Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3840: Start of assessment

It is a well-known thing that the assessment of Infinite Academy is extremely difficult.

But where is the specific difficulty, everyone knows it.

Those who dare to come are naturally talented.

However, the literary test required by the endless colleges often finds it difficult for many people. Even people from large families will find it difficult to face this kind of test.

Not to mention those small forces, it is almost impossible to pass the exam.

Hearing that Qin Shaofeng removed the literary test, most people started to get excited.

All feel that their luck seems to have come.

Many more people are already eager to try, moving in the direction of Tongtian Road.

There are seven roads in Tongtian Road.

But for those who participated in the assessment, most of their cultivation bases were in the realm of the horrible moon.

After a one-night test last night, those responsible for coercing on these seven roads have also made all preparations.

With the first person ascending the ladder, everyone exudes a powerful atmosphere.

Just the beginning.

The face of the person who boarded the Tongtian Road has changed drastically.

Long Haoyue and others stood behind Qin Shaofeng, looking at the scene on Tongtian Road and the crowd who seemed to be cheering not far away, feeling extremely strange in their hearts.

This group of people actually thought that Qin Shaofeng was bringing them convenience.

I really don't know.

What kind of expression will they look like when they actually enter the assessment.

Tongtian Road begins.

Noisy voices rang out one after another.

Most of them are people from various forces, whispering about who is most likely to pass the examination of Tongtian Road.

Many people are still discussing Qin Shaofeng's identity.

After all, this is the endless college.

The college directly under the endless mountain.

Many people who can graduate from the endless college can enter the endless mountain.

That is a true disciple of the endless mountain.

It's not the one who is responsible for chopping wood and collecting medicine on the periphery of the endless mountain.

Even the status of an outer disciple is an extremely glorious thing for too many people.

The major forces are eager for this.

It took Qin Shaofeng only a moment to observe, and he had lost interest in it.

The person who came to participate in the assessment was really too weak in his cultivation, and he simply couldn't afford to observe.

The assessment is ongoing.

More and more people are entering Tongtian Road, and there are also more and more people retreating from Tongtian Road one after another.

Not long after, the first people who passed through Tongtian Road appeared.

Those people appeared directly in front of Qin Shaofeng.

"Anyone who passes through the Tongtian Road can go directly to the next level to prepare, but without my order, no one can start searching for items found in the mountains." Qin Shaofeng said directly.

As soon as he said this, more people's eyes widened.

Through Tongtian Road, can you go straight to the next level?

Although it is impossible to start the search, it is a great thing to observe the general terrain and identify where the mountains are most likely to be found!

More people who were still waiting for it, started scrambling to set foot on Tongtian Road.

Qin Shaofeng just glanced at it casually, and then said loudly: "As long as anyone who can't set foot on Tongtian Road can go back, don't block others from performing the assessment here. If you still want to participate in the college assessment, you can try again next year.

In the past, when admitted to the hospital, no one specifically shouted such words.

But those who are disqualified, there are very few people left.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng pushing people out, most of those who retreated headed out of the academy.

Many of them remained.

Those who stayed are all following a certain force.

There are still people in the forces who have not finished the assessment, or have already crossed the Tongtian Road, so naturally they can't just leave.

Qin Shaofeng didn't say much about this.

On the contrary, the successive actions of those who participated in the assessment made him quickly see the number of people who actually came to participate in the assessment.

Moyo was about 13,000 people.

This number is still within his acceptable range.

The first round of assessment took quite a while.

Until the end of the first round of assessment.

The number of people who really passed the first round of assessment is fully revealed, which is more than 1,100 people.

Only in this round.

Except for the people of the six forces that he deliberately ordered to take care of.

Most of the other people in the six major forces were almost wiped out. It was because of those people's origins that Ke Jiuxiao said something to take care of.

Otherwise, the other people in the major forces will all be wiped out.

Until the end of Tongtian Road.

There were only three or four thousand people waiting outside.

Qin Shaofeng ignored those who were waiting, and shouted at the more than 1,000 people who cleared the pass: "It seems that this first level is not difficult for you!"

He spoke half-jokingly, but no one dared to answer him.

After all, he is the person in charge of this round of assessment.

If you offend him, you don't have to think about the next thing at all.

"Due to the academy's admissions rules, although you are all like the pride of heaven, in the next round, I will brush down your little half again." He seemed to be talking to himself.

"If you are ready, then head towards the back mountain!"

"In the second round of the assessment, the mountain searched for objects and timed for two hours. Within two hours, you can use all means to find them. Those who finally get the objects in the mountains can enter the next round."

"Little guys, start moving!"

After he said this, he waved to Long Haoyue and several people, turned and walked down the mountain.

People who were just excited about passing the first round.

Hearing his words, many people suddenly turned pale.

Especially the people of the six major forces, even more so.

They didn't go through the dress rehearsal last night, even if they had Yaoxing coins in their hands, they had no confidence to guard them to the end.

Anyone who thinks that he has a good cultivation base is moving at this moment.

The actions of the vast majority of people forced the young people of the six major forces to enter the back mountain forest.

All of a sudden, the people who had rehearsed Zhou Qing were revealed.

"Huh? How come there are so many Wu Xiu with **** stars on the mountain?"

Among the people waiting at the gate of the academy, the strongest of the major forces, the cultivation bases are all high-end generations, even though they are so far away, they have already probed the weird conditions on the mountain.

One by one exclaimed.

A few people spoke first, and immediately more people paid attention to the situation.

at the same time.

Those who have entered the second level of assessment have also begun to discover their situation.

"Star Wu Xiu can also pass Tongtian Road?"

"I'm already a Tier 3 Barren Moon Rank cultivation base. When I set foot on Tongtian Road before, I also felt that I could not stand it at any time. Why would there be a star warrior appearing?"

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