled by joy directly.

Long Haoyue said: "Little Six, you go and ask for leave from your tutor, and then go and join us."


Lu Liu rushed back towards the teaching building.

The six Long Haoyue followed Qin Shaofeng away.

As soon as they walked out of the martial arts arena, an uproar rang from the martial arts arena.

Qin Shaofeng, a mere junior class student, was able to become the chief examiner for recruiting students this year, which shocked everyone.

Secondly, Long Haoyue and the others got the chance to experience this time, which also made them envy and hate.

When it comes to strength, Long Haoyue and others are the pinnacles of the top class.

But they are very clear.

Long Haoyue and the others got this opportunity not because of their cultivation, but because they met Qin Shaofeng.

Envy belongs to envy, but they can do nothing about it.

Who told them to find Qin Shaofeng's trail?

All the way to the office.

Office manager Zhang has been waiting for a long time.

See them coming.

Chu Zhang immediately got up, greeted them personally, and said, "I have been waiting for your arrival after I got the dean's order. Please sit down, please."

Qin Shaofeng followed him into the office living room.

Suddenly found out.

Where is the office?

Almost all the people he had met sat where they belonged, staring at him curiously.

"Guan Shi, although the dean gave me the task of recruiting students this time, I don't know anything about recruiting students. I dare to ask Guan Shi Zhang, how did the office do it in the past?" Qin Shaofeng was straightforward. Asked.

"Naturally proceed according to your wishes, little friend."

Zhang Chuxin laughed and said: "There are seven places for training in our college, but only three are suitable for recruiting students. We used to use Tongtian Road in the past. I don't know what you plan to do, little friend?"

The information in Qin Shaofeng's heart is even stronger.

It seems that this is a complete decentralization.

It seems that no matter what I want to do, no one will take care of it.

"How are the personnel arranged?" He continued to ask.

"The personnel may need Qin Xiaoyou to find a way."

Chu Zhang looked embarrassed and said, "The dean said that we have other things to do, just leave everything to the little friend, so I can't help it!"

"This right... is really complete!"

Qin Shaofeng felt speechless, and asked again: "Don't you need some people to invigorate the exam when you recruited students?"

"Although our office only has more than 20 people, it is enough, and there is also Manager Luo who is responsible for presiding, there is no need to have too many people." Zhang Chu answered truthfully.

Hearing that, Long Haoyue's faces became difficult to look at first.

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