Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3856: Tear space

"We are not here for that ruin."

Qin Shaofeng smiled calmly: "As for the group of people, there is no need to care."

He shrugged casually and walked in the other direction of the group.

He is already familiar with Yunling.

Entering Yunling, he directly led everyone to accelerate.

At the same time, all the worms were released.

As his spy, the endless sky worms are investigating the situation ahead. In a short time, he has already captured the surrounding situation in his eyes.

"Xue Xiao Qin, since we already know the ruins of the sibling beast, why don't we go and take a look?" Long Haoyue looked at him puzzledly.

Although there are a lot of heaven and moon positions over there.

But in his opinion, they don't need to be afraid of them with the powerhouses around them.

Perhaps if they rush over, they might be able to take over the ruins directly.

"The powerhouses of all races have just gone there, and they must be in a wait-and-see state now, and I also heard that the ruins often have certain restrictions."

"There is no need for us to rush over in such a hurry." Qin Shaofeng shrugged.

His words sounded somewhat reasonable.

But when Long Haoyue and others heard it, they still felt something was wrong, but they couldn't tell.

As everyone knows.

When the young brother and sister said those words.

Qin Shaofeng had already attached a few Sky Void Worms to them.

Tianxu worm is very small.

Moreover, after being transformed into nothingness, unless it is a strong star, it is impossible to find it at all.

The highest cultivation level of that group of people is also less than the ninth rank of heaven and moon.

He can always know the location and situation of several people now.

Because of this, where does he need to worry?

"There is a group of familiar guys over there, let's go and play with them." His eyes suddenly turned to the front left.

The cultivation base of Long Haoyue and others has reached the Earth and Moon position, and they have been able to initially explore the spiritual sense in the Cangming Realm.

But none of them found any existence.

Qi Qi could not help but looked at him.

"Is there a familiar guy over there? What kind of guy? Why must I not find out?" Long Haoyue asked in confusion.

"The past will naturally be known."

Qin Shaofeng smiled pretentiously, and then rushed in that direction.

Not long.

The faces of the Seven Long Haoyue had already become weird.

"It turned out to be the Hurricane Wolves?"

Xiao Liu's expression became very ugly, and said, "Moreover, there must be nearly a hundred wolves in the least, right? The strongest one is the existence of Xuanyue."

Their faces all became difficult to look.

A tribe led by a Xuanyue star beast.

If it is of other types, they naturally don't need to worry about it, and they won't even look at it.

But this is the storm wolves.

They think their defenses are very good.

But if they face the almost endless attack from the hurricane wolves, none of them dare to say that they can resist it.

"That's just a bunch of wolf cubs."

Qin Shaofeng smiled fearlessly, and said, "I used to attract their attacks. You are silently looking for a chance to shoot, and you will destroy the pack of wolf cubs with one blow."




The seven people looked at him with heavy faces.

"That's the hurricane wolves, especially if you say waste can be destroyed?" Long Xiaoxiao said with a heavy face.

Qin Shaofeng would not wait for their answer.

With a flash of figure, he slew towards the wolves of the storm.

"Oh oh oh!"


The storm wolves suddenly made a series of howling wolves.

Immediately, countless wind blades all bombarded Qin Shaofeng.

The joint attack of hundreds of hurricane wolves is simply not comparable to the group he faced at the beginning.

Qin Shaofeng didn't even blink his eyelids.

The existence of Yao Shenyi enabled him to directly ignore the low-level attacks of the pack of wolves.

In a flash.

Countless attacks have fallen on him.

"Ah! He, he actually used his body to resist the attacks of so many blast wolves?" Long Xiaoxiao suddenly exclaimed.

They naturally knew that Qin Shaofeng had a strong defense.

But when they saw this scene with their own eyes, they still couldn't help being surprised.

"It's no wonder that he can achieve such a terrifying record. The treasure on this kid is definitely not as simple as we thought." Long Haoyue also sighed.

"Brother Long, are we ready to do it too?" Zhang Ye said in a deep voice.

He shouted and was ready to do it, his face looked ugly, where did he want to do it?

"Wait, there is no place to cut in."

Long Haoyue's expression is also extremely ugly: "And you take a closer look at the three Storm wolves next to the Storm Wolf King, it is clear that they are alerting us, if we get close to their attack range, the tornado is about to fall on us. ."

Everyone's faces became more and more ugly.

Precisely because they knew enough about the hurricane wolves, they didn't even know how to shoot.

Like Qin Shaofeng?

They just glanced at Qin Shaofeng who was rushing over, and immediately lost all thoughts.

Forget it, we don't have such a powerful defensive garment.


Several people are hesitating.

A howling of a wolf pulled their thoughts back.

I saw a blast wolf next to the blast wolf king shot.

The strong wind blows.

"Still the old method?"

When Qin Shaofeng heard the howling of the wolf, instead of worrying at all, Qin Shaofeng's expression showed a hint of joy.

"Drive me!"

The hands he had prepared for a long time moved immediately.

It suddenly tore towards the void in front of him.

The void in front of him seemed to be torn out.

The tornado slowly formed.

He got into that gap in space at the same time the tornado was formed.

"Empty, space crack?!"

"Didn't it mean that only when the cultivation base reaches the shining star position, can you have the initial space tearing ability?"

"He is only at the Zhouyue position, so he can tear the space?"

"Could it be..."

"What is it?"

Everyone looked at Long Xiaoxiao who was hesitant.

"I heard that after the Kunjia's space sky map has been cultivated to a certain level, it can tear the space with its low level of cultivation, but even if the space sky map is cultivated to level three, it seems that the universe and moon martial arts can tear the space. Right?" Long Xiaoxiao said in shock.

She didn't say a word.

Looking at Qin Shaofeng's skillful tearing technique, it is clear that he already possesses such abilities.

The last time he singled out the storm wolves, he probably used these methods.

"Kun family?"

Long Haoyue frowned, but shook her head again: "He shouldn't be from the Kun Family, but his methods...Who is he?"

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