Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3886: Sneak attack

Liao Bufan really deserves Lao Zhen's praise.

That one-handed barbecue is really good.

Most people in this line are from the rivers and lakes, so it's natural to have meat without wine.

A full meal lasted more than half an hour.

Qin Shaofeng can be said to be full of food and drink.

Zhang Shuang said, "Master Qin, you just came back from the fight. I don't know if you are going to leave here, or are you going to rest here for a while?"

"Since it is very suitable for practicing Si Beast Kuang Thunder, we are all ready to practice Si Beast Kuang Thunder to blood red before leaving." Sun Zhi received.

"You may not be able to practice."

Qin Shaofeng's face suddenly became weird.

He picked up the hip flask and poured the last sip of the drink into his mouth. Then he said, "My practice these few days is really killing too hard. I am afraid that even a strange beast will not arrive in the monster cave. ."




Everyone looked at him with shocked faces.

It was the couples Shen Wang and Shen Lian who knew that he needed to kill foreign animals to improve their cultivation. The corners of their mouths twitched.

This product is really a killing embryo, and it turned the entire monster beast cave into an empty cave.

"Master Qin is amazing!"

After a long time, Qi Mu held his fist and spoke.

Just listening to this, Qin Shaofeng knew that they had all misunderstood, and quickly explained: "It's not what you think it is."

Qin Shaofeng shrugged and said, "Although I have killed three days and three nights in a row, the number of strange beasts that I have killed is not too many."

"But my slaughter scared all those alien beasts, and now they have all hidden under the ground."

Everyone's expressions sank again.

Those alien beasts were already tyrannical enough to hide underground, which is really shocking!

"It turned out to be like this."

Zhang Shuang and Sun Zhi looked at each other and collected all the thoughts in their hearts.

People Qin Shaofeng can kill the strange beasts to escape, that is their strength.


Qin Shaofeng took them to get the inheritance of Si Beast Thunder, they can't stop others from cultivating Si Beast Thunder, right?

When they thought this in their hearts, they were immediately relieved.

One should not be so greedy.

"In that case, let's leave here after eating this meal, take a good rest," Qi Mu said.

Everyone nodded at once.

Qin Shaofeng has done so much with them, they can't leave alone now, how can they also explore the Si Beast ruins together.

Otherwise, if they leave like this, wouldn't they just sell Qin Shaofeng?

The casual cultivators are not fools.

They all knew that what Qi Mu said seemed to be considering Qin Shaofeng, but the timing was selfish.

The alien beast is now afraid of being killed, but will it really not come out?

Didn't they make wedding dresses for the people behind?

They didn't believe that Simon would do this.

Taking a rest here for a day, at least you can see whether the strange beasts will appear again.

If they really appeared, wouldn't they still be able to stay here to practice?

The Seven Long Haoyue couldn't hear the off-string voice of Qi Tomb's words, and there was a gratitude in their eyes.

Qin Shaofeng several people, but just nodded slightly.

I stood up and moved a little bit, then turned around and went to the front of the hall again, leaning back on the wooden door and fell asleep.

This sleep time is really long.

When he woke up, almost a day had passed.

Many casual practitioners are discussing with each other.

On the other hand, there was only one person beside Qi Tomb.

When he was awake, everyone looked at him.

"What's the situation in Monster Beast Cave Mansion now?" Qin Shaofeng asked directly.

"The alien beast still hasn't appeared."

Qi Mu spoke, but everyone's expressions were very ugly.

Obviously things are not that simple.

"Then what?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

"Those alien beasts seem to have learned cleverness. It's not fake that they didn't come out of the ground, but they attacked directly from under their feet, making people hard to guard against." Qi Mu said bitterly and authentically.

"Have those bugs learned so insidiously?"

Qin Shaofeng's brows were also frowned tightly.

It was indeed a problem to be unable to continue beheading alien beasts, but Long Haoyue and the others were more worried.

Subconsciously glanced back.

He said in a deep voice: "Everyone gathers together, I will use special means to monitor the underground situation, we will leave here as soon as possible."

"it is good."

"no problem."

Everyone responded in unison.

Unable to hunt foreign animals, what they have to worry about most is their own situation.

No matter what the means Qin Shaofeng said, it was a great good thing for them.

Qin Shaofeng gave an order.

Everyone quickly gathered together and hurried towards the bottom of the mountain.

Came to the mountainside.

He saw the two subordinates of Qi Tomb standing outside the safety zone, watching the road further down the mountain where there might be danger.

"You two come back, we will go straight down the mountain." Qi Tomb did not ask any more, but directly ordered.

The two quickly gathered into the team.

The group suddenly accelerated.

Perhaps because of Qin Shaofeng's existence, there was no imaginary danger on the way down the mountain.

But when they went down the mountain, some people relaxed for a while.

"Liao Bufan has a problem at his feet." Luo San said.

The special method Qin Shaofeng said was the divine sense investigation of Luo San, the strong Yaoxing rank.

"Liao Bufan, be careful!"

Qin Shaofeng shouted out loud for the first time.

Liao Bufan was shocked and jumped up for the first time.

As the peak powerhouse of Tianyue.

Although he could not fly in the air, this jump was tens of meters high.

And while he jumped up.

A huge scorpion sprinted out of the ground.

If it were such a moment at night, I'm afraid Liao Bufan would die here.

Luo San was the first to act.

He changed from three steps to two, rushing to the direction where the scorpion's tail pierced the ground, and with a fierce tugging, he pulled the scorpion out.

"Shoot together!"

Qi Mu shouted loudly.

Everyone showed the Si beast crazy thunder together.

Qin Shaofeng's sleepy day.

They have cast Si Beast Thunder against the air more than once.

Both can feel that the Si Beast Kuang Lei is very strong, but because there is no opponent, it is impossible for the Si Beast phantom to burst out the real combat power.

Not to mention raising the level of Si Beast Thunder, even the true power of Si Beast Thunder cannot be displayed.

Finally there is a chance, no one wants to miss it.

Under Qi Tomb's shouts, the seventeen people simultaneously displayed Si Beast Kuang Lei.

Luo San was speechless and their ability to seize opportunities.

But he wouldn't forcefully accept the magical powers they had displayed, suddenly threw the scorpion monster into the sky, and suddenly retreated back towards Qin Shaofeng.

In an instant, all the sky that could be seen was covered by thunder.

Seventeen phantom beasts flashed out from behind them.

"Si Beast Thunder, go!"

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