Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3913: Martial Evolution


A crisp sound, accompanied by the painful cry of a young girl, rang in the circle of countless ghosts and corpses.

"Stop it, you stop it!"

Ya'er just got hit, and shouted: "We are now in the siege of ghost slaves. Even if there is a martial artist in front of the sky, there will be some ghost slaves who can attack in time... …"

Before Ya'er finished speaking, she closed her mouth.

Because when she was talking about it, she saw with her own eyes a ghost corpse slave in the position of Tianyue really stretched its paws.

But Qin Shaofeng just turned slightly, using his own back to resist the blow.

Only heard a sound of ‘ding’.

Qin Shaofeng's body didn't move at all, but the ghost corpse slave who was in the moon position was shaken out that day.

"Yao Shenyi, you... you bastard!" Ya'er became even more uncertain.

She has clearly realized that she really said something wrong.

The little guy who is saving her is no ordinary person. He will be frightened by a few words, but instead is using old fritters.

She was only a four or five-year-old girl now, which made Qin Shaofeng really regard her as a little girl.

The slap just now actually slapped her little ass.

Her body is four or five years old, but her mind is not at all!

The slap almost made her vomit blood.

"Huh? Aren't you arrogant just now? You dare to threaten me?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled darkly: "I make you arrogant, I let you threaten me."

"Papa Papa..."

Loud voices sounded one after another.

Anyway, just hitting a four or five-year-old girl, Qin Shaofeng would not have any psychological burden.

But the butterfly that ran out of the last trace of combat power and fell on Ya'er's shoulder was completely shocked by the scene before her.

Am I wrong?

But the lord is...

How dare that little guy?

How dare to beat the young master...

It seems that a thousand years ago, when the old master was alive, he never beat the young master like this, right?

"Ahhhhh! Don't fight!"

The little girl can't bear it anymore, "Little guy, how dare you treat this seat like this, do you believe that after the restoration of this seat's cultivation base, can you make you survive?"

"Believe, you are the daughter of the Great Void Emperor of the last generation, and now you are the mighty one at the pinnacle of the Void Realm. Wouldn't it be easy to kill me, simply?" Qin Shaofeng smiled softly.

Anyway, he was also missed by Ya'er. Even if he didn't fight this meal, he would be threatened by this little girl in the future.

Breaking the jar, can this little girl really kill herself?

She is her savior.

And she just made a promise, and also talked about the cultivating minds of the mighty pinnacle.

If he didn't charge some interest first, then he wouldn't be Qin Shaofeng.

Ya'er's voice was unable to reach other people's ears because of the suppression of the void, but Qin Shaofeng's words made Luo San who opened the way in front of him so scared that his jaw almost fell.

The four or five-year-old girl in Qin Shaofeng's arms turned out to be the daughter of Emperor Xu Miao?

And was Qin Shaofeng spanked?

This this this...

Luo San felt like he was going crazy.

It should be noted that he once was just an unknown killer under Emperor Xumiao!

"You, you...you can't do this, I won't threaten you anymore, can't you stop threatening you?" Ya'er finally realized that what she was facing was a hob meat.

As an adult, she can't stand such a beating!

"You said this yourself, don't say I threaten you in the future, hehe!" Qin Shaofeng laughed in a low voice.

Ya'er's lungs were blown up immediately.

I have never seen such a bastard.

Shameless hob meat!

She cursed fiercely in her heart.

"It seems that the exercises you just said are true or not?" Qin Shaofeng smiled.


Ya'er is almost mad, where is she willing to send the exercises?

But just as she said what she said, Qin Shaofeng raised her right hand again.

Qin Shaofeng was wearing a Yao God clothing.

Even most of the ghost corpse slaves who chased after him were unable to hurt him within one move, and these ordinary ghost corpses were even more helpless.

Qin Shaofeng chose to flee as a tortoise with her head shrunk, making Ya'er really unable to do anything.

"I did not lie to you!"

Ya'er was really subdued: "We can't practice the techniques of Tianxu ancestors. How can I have the whole book? The whole book is hidden somewhere in our Void Hall. Only I know it. You don’t need it. Worrying about being ruined by my elder brother, as long as my cultivation base is restored and I regain the position of the Lord of the Palace, I will give you the whole book immediately."

"You still want to use me?"

Qin Shaofeng was already cruel enough by her, and she was always on guard.

"I didn't want to use you, but I really can't take it out now!" Ya'er was about to cry.

Qin Shaofeng could see that she really couldn't take out the entire copy now.

But does he really need the whole book now?

"Then tell me everything you know now." Qin Shaofeng threatened immediately.

At the same time he opened his mouth, his right hand was raised again.

Just as he raised his right hand, a ghost slave had already bitten off his arm.

Qin Shaofeng seemed to have not seen the same.

Yao Shen is dressed.

The moment that ghost corpse slave bit it, it was blasted out by the power emanating from Yao Shen's clothes.

"Give it, I give it!"

Ya'er was really going to cry.

Why did I choose such a shameless hob meat?

It would be better to let the power of Yao Shenyi be constantly consumed, and even threaten oneself, what else can one do?

She closed her eyes suddenly.

When he opened it again, he met Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

Countless messages instantly invaded Qin Shaofeng's mind.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for getting the first stage of the Heavenly Void Skill, and consuming 10,000 Glory Stars."

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for obtaining the second stage of the Heavenly Void Art, which consumes 10,000 Glory Stars."

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for obtaining the third stage of the Heavenly Void Skill, which consumes 10,000 Glory Stars."

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng's Martial Body Evolution for the current sixth-order Tianxu Yueling."

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for the evolution of his talent skills, he is currently in the realm of heaven and spirit."

The changes in the martial arts and the illusory true spirit immediately made Qin Shaofeng feel the aura of the imaginary realm more clearly.

Even he had a faintly strange feeling.

It seems that there is another layer of space outside the real world.

Maybe not space, but illusory space.

Everything is a space made of illusion, seemingly real and illusory, making people feel unpredictable.

Although it's just a vague feeling.

But he was very sure that as long as he could successfully cultivate the Heavenly Void Art, he seemed to be able to walk in the illusory space.

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