Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3910: escape

"Little sister is really joking, let's see how we should escape here first!" Qin Shaofeng quickly changed the subject.

Among this group of people, the little girl and Elder Ji were indeed extremely slippery.

But he is not Xiaobai who has just entered the martial arts arena.

Since these people kept changing topics for him, he didn't mind using the same method.

"Interesting, really interesting."

The little girl couldn't help laughing in a low voice.

The laughter made Elder Ji who was carrying her feel cold all over, and couldn't help saying: "Little Lord, that's just a slick little guy, and he is willing to help us. We can't..."

"Put away your messy thoughts, am I the kind of person who will avenge revenge?" The little girl was furious.

"Yes, yes, what the young master said." Old Ji was taken aback.

"I mean that little guy has a lot of secrets, and I just inherited the cultivation base. If I want to go back now, maybe a new round of assassination by my big brother and Cangming Palace will come again. "The little girl laughed in a low voice.

"Do you want to follow that kid first?"

Old Ji's eyes widened: "You can't do it, the kid doesn't know your identity at all. You can indeed hide your identity temporarily by following that kid, but according to that kid's bold temper, he will definitely look for opportunities to take advantage of you."

"Take advantage of me? Hehe, interesting."

The little girl laughed in a low voice, and said: "You can arrange it as soon as possible, and let the insects follow us at that time, and the others will return to casual cultivation."

"Yes, little lord."

Old Ji looked reluctant, but still began to transmit voice.

She really has no combat power at all now.

But after all, she is a powerful person in the late stage of the void. Although these words are not used for sound transmission, they are also isolated in the void, making Qin Shaofeng and others unable to hear a bit.

It was not until the end of the last conversation that she withdrew the void isolation.

All this is done on the bright side.

Although Qin Shaofeng felt that the two seemed to be talking, he couldn't hear the slightest, and he couldn't even see the shapes of their mouths.

Naturally, it is impossible to know that what I have just done has already caused me a huge trouble.

He was sure that he could not overhear the least of the conversation between the two.

Simply start looking towards the battlefield.

The dozens of people in the Void Realm are indeed extremely expensive, but they can still be resisted for a short time. On the contrary, Luo San is the easiest to do it.

After all, he is vigorous.

If it weren't for the fear of being exposed in front of the people of the Void Hall, it would not be difficult for him to fight alone to resist the seven or eight shining stars.

Time is still passing by little by little.

Because he brought Luo San to come, it did give the strong men of the Void Hall some rest. The continuous battle for an unknown amount of time still made them look like a lone boat in the ocean, and it seemed that they could capsize at any time.

"What is the situation of the people in the Void Hall? Why are they still not willing to go all out to escape?" Qin Shaofeng became speechless as he watched.

Seeing that the crowd was getting more and more serious, even Luo San seemed to be a little out of breath, he became more impatient.

It was when he felt most anxious that a breath that could be called horror suddenly swept from a distance.

"Is it still discovered?"

The little girl suddenly spoke, and Qin Shaofeng's voice was startled.

be found?

Did they still hide something in the previous battle?

"Little lord, we can't continue to delay, otherwise everyone will die here." The insect turned his head for the first time.

There is no need for bugs to talk about such things.

The little girl's face became more and more ugly.

For today, she has been secretly preparing for hundreds of years, but she didn't expect an accident at this most critical moment?


If it weren't for what happened back then, she could have at least a dozen powerful men in her hands, how could she end up in the field today?

Elder Ji glanced into the distance, and the aura of the whole person suddenly became confused.

"My lord, the rabbit knows your nostalgia, but this place of inheritance has searched the entire Cangming Realm, and I am afraid that we can't find the third place. If this opportunity is wasted, we will have no chance at all, let's not blame the rabbit. Advocate." Old Ji suddenly said.

She didn't hide her voice at all this time.

After Qin Shaofeng heard her claim to be, he immediately felt all over his body.


According to the average person's aging state, this old lady, who is probably going to reach her old age, actually calls herself a rabbit?

It's...it makes people speechless!

"It's only half an hour away, Emperor Cangming, Ji Xiong, I will definitely make you pay!" The little girl suddenly snarled.

Although she also had the same Void Realm cultivation base aura.

But she couldn't control it at all.

How can it reach Ji Lao's actions?

Perhaps there is one person present who can reach Ji Lao.

The problem is that this group of people has never chosen to believe in Qin Shaofeng from beginning to end. Where is Qin Shaofeng willing to expose his trump card for them?

The Mighty Void Realm is already on his way.

Old Ji moves extremely fast.

When Qin Shaofeng heard their conversation and looked back, he saw that Old Ji had already exuded a light pink scent.

The breath quickly broke away from her and turned into a pink pill in front of the little girl.

It's too late to say, then fast.

In just a blink of an eye, Ji Lao's overall temperament image has changed drastically.

Where is the old state before?

At first glance, it looked like a beautiful woman in her thirties, especially the white fluff on her face and the bunny ears on her head, which immediately made Qin Shaofeng feel that the Three Views were completely destroyed.

This old Ji's body is actually a rabbit?

"That little friend, my little lord does not have the aura of any party, even her existence, I have twisted the void before so that the ghosts can’t know, you quickly take my little lord away, and in the future we will set the void. Thank you very much!" Old Ji hurried over with a voice transmission.

At the same time, the air in her body moved, wrapping the little girl holding the pink pills into Qin Shaofeng's arms.

In the next moment, she had already soared into the sky and headed towards the powerhouse of the void realm who was rushing over.

"Let the little lord follow that kid?"

Many strong people in the Void Hall were shocked.

On the contrary, the insect who had received the order a long time ago suddenly shouted: "The inheritance of the little master has been broken. Everyone immediately scatters and flees!"

The worm's shout shocked Qin Shaofeng again.

But when he looked at those people, an even more shocking scene appeared in his eyes.

I saw that the people who had just claimed to be the subordinates of Ethereal Highness, unexpectedly broke out one by one the methods that made him feel familiar, turned around and rushed out in all directions.

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