Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3921: return

The realm of martial arts just sounds really simple.

Especially for Qin Shaofeng who has a system, it is naturally even more so.

But he is also very clear.

As his cultivation base continues to increase, the system experience value will continue to increase tenfold and tenfold.

It is not that difficult to obtain enough experience points to reach the heaven and moon position within a few months.

Not to mention the situation with Ya'er.

Qin Shaofeng made a decision and took Luo San and Ya'er towards the land of ghosts.

During the battle, time flies very quickly.

And in battle.

Qin Shaofeng was surprised to find that Ya'er had completely integrated herself into nothingness through her own cultivation realm.

Don't say it's those silly ghost slaves.

According to Luo San, even he couldn't detect the existence of Ya'er.

These bizarre methods really shocked Qin Shaofeng for a long time.

Unconsciously, time has reached the edge of the opening of the relics of the Zunxian Temple.

The slaughter during this period of time has caused Qin Shaofeng's cultivation base to grow a lot.

He is now a seventh-level moon.

Compared to the time when he was separated from the Heiyu Gnomes and the Baishi Clan, his cultivation level has changed dramatically.

But when his cultivation reached the current level, he was no longer anxious.

After such a long time, his martial arts value has just reached 305, which is too far away from the number of thousand.

Moreover, when he was promoted from the position of Xuanyue to the position of Earth and Moon, he consumed a full one billion stars and moon values.

According to the current rate of increase.

He can imagine that when his cultivation reaches the ninth-level moon position, another breakthrough will become tens of billions.

It happened that he had already used as much as 5.2 billion of the total star and moon value of 8.7 billion.

Although the star-moon value accumulated in the system was still enough for him to rise to the eighth-level moon position, he was no longer in a hurry.

Once again came to the vicinity of the Holy Ghost City.

"There is only the last half a month left before the ruins of the Zunxian Temple are opened. It's time for us to go back."

After some rest, Qin Shaofeng said.

Luo San immediately looked at him.

The longer he followed Qin Shaofeng, the greater his trust in Qin Shaofeng.

And he is also different from Li Naling and others.

Li Naling had to hide in Qin Shaofeng's fan house because the enemy outside was too strong.

On the one hand, in order to repay the gratitude, on the other hand, it may not mean waiting for Qin Shaofeng to become stronger.

His enemies outside might have forgotten him long ago.

And as a dark night assassin, he is not so afraid of the enemy's pursuit.

But he is used to a life with a master.

In the Void Realm, he has the Void Emperor, and the Infinite Hell has the prisoner Li Naling. Now, after confirming Qin Shaofeng's extraordinary, he has completely become Qin Shaofeng's diehard subordinate.

He naturally would not refute Qin Shaofeng's decision.

Subconsciously looked at Qin Shaofeng's back.

His eyes shrank suddenly.

Because when Qin Shaofeng spoke, he still saw Ya'er on his back, but in such a moment, Ya'er disappeared without a trace.

Qin Shaofeng felt the change in his expression, and looked on his back.

It was found that the sight and probing were ignored, causing the corners of his mouth to slightly cocked.

Immediately, he didn't think anything happened, and said, "Let's go!"

Only then did he take out the war exploits he had obtained when he would seal a ghost to death.

As for the military exploits, there are only a few three thousand military exploits.

It's not that he only got so much in the land of ghosts.

After all, the achievement of combat exploits has an absolute relationship with the beheaded ghost slaves.

Killing the ghost and corpse slaves at the level of Huangyue and below, one can gain one combat exploit, one for Xuanyue's ten combat exploits, one hundred for the earth and moon ranks, one thousand combat exploits for the sky and moon, and 10,000 combat exploits at the Yaoxing rank.

As for killing ghosts and corpses, it does not count the merits, but instead counts the marks.

This is very similar to the ghost marks obtained after the warrior killed the ghost.

And this kind of mark does not need to seal the ghost city to specifically record.

After all, as long as the warrior casts the ghost mark, the ghost mark mark on the eyebrow can tell everything.

After he came to the land of ghosts, the record he obtained was terrifying.

If you really dare to take the battle merits back to hand in the task, it is rare not to be noticed.

Relying on their military exploits, the two of them left the Holy Ghost City in the horrified gaze of the personnel responsible for recording.

As soon as he left the holy city, Luo San directly led him to fly in the air.

Until far away from the Holy Ghost City.

Ya'er's figure appeared again.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about it.

They flew fast all the way, flying for a full five days, before they returned to the Star Alliance again.

Their return immediately shocked the Yaoxing Alliance.

The leaders and high-level leaders came to greet them one after another.

Qin Shaofeng didn't stay polite with them for too long, but after introducing Ya'er to everyone, he left Ya'er with Long Haoyue and the others.

The time is too tight now, he dare not waste too much.

Little half a year.

The cultivation base of the seven Long Haoyue people has also greatly improved.

Now Long Haoyue is already the fifth-order Celestial Moon cultivation base, and Long Xiaoxiao and others have also entered the Celestial Moon realm.

Long Xiaoxiao first-order celestial position, Zhang Ye second-order celestial position, Ren Tiankuan third-order celestial position, Shen Jun first-order celestial position, Liu Kaishan second-order celestial position, and sixth degree day and moon position.

According to them along the way.

The resources of the Yaoxing Alliance are so rich that even they are already jealous.

As a guest.

The resources they get are not too many, but they are more than ten times faster than when they were in the family or college.

Qin Shaofeng just smiled at this.

After all, he is a disciple of the endless mountain, if the resources available to his subordinates are not even comparable to these small families, it would be too shameful.

It took another day on the road before they finally returned to the long-lost college.

The old man who was in charge of the gatekeeper of the college is still the old man.

When Qin Shaofeng came to the gate of the academy, he was still a little worried. Could this old man no longer remember himself?

It turns out that what he was worried about was correct.

However, it doesn't matter if the old man doesn't know him, Long Haoyue and others are all famous in the academy.

With the faces of Long Haoyue and others, they entered the academy smoothly.

One entered the college.

The rest is up to Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng didn't intend to let them report back to their respective classes, but took them directly to the courtyard of the Dean's endless text.

It wasn't the first time everyone saw the dean, but when they came here, they were still nervous and trembling involuntarily.

"Xuedi Qin, don't we really need to let people report it?" Long Haoyue had already lost her arrogance.

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