Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3894: Simon comes

All of them became silent immediately.

These two points of blood race are too famous.

Just now, under the temptation of interest, they could brainstorm for a while, and after rationally analyzing the situation, no one had the courage to challenge the blood clan's stance.

After all, in history, the blood family easily did not make any promises.

But every word they have said is an iron rule that will never change for the blood race.

Even if you have to pay your life for this, the kinship will not hesitate.

Although they are all human beings, they have to admit that in keeping their promises, human beings are definitely inferior to the kinship.

"Little brother Qi Mu said it was right."

Brother Han nodded again and again, and said, "I just got a hot head, and suddenly said something like this. This matter shouldn't be messed up, otherwise the blood clan will never give up."

"Then shall we leave like this?"

A strong person in the rankings asked unwillingly.

"If there are other powerful alliances on our human side, or the inheritance of the beasts is easy to obtain, the old man and others are naturally willing to fight it, but you have also experienced mountain stone carvings and monster caves. Which one do you think is easy to break? In the past?" Brother Han said in a deep voice.

The San Xiu suddenly closed his mouth.

It is true that they want to get the inheritance of Si Beast Kuang Lei, but they still won't exchange their life for a hope of almost impossible success.

"In that case, let's part ways now!"

Zhang Shuang nodded and said: "We have tried for a long time. If Si Beast Kuang Lei could get it, it should have gotten it long ago. Since we can't get it, then we have to leave."

"Let's go together!"

Qi Mu nodded and walked over.

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng would not engage in mavericks at this time, and hurriedly led people towards the two of them.

Many casual repairers rolled their eyes upon seeing this.

Xin said: This kid is anxious, those blood races can't wait to play him, if he doesn't choose to leave, it would be strange.

Zhang Shuang said that it was parting ways. In fact, everyone has understood the possibility of staying and inheriting.

Everyone followed them and chose to leave.

Dozens of people all left the Sibeast ruins.

Until out of Yunling.

Brother Han and others are the first to say goodbye.

Naturally, the rest of the people would not waste time anymore and chose to leave.

Finally, Qin Shaofeng and others were left.

Zhang Shuangcai stared at Qin Shaofeng suspiciously, and said in doubt, "You should already know about the blood race that won't do anything to us?"

"Naturally know."

Qin Shaofeng shrugged and said with a smile: "Although I am young, I am not a fool. How can I not see the conspiracy of Huang Tianji and others?"

"It's just that our strength is insufficient, and we can only look for opportunities."

"When the blood clan allowed us to flee, they sent me a special message: Boy, run away!"

"I thought they wanted to take me as a prey, but we escaped easily. At that time, I already understood the plan of the blood race."

He recounted the matter briefly.

Zhang Shuang and others realized this.

They had known for a long time that Qin Shaofeng was not a simple-minded guy, how could he do such an idiot thing?

The truth turned out to be like this.

"If this is the case, it is not that we have paid back the favor, but owes you more. If you have any future needs, Brother Qin, you can send a message to Zhang Shuang at any time."

"My old Zhen is the same."

"We are the same."

Everyone expressed their opinions.

After Qin Shaofeng thanked one by one, he finally said goodbye to these people.


Luo San's voice came to his ears: "The two eavesdropping Yaoxing's scattered repairs have also left."

Qin Shaofeng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It is impossible for him to tell the truth to Zhang Shuang's tomb and others, and it is even more impossible for him to let Brother Han and Li know.

But before he came to rest, a gloomy laughter finally sounded.

"In my opinion, what you said is completely the opposite. Not only is it not what you said, but the destruction of the Tianji Tower is directly related to you, right?"

"No, right? The blood clan is willing to find you a step down. It should be you who even stopped the blood clan, right?"

This voice was not even hidden.

The seven Long Haoyue suddenly became nervous.

Both Shen Wang and Shen Lian trembled all over, and suddenly began to worry.

This matter can't be spread, otherwise Tianjilou will never let them go.

"Who? I need to talk nonsense here!"

Luo San stood in front of Qin Shaofeng for the first time, looking heavily in all directions in his eyes.

He is not only the powerhouse of Yaoxing, but also an assassin walking in the shadows.

The sudden appearance of this person, who he could not even discover, immediately caused shock in his heart.

"Luo San, don't be so nervous."

Qin Shaofeng patted him on the shoulder and smiled: "Uncle, since you have already come, why do you need to hide?"

"You kid, can you tell who the old man is from the voice that the old man deliberately hid?" Ximen Ling Zhong widened his eyes and walked out of the void.

At this time, he was still in ragged clothes, looking just like an ordinary dry old man.

But he walked out of the void.

It can also evade the detection of Luo San, the powerhouse of Yaoxing.

Just these two points made it clear to Long Haoyue and the others that this uncle of Qin Shaofeng is definitely an extremely tyrannical existence.

"In the entire Cangming Realm, there are not many people who know my methods, and those who know the situation of Luo San and others are even rarer, let alone your words, which directly exposed both points."

"Combined with your super strength, you still don't have the slightest hostile tone. If I can't guess who it is, then what qualifications do I have to live to this day?" Qin Shaofeng shrugged.

Ximen Lingzhong suddenly burst into laughter.

"Speaking of which, uncle, why are you coming back now? Looking at your aura, your cultivation level should have increased again?" Qin Shaofeng stared at Ximen Lingzhong.

Of course, he couldn't see the aura of Ximen Lingzhong's cultivation base.

He set the criterion because Xuanwu suddenly woke up and felt a little jealous.

Xuanwu is a divine beast.

Even it must be jealous, at least it must be the existence of a powerful person like Master, right?

"You kid have a vicious vision."

Ximen Lingzhong laughed and said, "Speaking of which, the seven ghost kings are really powerful. Even if they are all seriously injured, they can make me feel the crisis of life and death all the time throughout the year."

"With the sense of crisis they gave me, I finally broke the last shackle smoothly."

"Then you are now... the mighty one?"

Qin Shaofeng stared at him with complicated eyes.

Big, powerful? !

The seven Long Haoyue bodies trembled together.

Qin Shaofeng's uncle turned out to be a powerful man! ?

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