Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3892: Meet

The defensive enchantment of Cangming Realm does not only exist for the defense of ghosts.

Although the ghost clan is dangerous, it is only part of the crisis of the Cangming Realm.

Sea star beasts usually seem to have nothing to do with the world in the ocean, but before humans descended on the Cangming Realm, where the edge of the continent was near the ocean, no creatures dared to exist.

Even inland, sea star beasts often attack.

The entire defensive enchantment at the edge of the Cangming Realm was made by many powerful human beings, supplemented by the various tribes of the Cangming Realm.

Mere consumption will almost squeeze the original ethnic groups dry.

But it is precisely because of this.

The defensive barrier of Cangming Realm has not been attacked for many years.

This sudden attack.

Immediately let the barrier guardians who had already become slack jumped up collectively.

One by one, like ants on a hot pot, one after another galloped towards where the barrier was.

Although their speed is extremely fast.

But when they came to the defensive enchantment, the defensive enchantment had already been closed, where was the slightest appearance of being attacked?

"What about people?"

"Which clan existed that attacked the barrier?"

"What happened just now?"

"Could it be our human race, or the powerhouse who joined forces with the formation of the enchantment at the beginning to attack the enchantment?"

"It shouldn't be the strong ones?"

"Why not? Even if the defensive enchantment has been attacked by dozens of powerful people for a few days, it is unlikely that it will be damaged. It is clear that it has just healed."

"Just healed? What does that mean?"

"Are you stupid?"

"Although the defensive barrier has the ability to repair it autonomously, if someone who doesn't know the situation of the defensive barrier takes action, it will definitely cause damage to the defensive barrier, and it is absolutely impossible to heal so quickly."

"The person who shot clearly knows the situation of the defensive barrier, and used a certain function of the defensive barrier to break in."


"In addition, we will send someone to report. This incident is likely to cause some big disturbances."

All those responsible for the defense of the enchantment all moved.

Most of them started searching for intelligence on those who attacked the enchantment in the first place.

But no one found out.

Under a big tree not far from the defensive barrier, there was an old man with ragged clothes and messy black hair, staggering away step by step.

There is not even the slightest fluctuation in his cultivation.

As if just an ordinary old man.

Don't say that the person in charge of the defensive enchantment didn't notice it, even if he saw it, he would definitely ignore it.

Although there will be no humans near the defense barrier in normal times.

But it is not absolute.

Some people who specialize in searching for food in various mountains and forests for their livelihoods may come here when they go the wrong way.

Whatever the old man thinks, he is like that.

This elder was the Ximen Lingzhong who knew the secret of the defense barrier and easily broke through.

Ximen Lingzhong's pace looked unhappy.

In fact, it was a thousand miles away, and after a few raised their feet, they had already escaped far.

"It seems that the old guy is right. After the Demon Dao is cultivated to the Void Realm, it will greatly reduce the negative effects of the True Demon's body."

"The consumption of using the real demon body to fight for a full year did not make me feel too much discomfort,"

"Yes, really good."

Ximen Lingzhong muttered to himself.

The strange thing is that his mouth is constantly closed and there are sounds, but they can't be heard at all.

If anyone sees this scene here, they will definitely be shocked.

Because this scene is really horrible.

This is another way of expressing the void.

As long as he is unwilling, Void Will will completely converge his voice according to his requirements, even if the general Yaoxing position is standing beside him, he will definitely not be able to hear the slightest.

"It's been over a year, it's time to go and see that little guy."

The look in Ximen Lingzhong's eyes was bitter, and the corner of his mouth was a sinister smile. He said to himself: "That kid has a good training speed, I don't know if he has reached the late moon stage."

The division of martial arts cultivation in the Cangming world, whether it is the shining star or the moon, has an overall generalization.

It's like being in the star position.

Ordinary shining stars are the same as powerful ones.

Ordinary shining star is divided into three realms of heaven, earth and man, and the second realm of shining star is blamed as the realm of the mighty one.

Among them, there are only two realm divisions, the Void Realm and the Void Realm.

Now Ximen Lingzhong has just stepped into the realm of the Mighty One.

The month position is also divided.

Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang is the late lunar month, and the latter is the early lunar month.

"That kid... Huh? He went to the ruins?"

Ximen Lingzhong was able to find Qin Shaofeng's location easily without having to explore anything personally through the void sensing.

Even if he was hundreds of millions of miles away, he could clearly feel Qin Shaofeng's situation.

"Why is Yuyue's pinnacle so low?"

Ximen Lingzhong frowned, and immediately he breathed a sigh of relief: "That kid seems to put the girl Li Naling and others in the space cave, and he is also carrying the dark night assassin by his side. It is enough to go there with the old man. Broke through."

Ximen Lingzhong muttered to himself, stepped away, and once again crossed the void and disappeared.

Among the remains of the Si Beast.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know the arrival of Ximen Lingzhong, and he was still dealing with the matter in front of him.

They don't want to meet the blood family.

The blood clan also most wanted to meet him.

What happened backfired.

Both sides are avoiding each other, so that they really have met when they just arrived at the center of the Si Beast Ruins.

Both of them are avoiding each other.

As a result, the place of assessment here has already had humans coming one step earlier.

Anyone who dared to come here was a strong person on the ground list, and there were even two shining star ranks for casual cultivation.

Discovery of kinship appeared.

The faces of many people who were about to go to the place of assessment became heavy.

"Three celestial moons are in the pinnacle blood clan, two shining stars are star beasts?"

Those casual cultivators were worried, but they had to look at Qin Shaofeng and the others.

Of course, they did not see Qin Shaofeng.

But Zhang Shuang and others walking in front of them.

"Brother Zhang, these blood races are indeed difficult, but they are not incapable of confronting the enemy. How about we join hands and try the methods of these blood races?" A Yaoxing powerhouse took the initiative to speak.

Zhang Shuang's expression suddenly sank.

Subconsciously glanced at the blood clan, then said: "It stands to reason that the people from Tianji Tower should also come, where are they?"

"Tianji Tower?"

Many casual cultivators were taken aback.

No one thought that Zhang Shuang would mention the people in Tianji Building first.

But when I think about it, it seems like that.

Tianjilou is like a cloud, and in this industry, they seem to have an attitude of Tianjilou as the mainstay.

If the people of Tianjilou are there, the situation will be greatly changed.

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