Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3842: seek death

"How come there is no response?"

"What is Xing'er doing?"

"Why is there no reaction at all?"

The expressions of the powerful voice transmission of the major forces have become difficult to look.

Follow their ideas.

After Chuanyin passed, his descendants would definitely take certain actions.

But this transmission has not been a short time.

There was still no reaction at all.

"Xing'er, when I heard my voice, I immediately went into the dense forest of the back mountain to search for the clearance, and then retreated." The father of Xing'er couldn't calm down immediately.

His family is just a small family.

Finally seeing his son have the hope of entering the endless college, he really didn't want to miss it.

The transmission just now did not bring any results.

This time, he used the cultivation base of the peak of the sky and moon to the extreme.

Whether the sound can be transmitted to Na Xing'er is not known.

The people of the major forces around him all discovered his actions.

"This guy is... the Patriarch of the Kong family?"

"The Kong family? The family from three hundred years ago?"

"It seems to be the Confucian family. After the genius of the Confucian family offended the Tianji Tower, the strong man was beheaded to death. Instead of regaining his vitality for three hundred years, he became the Confucian family of the low-class family.

"This old guy is really good enough!"

"I saw that the Confucian family was suppressed too much back then, and the Patriarch who has been passed down to the present is also with this kind of head, alas!"

"I heard that the Kong family used to be known as the first family under the endless mountain. I didn't expect such two descendants to appear. It's a pity."

"How dare you cheat when enrolling students in the endless college, even if his son can pass, I am afraid he will be brushed down?"

People of all major forces may not be all smart people.

But after seeing the movement made by the Patriarch of the Kong family, Qi Qi stopped his small movements.

Since Transsion was intercepted, there is no need to try again.

Even if the people of the Kong family can really pass this test, they will try again next year.

There is no need to find the way for others.

Still explore this extremely dangerous road.

When everyone is still thinking.

I saw a big palm print suddenly fell from the sky.

The palm print is as black as ink, but at the center of the palm print, there are seven golden light spots, like stars in the dark night.

"Dark Night Seven Star Palm!?"

"It's from the dark night assassination team!"

"How, how is it possible?"

"Didn't it mean that the Dark Night Assassination team offended Emperor Xumiao, and the whole team was beheaded by Emperor Xumiao?"

"The seven-star palm of the dark night that has been lost for thousands of years actually reappears in the world?"

"When I read the ancient books, the martial arts of the Dark Night Assassination Team were all passed on by Emperor Xu Miao. After the fall of Emperor Xu Miao, all the martial arts of Dark Night have been lost. How can anyone understand it now?"

Almost all the people present were big figures in the Cangming world.

The origin of the palm prints can be identified at a glance.

Because of this, the shock in their hearts is even more intense.

That's a martial skill that has been lost for thousands of years.

Moreover, it was created by the pinnacle of the year. How can it not be shocking?

"Dark Night Seven Star Palm?"

Several members of the Kong family looked towards the sky.

The pupils of several people shrank at the moment they saw the palm prints.

That palm print had come on top of their heads in this instant.

In the next moment, they all felt black before their eyes.

Accompanied by the sound of ‘Rumbling’.

Everyone around saw that all four of the Kong family had been photographed by the **** handprints.

The big handprints slowly turned into black mist and dissipated.

In addition, seven golden photoelectric lights are shining brightly.

"This is the academy's assessment. Anyone whose liver and gallbladder breaks the assessment rules will be severely punished!"

Luo San's figure appeared from the air: "Since you are the first offenders, this is only a slight punishment. After the examination on behalf of you, take your family back. You can't come to participate in the college examination for ten years!"

"The rest of TRANSSION waits for the end of the assessment, and can also take your party back directly. Within three years, they are not allowed to participate in the academy assessment!"

His voice was very loud and crisp.

Although the voice transmission person was not named, everyone was able to tell who they were probably through the changes in the faces of other people.

People who have never thought of cheating are secretly happy for a while.

Fortunately, my heart is enough to bet that I never thought of letting my children into the college through this method.

Otherwise, it will be a big deal.

There are also some people who are also emotional: Fortunately, I want to see the situation again. Fortunately, fortunately!

"Your Excellency is from the dark night assassination team?"

The lord of the White Moon Palace stared at Luo San who was floating in the sky for a long time, and couldn't help but be curious and asked.

"The dark night assassination team is long gone."

Luo San gave him a casual glance, then turned and retreated into the sky.

As his figure rises higher and higher.

Everyone was shocked to find out.

When his figure reached a certain height, he first escaped into the void, and then disappeared.

"An array was set up in the sky. It's really an academy's method. It's amazing." The Hall Master Baiyue Hall sighed with emotion and then closed his mouth.

Although the excitement is not big.

But it also allows those who continue to watch the assessment again to be honest.

No one has the idea of ​​helping the younger generation of the family by some means.

That is not helping, but harming them.

Isn’t the Kong family a lesson from the past?

Although the storm here was not small, even a single sound could not reach the ears of the crowd on the top of the mountain.

Those who come to participate in the assessment are not very high in cultivation.

There are trees blocking the line of sight, and it is also impossible to detect the movement behind.

Two hours sound not short.

For some people who participated in the assessment, it was too short.

For some people, it is too long.

When the time is close to two hours.

Almost four hundred people have returned to the top of the mountain, but there are still more than one hundred people still in battle.

"School brother, time is almost up."

Long Haoyue's usual mind is also pretty good, but in front of Qin Shaofeng's people, she can only spontaneously look and take care of the time.

"It seems that our assessment method is good, so that capable people can really perform." Qin Shaofeng smiled when he looked at the people who were still at war.

Immediately, he said to the two people beside him: "Go, let's go into the air and see how the fighting is going down below."

The two next to him were the former captain of the Ranger.

Both of them are both Yaoxing powerhouses who really consolidate their cultivation base.

At the same time, he took him into the air and went to the sky above the back mountain.

"Those who are fighting can continue."

Qin Shaofeng's voice was heard from afar: "Because the time has arrived, you will stop after this battle. Those who have lost or have nothing to evaluate will gather at the top of the mountain and wait for the opening of the big formation."

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