Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3869: Disdain

"Qin Shaofeng, don't think that you used the blood of the blood clan to kill me. My father can't find you out. One day, my father will avenge me!" Huang Tianji was already on the verge of life and death, and he could still shout loudly.

The voice is loud, but it has become weak and feeble.

It seems that the weak and hoarse voice makes people feel a kind of creepy.

"Then let your father check it slowly!"

Qin Shaofeng shrugged slightly, as if he was a okay person, and looked at the slaughter sideways in the col with indifferent expression.

The battle started quickly, but ended faster.

But within a few seconds, the battle was over.

Scarlet dropped the blood that had been sucked up by him and turned into a skeleton-like corpse, and looked at Qin Shaofeng, "That human friend, can we leave now?"

"I promised before that I will naturally not embarrass you blood races."

Qin Shaofeng nodded and smiled: "It's just that the few star beasts you brought have to stay. After all, we have had a big battle. We can't be defeated so completely, right?"

"Okay, they stay."

Xue Se had obviously made a decision long ago.

The seven star beasts with the shining star position are indeed very useful for him, but compared with his own small life, it is not impossible to give up.

It was enough for him to save his life.

"Junior Brother Qin, are we really going to let them go?"

Long Haoyue immediately asked when he saw that he was really making such a move.

"Of course you want to."

Qin Shaofeng nodded and said, "If these blood races can't escape smoothly, who should the people of Tianjilou seek revenge in the future?"

"We have a blood clan that kills ten powerful men with combat power comparable to the Yaoxing position. Why would we still let Huang Tianji and others die here?"

"Don't you feel that it's easy to guess what's inside?"

His indifferent words made Long Haoyue's expression extremely ugly.

Don't look at what he said sounded a bit crooked, but the truth is also true.

Long Haoyue sighed deeply, but stopped speaking.

In front of the mountain col.

The poisonous fairy Li Naling waved gently again, causing the fog blocking the road to open a passage.

"Thank you."

Xue Se was relieved and bowed his hand towards Qin Shaofeng, and said, "Although I am not a great person, Xue Se was killed by my own hands, so naturally it is my own business. If someone from Tianji Tower asks From now on, you can tell them directly, I am still disdainful of shooting a bunch of waste."

He left this sentence, turned around and headed out of the col.

"Do it!"

Qin Shaofeng ordered again.

Ke Jiuxiao, Wang Sheng, and Luo San simultaneously killed the seven star beasts.

Three to seven.

It seemed to be a battle that was completely downwind.

In fact, the opposite is true.

Just as Scarlet feared.

When the three people with cultivation bases close to the mighty ones dealt with the star beasts, they didn't encounter any decent obstacles at all. In just a few blinks, the battle was completely over.

The seven star beasts were in their hands, like weak chickens.

"They are so powerful!"

Shen Mao shouted out again in shock.

It's not just their couple shocked.

The seven Long Haoyues, who had already known the existence of Ke Jiuxiao's trio, also grew their mouths together.

They also couldn't imagine that the three people Qin Shaofeng could mobilize at hand would be so powerful.

Thinking of this, their eyes couldn't help but look towards Li Naling.

They had never seen this veiled woman before.

But they have a feeling.

Although Li Naling didn't make a move, she still had a vague feeling. It seemed that the veiled woman was stronger than the three of them.

Qin Shaofeng ignored their thoughts.

When Ke Jiuxiao took the shot, he had already placed them on the side of the mountain slope.

Now that the following battle has ended.

Naturally, he will not continue to wait here.

With a leap, he rushed towards the mountain col.

Such a good harvest experience opportunity, he will not waste it in vain.

The ghost song of the sword appeared in his hands at the same time.

"Ghost cut!"

Following the wound that the three of them specially created for him, he chopped it down.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the players for killing the star beast of the star position, and get 10,000 star and moon points and 100 star points."

So little experience!

Qin Shaofeng frowned tightly.

Ten thousand stars and moons were really nothing to him now.

Thinking of the existence of Yaoxing value, he deserves to take back his unhappy heart.

Cut it down with one blow.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the players for killing the star beast of the star position, and get 10,000 star and moon points and 100 star points."

"System reminder: Congratulations to the players for killing the star beast of the star position, and get 10,000 star and moon points and 100 star points."

"System reminder: Congratulations to the players for killing the star beast of the star position, and get 10,000 star and moon points and 100 star points."



All the prompts are exactly the same.

There are seven dazzling star position star beasts, and the available experience points that they really bring to him are only 70,000.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for the successful upgrade, consumes 30,000 stars and moons, and the current Tier 3 universe and moon position."


"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for the successful upgrade, consumes 40,000 stars and moons, and the current Tier 4 universe and moon position."

Qin Shaofeng felt unhappy and returned unhappy, but he would not continue to retain experience points here.

He still has many Tianying Pills in his hands.

Being in such a dangerous place, how much his cultivation base can improve, for him, can increase his chances of winning.

After all, the monthly level upgrade is not as small as the star level.

Even Tier 2 to Tier 3 is a full tenfold improvement.

When he was doing it, Li Naling, Ke Jiuxiao and Wang Sheng once again went back to rest along the gate of the mansion.

Luo San is responsible for holding the storage bag and helping him with the body.

The corpses of these star beasts are not small.

When it is completely installed, basically a star beast can fill a storage bag.

There were seven storage bags in total, and the two spatial rings that had just been raided from Huang Tianji and the others, and a storage bag was handed to him.

The figure flashed, and once again disappeared into nothingness.

As if he had never appeared before.

Only Qin Shaofeng and his party were left here.

At first glance, their lineup is still so weak.

Qin Shaofeng closed the gates of the Fan Mansion one after another, and then silently threw all the storage bags and the space ring into the Fan Mansion before beckoning to everyone, and said: "The blood race is chasing and killing them, we should also leave them."

The eyes of Long Haotian and others all became weird.

Can you still get separated like this?

I really don't understand what Qin Shaofeng's brain circuit looks like.

They complained in their hearts.

But he wouldn't stay here for a long time, and quickly rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

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