Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3907: Strange little girl

A series of system voices sounded in my mind one after another.

Without a full 40 million star and moon value, Qin Shaofeng didn't even have the interest to glance at it.

Blindly follow Luo San and rush to kill.

The movements of the two immediately made the old woman Ji, who had not participated in the battle, looked strange in the core.

"Those two people actually dared to rush in?" Old Ji exclaimed.

"What? They killed in?"

Everyone, whether human or alien, all eyes flashed with spirit.

A martial arts cultivator with a younger generation, who really dared to bring someone in, was either too arrogant or had real skills.

Regardless of the type, they all began to hope.

"No matter what the situation of the two people is, since they chose to rescue us, then we can't continue to delay here. Everyone will rush over there with me." The old woman shouted and moved towards the two Qin Shaofeng The direction that rushed over pointed to the past.

They have reached the brink of death.

Regardless of whether Qin Shaofeng and the two can help, for them, it is all the last straw.

Everyone started to move.

How terrifying is the power of more than a dozen Yaoxing powers to explode?

Even if there are more shining stars on the side of the ghosts and corpses, they can't completely stop their speed.

Their actions here also couldn't escape Luo San's perception.

Moving both sides at the same time allows them to get closer together more quickly.

"You can stop now."

Qin Shaofeng's mood of surprise had just appeared in his heart, when he saw the ghost slaves who were further ahead suddenly dispersed.

A ghost appeared on their only way with three shining star ghost slaves.

Ghosts do not have the power of human consciousness.

But the ghost corpse slave was shocked, it was too simple for them to understand the situation of Qin Shaofeng and the other two.

"The four stars exist?"

Luo San's expression suddenly became heavy.

He quickly backed up a few steps, and the whole person stood in front of Qin Shaofeng, saying: "My son, although these four guys are not enough to threaten you, after all, your Yao Shenyi defense has its limits. If you let them attack at will If you do, ten breaths at most will break your defense, and I cannot kill them within ten breaths."

"It's okay, the four shining star positions are worth my shot." Qin Shaofeng's mouth was slightly outlined.

Luo San's divine consciousness always spread.

After detecting the weird smile that appeared at the corner of his mouth, he was taken aback.

When Qin Shaofeng asked Li Naling for the poison pill, he didn't reveal the slightest sound. Even Luo San didn't know that he had already unknowingly added another assassin.

"Humans, no matter who you are, we don't want to hurt you today. Leave by yourself!" The ghost had already spoken.

Luo San's expression remained unchanged, but the smile on Qin Shaofeng's face became more intense.

"There are only four ghost corpses and corpse slaves with ordinary shining stars, and they dare to say that they want to hurt this young man without shame. It is really lifeless." Qin Shaofeng sneered.

He never showed his head from behind Luo San.

But when he opened his mouth, he was using all his strength, and suddenly threw a poison pill from the gap in Luo San's arm.


The ghost did not believe that Qin Shaofeng and the two had the qualifications to threaten them.

But when facing this poison pill, his face changed slightly.

"It's just a human ant in the position of the yellow moon. You dare to attack me?" The ghost sneered and patted the poison pill with a palm of his hand.

As a family of ghosts, he is indeed an intelligent creature, not like those ghosts.

However, his wisdom is still limited until he reaches the level of the ghost king.

Not to mention that compared with Qin Shaofeng, an old fox who has been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, he is simply too immature.

How about a high cultivation base?

He still couldn't see the problem with the poison pill.

If this palm is facing a hidden weapon, it does have absolute suppression.

But how can Poison Pill be as simple as shooting flying?

He was shooting at the moment.

The poison pills that had already come near them had exploded by themselves.

Under the action of the terrifying void power, the poison in the poison pellet instantly invaded the ghosts and hundreds of ghost slaves.

"what is this……"

The ghost and corpse didn't finish speaking, and the whole body was directly turned into a pool of black water under the highly toxic effect.

And the many ghosts and corpses slaves who suffered from poisonous attacks directly turned into a pool of black mud.

"This, what is this?" Luo San was startled by the scene before him.

"My treasure of Taoism."

Qin Shaofeng's mouth was slightly tilted, and said: "If I don't even have this means, how dare I bring you in to save people?"

He laughed a few times before making Luo San act again.

Without the presence of the shining star, they increased their speed again and quickly approached the group of people in the Void Hall.

Luo San always used his divine sense to lock the people in the Void Hall in the depths of the ghost slaves.

Old Ji is also paying attention to their changes.

When she found the four dazzling stars and ghost corpses and corpses slaves were going to stop her, she snorted in her heart.

But she never thought of it.

It was when Luo San, the celestial powerhouse, was worried, he was killed by a poison pill that Qin Shaofeng casually threw out.

Is that the existence of the four shining stars?

The greater the surprise in her heart, the greater the surprise.

"It's really worthy of the little guy who dared to venture into the land of ghosts. He actually has a treasure made by the powerhouse in the void."

Old Ji exclaimed excitedly: "Everyone will speed up for me. As long as we can rendezvous with those two people, with the help of that kid's treasure of Taoism, we will be able to have a chance again."

Everyone could hear her shout just now.

Hearing that, everyone is overjoyed.

And when everyone broke out, a little girl who had always been lying on Ji's back before and receiving Ji's protection, raised her head for the first time.

"It turned out to be a kid with a treasure of Taoism. It seems that we really have hope of living." The little girl's voice was extremely calm.

She looks only five or six years old, but the calmness in her eyes and the coldness in her voice are even more incredible.

It must be known that they are surrounded by so many ghosts and corpses.

Even the hearts of the Yaoxing powerhouses they brought over have long been messed up, let alone such a little girl.

Elder Ji and others could naturally notice her voice.

Everyone seemed to be accustomed to her peace a long time ago, even if it was Elder Ji who was carrying her on his back, there was not even the slightest wave in his expression.

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