Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3927: Castle in the Sky

The Lingyun Immortal Palace can look down on him, but it is still not enough to look down on the Zunxian Temple.

Not to mention that they are only ordinary disciples who are willing to climb high branches.

Even if a disciple actually followed Qi Xian, it would not be a loss to their Lingyun Immortal Palace, and perhaps it would bring even greater benefits.

As Qi Xian told almost all the time, Feizhou finally came near a huge canyon.

Qi Xian fully fulfilled the responsibility of the guide.

He immediately pointed to the Grand Canyon and said, "Brother Qin, this one is called Chaos Canyon. It is the entrance to the ruins we will explore in a few days."


Qin Shaofeng suddenly noticed one thing.

"Yes, it's us."

Qi Xian nodded and said, "This site is controlled by our Zunxian Temple. Although I am the least talented of my father's descendants, I am all suitable for my age, but I must go there at least once. "

"I didn't have the guts to go before, but this time my eldest brother and Brother Qin are going to go, so I naturally dare to go there."

Qin Shaofeng was speechless again.

This kid really deserves to be a dude, he is also a talent for being able to do such an undisguised aspect of his dude.

When they arrived near the Chaos Canyon, they were only a short distance away from the Immortal Palace.

Before long, a terrifying mountain towering over the clouds appeared in their eyes.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help being speechless while looking at the terrifying mountain.

How come the large forces in the Cangming Realm occupy such a mountain of fear?

How many such terrifying giant peaks are there in the Cangming Realm?

"Brother Qin, this is the Zunxian Mountain of our Zunxian Temple."

When Qi Xian pointed to the distant giant mountain to tell, Feizhou quickly approached.

As the distance gets closer and closer.

Qin Shaofeng immediately felt a faint familiarity with this terrifying giant peak in front of him.

Immediately, his pupils contracted slightly.

He has realized why he feels familiar with this giant peak.

When I went to look for Qi Cai Ling, wouldn't the Zunxian Mountain I went to resemble the one in front of me?

While he was still thinking about it, Feizhou had already moved towards the top of the mountain.

Zunxianshan really towers above the clouds.

When Feizhou came to the void at the top of Zunxian Mountain, Qin Shaofeng saw a familiar group of palaces.

The one at the most central core was exactly the same as what he had seen before.


An old voice sounded at the same time.

In an instant, more than a dozen figures appeared in front of the flying boat.

"You don't need to be so nervous, it's me." Qi Xian smiled wantonly.

"It turned out to be His Royal Highness Qi Xian."

The headed old man nodded slightly, but there was no respect in his actions.

"I have brought my friend from Endless Academy, I will take him to meet my elder brother and them first." Qi Xian let someone control the flying boat and continue to move towards the sky.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but feel suspicious.

Isn’t the palace group on the top of the mountain actually the real place of the Zunxian Hall?

Between thinking.

He saw in the greater sky, a piece of existence resembling a floating continent, deep in the sky, under the dots of colorful clouds, it actually gave him a feeling of being in a heavenly palace.

"Brother Qin, although our Immortal Palace is weak now, we still have the background. Even if we haven't been able to enter the level of the top hegemonic power, it far surpasses the Kunjia and other weaker hegemonic powers."

"At least in my father's mind, it has always been like this."

"The ancestors sacrificed themselves in order to suppress the ghost king, but let us bring all the sky city formations back then."

"According to some elders of my father and others, after the cultivation base reaches the pinnacle of the shining star, the cultivation requires the cultivation of the heart and the soul. Above the closest high sky from the sky, there is a breath called Hongmeng."

"With the help of the Hongmeng breath, they can practice faster."

"Perhaps it is true, but I feel that it is better to practice in the city of the sky than to practice on the top of the mountain."

Qi Xian shrugged, showing his helplessness towards this practice of the elders.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care too much.

He just silently listened to every sentence of Qi Xian's narration, but he had a clear understanding in his heart.

No wonder the endless mountain and Zunxiandian are like this.

It seems that when the cultivation level is close to that of a powerful person, the so-called cosmic aura is the most fundamental part of cultivation.

When Qin Shaofeng was thinking, Feizhou flew towards one of the air islands.

Every island in the sky looks like a small sect.

It's just that the people who can come to the islands in the sky are all high-level martial arts, and there are hardly any people who are below the shining star.

Even if there are some, they are all taking care of those who are strong.

The island they are heading now seems to be the place with the most low-level martial arts.

But most people are obviously not quite used to life on the air island.

When he was observing, he could still see a lot of people walking, and they seemed to feel a little precarious.

This point is very similar to when he first went to the endless mountain and sky island.

It's just that the sky island of the endless mountain is just level with the top of the mountain, but not as high as the Immortal Palace.

Obviously there is still a big gap.

When the flying boat landed toward the island in the sky, a group of people also greeted it.

Although the few people in the lead were all young girls dressed as disciples of the Immortal Palace.

But each of them actually exudes the aura of the cultivation base of the shining star position, which shows the importance of the Zun Xiandian for their arrival.

When the group walked to a clearing, they were already waiting.

As the warship descended, several women with the heads approached the warship.

"Brother Qin, the person who greeted us has already come, let me take you to the Sky City of our Immortal Palace to get better." Qi Xian was like a very hospitable host.

Qin Shaofeng naturally would not continue to stay too much on the battleship.

Greeting the Seven Long Haoyue, they walked off the ship alongside Qi Xian.

The headed girl who was in charge of welcoming saw a glimpse of surprise in her eyes.

As disciples of the Zunxian Temple, they are very clear about the temper of their little majesty.

If there is no identity enough to overwhelm him, Qi Xian would never be so polite to the other party.

"Li Yunxian, an inner disciple of the Hall of Immortality, has seen this guest."

The leading girl spoke, but she always carried an icy aura, saying: "Since the little majesty personally greeted the guests, they must be from the endless mountain, right?"

Qin Shaofeng nodded.

"Guests from the Endless Mountain, our Zunxiandian Yingke Island has prepared a place for you, please come with me." Li Yunxian personally led the way.

Qi Xian greeted Qin Shaofeng to keep up.

All the way to the core of the island, Qin Shaofeng saw many people wearing uniform styles of various forces.

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