Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3859: breakthrough

"The people from Tianji Tower actually rushed past?"

Long Haoyue's face suddenly became difficult to look.

When he knew about the ruins, he felt a little eager in his heart.

After all, it is an extremely rare existence.

Especially when there are three strong stars who are sheltered by them, he is naturally more eager to see the situation in the past.

Even if there is no way to get the heritage inheritance in the end, it is good to be able to join in the fun in the past.

The appearance of the people from the Tianji Tower was not as simple as previously imagined.

"Since the people from the Tianji Tower have arrived, we can't wait any longer. The target location is in that direction. There are still 13 batches of star beasts on the road. direction.

In a word, the faces of Long Haoyue's people suddenly became difficult to look.

It's going to be an adventure in the ruins, so why don't you let us rest?

That's a full 13 batches of star beasts!

Several people want to say something.

However, Qin Shaofeng hadn't considered their feelings at all, and walked straight to the northwest, so that they could only follow behind.

Along the way, the battle continued.

Qin Shaofeng was constantly thinking about it.

After half a day of killing, his martial arts value has reached as much as 3,900.

If the star beasts along the way are not much different from what he expected, he should be able to upgrade his martial arts before going to the ruins.

He just saw some brief introductions in the books about the ruins.

After all, the situation of each relic is completely different.

Not to mention that there are still so many enemies, blood races, and star beasts, if it is impossible to upgrade the martial arts.

After the past, it is likely to miss something.

His decision really embarrassed Long Haoyue and others.

Go all the way and fight all the way.

When he was about to come to the place where the ruins were, a breath of cultivation base breakthrough came from the battlefield.

What they faced at this time were three blood monkeys alone.

Just like the blood wolf before.

Blood monkeys are also a branch of the blood clan, relying on the blood clan ability to make them tyrannical and abnormal.

The recovery ability of the blood family also makes them extremely difficult to be killed.

Although it is fighting with the realm.

With the joint efforts of the seven Long Haoyues, they could barely suppress the three blood monkeys, but if they wanted to beheaded, the difficulty was not ordinary.

Qin Shaofeng could know the situation over the ruins at any time.

Originally planned to let a few people practice slowly, but she didn't expect Long Haoyue to break through at this moment.

The general warrior breakthrough, but not as simple as him.

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly.

"Luo San, come and clean up these monkeys!"

He didn't want Luo San to make a move.

But Long Haoyue's breakthrough changed everything.

Anyway, he wasn't determined to win the ruins, he just thought about it for a moment, and he spoke.

All of Long Xiaoxiao had been fighting for a day, and they were all exhausted at this time.

Now that Long Haoyue broke through, they already felt extremely difficult.

They all breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Qin Shaofeng's words.

If they lose Long Haoyue, their strongest combat power, they really don't have the confidence to defeat the three blood monkeys.

I saw the moment when Qin Shaofeng's voice ended.

A black phantom suddenly moved quickly among them.

It was just a blink of an eye.

The six people were barely facing the enemy's blood monkey at the position of the moon, and they became dying, and were thrown at Qin Shaofeng's feet miserably.

Qin Shaofeng is even more casual.

Kill three blood monkeys with one knife.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing a blood monkey at Earth Moon and gaining 500 martial arts points."

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing a blood monkey at Earth Moon and gaining 500 martial arts points."

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing a blood monkey at Earth Moon and gaining 500 martial arts points."

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng's martial arts value is full, may I upgrade?"


"System reminder: Martial arts are being upgraded..."

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for upgrading his martial arts, the current Unreal Protoss is Tier 8."

The moment the system sound ends.

Qin Shaofeng quickly opened the character interface.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: First-order cosmic moon position (48,000 / 20,000)

Star Position: Mark Warrior (White)

Martial Arts: Unreal Protoss (Tier 7)

Shining star value 100/0

Strength value: 0/10000

Ghost Mark: 6-32

Martial Skills: Ghost Three Slash, Thunder Thousand Flashes, Heavenly Secret Technique, Taixu Dafa, Infinite Seal Jue

Sky Map: Space Level 2 (0/10000)

Ghost Fire Gold Pill: 10,000 / 10,000

Star and moon value: 0/500,000

Talent skills: illusory true spirits, gods and demons

Knowledge Sea: Sky Dragon City

Equipment: Luotian Zen Shadow, Ghost Song, Yaoshen Clothes, Yaoshen Fan Mansion

"Character upgrade."

Qin Shaofeng said silently in his heart again.

Although the total star and moon value of 500,000 is not much, it is enough for him to raise his cultivation base to the position of Yuyue.

That being the case, he didn't need to save the extra star and moon value.

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully upgrading, consumes 20,000 stars and moons, and the current Tier 2 cosmic moon position.

"Someone is promoted again?"

Long Xiaoxiao and other talents had just surrounded Long Haoyue, carefully watching the surroundings, and felt the breath radiating from Qin Shaofeng.

Several people looked back together.

However, he saw that Qin Shaofeng was still with the cultivation base aura of the second-order barren moon, and he was squatting next to the blood monkey corpse, looking for something that could be used as medicine.

"Why is he...no?"

Long Xiaoxiao's mouth grew in astonishment.

Although warriors with a low cultivation base will break through faster than them, it also takes a certain amount of time.

She believes there is nothing wrong with the feeling just now.

But all Qin Shaofeng's actions seemed to tell her clearly that she really felt wrong.

When such a situation appeared, she was suddenly surprised.

"Xiaoxiao, let's treat it as nothing." Liu Kaishan said without turning his head back.


Long Xiaoxiao looked over in surprise.

Not only her, but the eyes of others are also focused on Liu Kaishan.

"Although you have a lot of knowledge, even most of you have more knowledge than me, but I am from a chamber of commerce after all, and I feel that I have the most say in this kind of thing right now." Liu Kaishan said.

Several people rolled their eyes and said in their hearts: Are you nonsense?

"Although his cultivation level is insufficient, there are strong stars around him. If he wants to enter the mountain to experience, there is actually no need to bring us."


The five were all startled.

Think about it, it seems that Liu Kaishan really said it.

"The reason why he is willing to bring us is probably because of the autumn hunting."

Liu Kaishan said in a deep voice: "Although I have not met, I heard similar things from the elders of the family. People like him must have many secrets. If we want to make friends with him, we must not explore his secrets. ."

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