Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3844: foul

Under various reasons.

The thoughts in the hearts of the people of several forces were all shaken.

After thinking about it for a while, they all walked away, leaving only the young man from the Kong family.

The change in the number of people suddenly made Kong's youth look more ugly.

"Little guy, do you want to hold on now?"

When Qin Shaofeng looked at the young man standing proudly in place, the evil smile outlined at the corner of his mouth seemed to become even more terrifying.

"Why don't I insist?"

The teenager didn't seem to feel at all about being isolated.

Qin Shaofeng was about to speak.

A sound transmission entered his ears: "Shao Feng, the people of the Kong family are gone."

"Gone? Interesting."

Qin Shaofeng still had that wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, and said with a deep voice toward the proud figure below: "I have to tell you one thing, because of your persistence, your family members have abandoned you."

"so what?"

The boy's expression remained unchanged, and said: "How strong my Confucian family was hundreds of years ago, but with the fall of the ancestors who walked, the family has deteriorated, selfish, timid, and only knows how to bully its own people."

"I do admit that I am the identity of the Kong family, but I don't admit that the current main line of the Kong family is my elder."

"Although I have been practicing Kong Lan for a short time, I only rely on myself."

"The moment I stood up, I never thought that someone from the family would come forward to protect me after offending you."

The people under Tongtian Road who are always paying attention to the situation here all secretly praised.

Although this kid couldn't help himself.

But his arrogance is really likable.

I believe that with his perseverance, as long as he does not fall, his future achievements will not be low.

"Well said."

Qin Shaofeng nodded lightly, still with the evil smile on his face, and asked: "You were implicated by the family first, and then you ran into me like this. How do you think I should punish you?"

"I, Kong Lan, are willing to accept all punishments except for withdrawing from the admission examination." Kong Lan still spoke arrogantly.

"If that's the case, let's remember that you have a big mistake first. As for the punishment, if you can pass the admission examination, it will not be too late." The evil smile on Qin Shaofeng's mouth disappeared.

His changes suddenly stunned the several Patriarchs who had just recalled the family disciples.

"Didn't you say you are disqualified?" One person subconsciously said.

The Long Family Patriarch couldn't help but say: "Disqualification is just an argument. Who can't tell that although the kid is still a member of the Confucian family, he is at odds with the Confucian family leader, and his arrogance is not enough. Make an exception?"

Didn't that person think of this?

Have such a proud person.

Even if he changed the position of Qin Shaofeng, he would make an exception.

As soon as he spoke his words, he actually regretted it.

But he didn't expect Long Tianxiang, the head of the Long Family, to speak directly.

His face was green and white.

He looked around at some unsure what to do, then retracted, and said, "All follow me back to the family!"

Their faces have long been lost, who would dare to complain?

The group of people walked away in disgrace.

With the departure of several major forces, everyone's eyes were focused on the crowd who were still standing on the top of the mountain and had not moved much.

Not just them.

Even those who participated in the assessment also noticed the weird changes here, and Qi Qi looked over here.

"Huh? Why are those star warriors still on the top of the mountain?"

"If I didn't even reach the month position, I wanted to enter the academy. I really didn't know how to live or die."

"They didn't participate in the treasure hunt in the mountains at all, should they just leave?"

"Huh? Why are the people from Baiyue Hall and Tianxing Trading Company also on the top of the mountain?"

"Isn't that Ren Xiaoyao?"

"What, the first Tianjiao of the Baiyue Palace, it is said that he is only fourteen years old, and he has already cultivated to the fifth-order barren moon position, Ren Xiaoyao?"

"Even if he is a little younger, with the cultivation base of the fifth-order barren moon position, he should be able to get a shutdown meeting, right?"

"What's more, there are other people in the White Moon Palace helping, how could he ran to the top of the mountain early?"

Among the people's discussion, Qi Qi thought of a possibility.

In two hours, the more people who fought, the more ugly their complexion became.

This level can still be passed like this?

No, no?

More and more people are refocusing their attention on Zhou Qing and his group.

Did they also get things from the mountains?

"Everyone takes out the things you got from the mountains, and there will be a special person at the exit to check the authenticity." Qin Shaofeng said.

Everyone still didn't move, their eyes still focused on Zhou Qing and others.

In the next moment, their faces become difficult to look.

I saw Ke Wuming and Zhao Ziyu walk out on their own initiative, and one of them took out several Yaoxing coins and distributed them to the others.

Not only was it enough, but in the end two were even rich.

Zhao Ziyu was the first to speak: "Didn't it mean that one person should find six? Why did you find one more?"

"Time is too tight, and I have to hide from people. I'm afraid that you will find less and you will find more?" Ke Wuming shrugged.

As soon as their voices were uttered, everyone was messed up in the wind.

The two of them were mixed in the crowd from the beginning.

With the strength of the two of them, they actually got enough Yaoxing Coins for the entire team?

Many family members, thinking of their family members, were ruthlessly eliminated in front of them, and immediately wanted to spit blood.

"My lord, this, this seems to be a foul, right?" One person was outspoken.

Qin Shaofeng is the chief examiner after all, and he can't say too partial.

At least I can't say it now.

He fell silent immediately.

Because the people from Baiyuedian and Tianxing Trading Company were with them, the script had already been arranged last night.

The young Tianjiao Ren Xiaoyao of Baiyue Hall suddenly sneered.

When everyone was waiting for Qin Shaofeng's explanation, their eyes were all attracted to them.

"Although their approach took a bit of a loophole, but the assessment did not stipulate that companions were not allowed to help collect treasure hunting objects in the mountains?" Ren Xiaoyao sneered.

Everyone suddenly closed their mouths.

Although they are also willing to hear someone question the way Zhou Qing and others pass.

But they also have to admit that taking advantage of the rules is not a suitable way to clear customs.

"Do other people have objections?"

Qin Shaofeng finally put away his thoughtful expression, and asked everyone.

There was silence.

The rules have just changed, and no one can say what method should be used.

Since they can take advantage of the loopholes.

They can only admit that their brains are flexible enough to figure out solutions to things in such a dead time.

But it cannot be used to target suppression.

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