Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3916: Power of nothingness

"Although you have temporarily obtained one ten-thousandth of my nihilistic origin, you can't use it at will. According to your current cultivation base, you can use it once a month at most, and you only have half a cup of tea time."

"If you can't end the battle within half a cup of tea, or escape smoothly, you will fall into a period of at least ten days of weakness. At that time, to ordinary people, you are just the flesh on the glued board."

"And my inheritance has already begun. You need to let me absorb it once a month until I absorb my nihilistic origin."

When Ya'er introduced her nihilistic origin, there was no worry at all.

It seemed that even if she didn't want to let her absorb it back, she couldn't do it.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but remember the memory that existed in his own sea of ​​knowledge. It seemed that it was a similar situation, right?

Ya'er looked young, but she was more cunning than herself.

If she doesn't leave behind, I'm afraid even a fool will not believe it.

"You mean to let me use that trace of nihilism right now and take you and Luo San to escape directly?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

"Not for the time being. The price I spent for this inheritance is not what you can imagine. Even if the lucky guy can come and pursue it, it will take at least tea time to find us."

"And where we are now, it is still the area monitored by the Tianji Tower. You pull a trace of the original power, and all blessings to the speed. We need to rush out five thousand miles before you can use that trace of the original power." Ya Said the child.

Qin Shaofeng immediately followed the method she had said.

That pink cloud seemed to be a good thing, but Qin Shaofeng knew that it was definitely a time bomb.

He can use it to get some benefits from it.

Similarly, it is very likely that his life has been controlled by Ya'er.

He is now even more unable to leave Ya'er and escape alone.

Only a trace of nihility is incorporated.

Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt that after the third level of Heavenly Void Art, the power to control the void had been increased.

It seems that the whole world is in my control.

Do not! Perhaps it should be said to be under surveillance.

The power of the nihilistic source he obtained is too little, too little. I am afraid that, as Ya'er said, only when the power of the entire cloud is displayed, he can briefly use the power of the nihilistic strong.

According to Ya'er, he immediately applied that trace of the original force to the speed.

He seemed to lose weight in an instant.

Just a thought, the speed turned out to be a geometric increase.

Under the sudden change, he almost failed to converge in time and hit Luo San.

Hastily slowed down a bit.

When Luo San discovered that his speed had suddenly increased, he was surprised at first, then overjoyed.

All the hands that were still left broke out immediately.

The whole person turned into a stream of light, and the speed of rushing faster and faster.

"What's the matter with the speed of those two human beings, why have they suddenly increased so much?" The Yaoxing corpse who was slowly chasing after him was shocked.

"My lord royal, although their speed is not slow, they won't get rid of us. Do you want me to take some ghost slaves to catch up?" said the ghost behind him.

"No, the thing that kid threw out was too terrifying. If it weren't because of his lack of ability to throw that thing directly around us, our losses would definitely increase greatly."

The royal ghost shook his head: "Continue hanging behind, I can feel Master Void approaching here. As long as Master Void arrives, we will not only be able to take back the treasure that can help our race, but also effortlessly. Slaughtered them."

"Yes, Master of the Royal Family Mingjian." The ghost corpse pleased.

"Mingjian fart, on cunning, even those kings can't compare with humans, if I can have half the cunning of humans, how can I still let them live to the present?" The royal family ghost anger is still difficult to suppress.

The other ghosts did not dare to answer.

It goes without saying that the ghost clan is powerful, but the weakness of the ghost slave is also too obvious.

Qin Shaofeng, who had fled in front of him, had no way of knowing their plans.

But he is always paying attention to the distance.

One thousand miles, two thousand miles...

The short-term horrible speed bonus made him much faster than Long Haoyue and the others in the position of Heaven and Moon.

It was just a few dozen breaths.

Even Qin Shaofeng could already feel the terrifying aura of the powerhouse in the void.

"That guy has been chased and killed, and the distance we are now fleeing is almost the same. You immediately use my trace of emptiness and take the two of us to leave immediately." Ya'er's words finally came.

Qin Shaofeng took a deep breath suddenly.

He did get some memory and understanding of the emptiness, but he also directly crossed countless realms to display it, and he was still excited.

The whole cloud was mobilized by him.


He discovered that the power of his qi and blood was all escaping away from his body while the clouds were moving.

It seems to be the power to protect the body.

In the next moment, the power of the nihilistic origin was finally completely integrated into him.

The world in his eyes suddenly changed dramatically.

It seems that the entire void is part of his body, and it only takes a thought to make the void collapse, or other more terrifying changes.

But in the memory he got, the power of the void was very vague.

"Luo San, go!"

Under the control of the void, Qin Shaofeng immediately turned into a powerhouse in the void realm, able to see all the trajectories of Luo San's battle clearly.

When he thought, Void was under his grasp, leading Luo San into the sky.

The void suddenly twisted.

He did get the void of battle power temporarily, but his eyesight was not enough. He only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and he had already reached an edge of the mainland.

The breath of the ghost and corpse clan powerhouse in the void has long been unknown how far he has been thrown away.

"In a few tens of thousands of miles, I didn't expect that you would be able to achieve this level when you mastered the source of nothingness for the first time. It's good, it's good." The tension in Ya'er's voice finally disappeared.

"Thousands, thousands of miles?!"

Qin Shaofeng exclaimed.

At this speed, even when he was at the peak of the Land of Bright Stars, he still couldn't even think about it!

"Those ghosts are no longer able to track us, they immediately reduced their breath, and we landed." Ya'er ordered.

Qin Shaofeng knew how serious the consequences of using the source of nothingness were.

He did not dare to display too much.

As soon as his mind moved, he took the two of them to the ground, restraining the power of the nihilistic origin.

Instead, the endless pink in the body faded instantaneously and turned into that pink cloud again.

An unspeakable painful sensation suddenly appeared from all over his body.

Hurry to look inside.

The body that appeared in his eyes was already covered with cracks, like a porcelain doll that might break at any time.

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