Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3878: Qi Mu

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: 9th-order cosmic moon position (100,000/1 million)

Star Position: Mark Warrior (White)

Martial Art: Unreal Protoss (Tier 7)

Shining star value: 4650/0

Strength value: 422/10000

Ghost Mark: 6-32

Martial Skills: Ghost Three Slash, Thunder Thousand Flashes, Heavenly Secret Technique, Taixu Dafa, Infinite Seal Jue

Inheritance Spell: Si Beast Thunder

Sky Map: Space Level 2 (0/10000)

Ghost Fire Golden Pill: 90,000 / 90,000

Star and moon value: 500,000/500,000

Talent skills: illusory true spirits, gods and demons

Knowledge Sea: Sky Dragon City

Equipment: Luotian Zen Shadow, Ghost Song, Yaoshen Clothes, Yaoshen Fan Mansion

Qin Shaofeng looked at the character interface for a long while, his expression became more and more weird.

I remember that when he first started his hands, he only had the fourth-order cosmic moon position.

In a short battle, he was directly promoted to fifth level.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but rejoice.

Fortunately, due to system reasons, the cultivation base aura he exudes during the upgrade is very weak.

Moreover, he was in battle at that time, letting the system automatically help him upgrade, and completely suppressed the aura fluctuations during the upgrade.

Otherwise, if people really see him, even if he is promoted to 5th level in the first battle, maybe even someone like Long Haoyue can't bear it, right?

After thinking in his mind, he put away the saber.

He looked at the corpses all over the floor.

"Don't froze there, everyone hurried over to help me see if there are any useful objects in the corpses of these alien beasts." Qin Shaofeng greeted everyone.

Shen Wang and his wife had long known Qin Shaofeng's secrets.

Moreover, those strange beasts were also abandoned by Luo San. Even if the Eternal Moon slaughtered the Yaoxing position, it still gave them a shocking emotion that could be called horror.

But they still reacted when Qin Shaofeng greeted him.

On the contrary, Long Haoyue and the others finally reacted in the violent shaking of their whole body until they screamed for a long time.

"My lord, someone is coming here."

Luo San walked quickly to Qin Shaofeng's side and whispered.

"Change the name to the son."

Qin Shaofeng nodded and said, "At the same time, hide your cultivation base aura and continue to follow me."

"Yes, son."

Luo San's breath changed rapidly.

His breath contracted, making Qin Shaofeng amazed.

It should be understood that Luo San does not have a hidden treasure in his body, and he turned himself into a person with the pinnacle of heaven and moon completely relying on his own certain ability.

He didn't even feel any unusual feeling.

Things have just been settled here.

Qin Shaofeng saw a group of nine people rushing over here.

He still remembered that the people of the three camps mentioned by the Sky Void Insect King, and there seemed to be no traces of battle there. I believe this is the owner of those three camps, right?

He was observing the nine people who came over.

The nine people were also approaching quickly, clearly seeing the corpses all over the floor.

At this time, the eyes were focused on Qin Shaofeng and others.

"One celestial moon position peak, one celestial moon position in the early stage, six earth moon positions in the later stage, two cosmic moon positions, one..."

"Huang, Huangyue? Tier 2?"

The group of nine people looked at Qin Shaofeng and the others, their eyes were already straight.

If it weren't for the corpses all over the ground to frighten them, maybe after seeing the strength of Qin Shaofeng and his group, they could not help but surge up.

But it was precisely because of the corpses all over the floor that they couldn't believe what they saw with their eyes.

Although they all have their own groups, they continue to support each other as they advance.

That's the case. The nine Heavenly Moon-ranked pinnacle powerhouses have rushed for a few hours, and the strange beasts that they beheaded did not seem to have killed as many people as Qin Shaofeng, right?

A pair of eyes rolled around.

Able to cultivate to the peak of the sky and moon position, even the young man who is obviously sheltered is not a fool.

They can guess many things just by watching the scene before them.

The first thing they ignored was the couple Shen Wang and Shen Lian standing at the back.

The bodies of those two people still tremble slightly now.

Although there was a feeling of being dusty on the clothes, it didn't look like it should have been after a battle.

In addition.

Although Long Haoyue and his party were all looking for materials on the alien beasts with their weapons, they looked like a group of subordinates.

It is clear that it is a group of wastes that are only qualified to collect materials.

As for Qin Shaofeng...

They always feel unable to see through.

The mere second-order barren moon ant, even if there are strong men with terrifying cultivation around him, he shouldn't have such courage.

On the contrary, Luo San seems to have some wrinkles after hands-on.

But it was also the same without the slightest beast blood contaminated, and it looked like a leisurely appearance.

"At the Qi Tomb of the Lower Immortal Palace, dare to ask this little friend who is it?"

The young man guarded by the three top ranking masters did not have the slightest arrogance on his face, but took the lead in holding his fists and asked his name.

"Are you also a member of the Immortal Palace?"

A look of doubt appeared in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

He did not make any cover-ups.

Qi Mu couldn't help but be astonished.

Although he is the most direct descendant of the Zunxian Hall, he rarely does it in the Zunxian Hall. He has been practicing in various places almost all the time, and he has seen countless young talents.

He could see that Qin Shaofeng's expression did not seem to be fake.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng's eyes were only surprised, but there was not much awe. Obviously, his origins were also very extraordinary, and he was even more puzzled.

"Yes, this brother knows the person from our Zunxian Temple?" Qi Mu asked suspiciously.

"I have contacted Yun Lan from your Yunxian Palace."

Qin Shaofeng nodded and asked doubtfully: "That Yun Lan seems to be a person with a very high status in Yunxian Palace, but Brother Qi Mu seems to be the same, which makes me very confused."

"Have you been in contact with Yun Lan?"

The color of doubt in Qi Tomb's eyes was even stronger, and he asked: "Although Sister Yunlan is a direct bloodline of our Zunxian Hall, her mother is the only daughter of an elder in Yunxian Hall, so she has followed motherhood. "

"That's it."

Qin Shaofeng suddenly.

"But brother, your history still surprised me!"

Seeing that he never answered his question, Qi Mu said, "Although Yun Lan is studying in Yunxian Academy, she is a princess Lengao. I don't know when and where my brothers had contact with her?"

"A few days ago, above the United Autumn Hunting, she was my opponent."

Qin Shaofeng shrugged and said, "In Xia Qin Shaofeng, it's just a humble little character in endless college."

He smiled so innocently, it seemed that it was because of deliberately hiding the profound origins.

The nine people on the opposite side are not the hairy boys who have just entered the arena.

They can all feel that Qin Shaofeng is definitely not as naive as he is now.

Even the degree of difficulty is even more troublesome than most of the old fried dough sticks that have been mixed for many years.

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