Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3866: Calculate

"Xue Xiao Qin, people of blood seem to have caught up."

As soon as the group of talents came to the foot of the mountain, Long Haoyue had already discovered something wrong behind him.

In fact, where does he need to say?

Qin Shaofeng always let the Tianxu insect patrol everything around him, not to mention the blood family behind him.

Even if the blood clan stayed outside the entrance they opened up, he knew it clearly anytime and anywhere.

"What? People from the blood race have discovered us?"

Huang Tianji seemed to be frightened by the ‘suddenly’ news, and quickly turned his head and looked towards the entrance opened by the blood clan.

I saw that there were not many people coming from the blood clan.

Except for the three blood races, only seven star beast powerhouses followed.

There are only seven star beasts, but all of them are the existence of shining stars.

When Shen Wang and Shen Lian heard their conversation, they also looked back.

Seeing the lineup of the blood family group clearly, the heart beats more intensely.

Even though Qian Xingmo said that the Yaoxing powerhouse was severely suppressed here, but it was not comparable to the martial arts of Tianyue.

Not to mention the existence of the seven shining stars all at once.

This is really killing their rhythm!

"Qin Shaofeng, you don't have to worry about us, you will immediately take your people out of here when you find an opportunity." Shen Wei shouted anxiously.

"What are you talking about?"

Huang Tianji suddenly said, "Do you want Brother Qin to be a deserter?"

"Although there are a lot of tyrannical star beasts brought by the blood race, their number is too small. As long as we can work together, it is easy to slay those blood race gangsters."

Long Haoyue and others rolled their eyes.

This guy really dares to say anything, and even wants to rely on an early warrior of the Yaoxing position, thirty heaven and moon warriors, to kill ten of the blood clan for a tyrannical existence comparable to the Yaoxing position.

I really don't know if this Young Master Huang Tianji in Tianji Tower had passed through his brain before saying this.

Perhaps in his opinion, it is enough to kill the person he wants to kill.

Excuses are no longer necessary.

"If you can kill the strong blood clan, then that would be a great hero of mankind." Qin Shaofeng suddenly excited.

He seemed to have seen the appearance of being flattered after killing the blood clan.

The eyes are full of surprises.

"Young Master Huang, although we have the advantage in numbers, if we want to kill so many star beasts with dazzling stars, the difficulty is still not that big. We'd better find a place in the mountain that is most suitable for us to fight. Launch an ambush against them." Qin Shaofeng helped make suggestions.

"It's a wonderful strategy."

Huang Tianji was worried about how to take them into the mountain.

If you fight at the foot of the mountain, you can achieve your goal.

But if someone who happened to come in found something, it would be a very bad thing.

I really didn't expect that Qin Shaofeng would be the first to say such a thing.

It really pleases him too much.

"Since Brother Huang also agrees with my suggestion, let's rush into the mountain, find a place, and start setting up traps." Qin Shaofeng couldn't wait to urge.

Shen Wang and Shen Lian's eyes widened when they saw him taking such initiative.

They came to Cangming Realm too early, and they didn't know that Qin Shaofeng had brought out a large number of powerful men from the endless prison.

Naturally, it was even more difficult to understand why Qin Shaofeng did so.

Long Haoyue had a vague understanding in their hearts.

More but still puzzled.

Although we have three strong stars here, it doesn't seem to be a battle that is comparable to ten strong stars, right?

Not to mention Huang Tianji will definitely attack them at some point.

If you really enter the mountain, no matter how you look at it, it will be against them.

What does he think?

Even in ordinary times, Long Xiaoxiao, who claims to have the most knowledge, is now confused.

Could it be that the three strong stars on their side could really be the opponents of so many people?

How can it be wrong?

Everyone was full of thoughts, and they had already come to the other side of the mountain, a place with denser trees in the col.

"I think this is very suitable for an ambush, how does Brother Qin feel?" Huang Tianji asked Qin Shaofeng back.

The previous conversation made him feel that Qin Shaofeng was the kind of fledgling kid who didn't understand what kind of battle it was.

If you don't use it, it's too unreasonable.

"It's really good here."

Qin Shaofeng would naturally not refute.

Nodding his head lightly, in his mind, he already had the overall appearance of the mountain col searched by the Tianxu insect.

The walls on both sides of this col are very steep, and it is extremely difficult to escape from both sides.

At the end of the col, it was even more dangerous.

As long as the opening of the mountain col is sealed, there is almost no way to escape from the chase of the blood clan, except for those who are able to fly in the sky.

Such a landscape is indeed suitable for ambushes.

Especially the people who want to ambush are still their situation.

His cultivation is not enough to spread the divine consciousness to explore.

But Huang Tianji has a strong star with the position of shining star beside him. Obviously, he also knows the situation here, so he will say this.

"Brother Qin, how do you think we should conduct an ambush?" Huang Tianji asked him again.

"How about an ambush?"

Qin Shaofeng frowned and seemed to really start thinking about it.

He looked into the depths of the mountain first.

Immediately, he looked to both sides.

"The blood race is tracking too closely behind, and we don’t have much time here to secretly pile up some sneak attack formations, so we are spreading and hiding. As long as the blood race people are chasing over, we will directly attack and then surge again. Going up, I believe it will make our battle a lot smoother." Qin Shaofeng said.

"Yes, it is true."

Huang Tianji nodded with deep approval, and said, "If this is the case, everyone will follow the method Qin Brothers said, and immediately spread out and hide."

Everyone moved together.

Thirty people were actually divided into thirty positions, and it happened that they were surrounded by them in the middle.

Such a position, when Qin Shaofeng and others, when there is no strong star position who can fly in the air, it can really be foolproof.

"Brother Qin, the cultivation base of the few of you is a bit weak, you don't need to disperse, as long as the battle begins, you can find a way to help." Huang Tianji continued.

His words sound so reasonable.

Qin Shaofeng almost burst out laughing when he finished listening.

Obviously, it is to accumulate us in the most conspicuous place. After the blood race comes, we are the first to attack them.

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