Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3929: Qi Huanshang

"Qi Xian, what are you doing, must you come to see me now?"

On the central island of the Sky City, in a huge pool, a white-haired man slowly rose out of the pool.

The face of this young man is very young.

But that white hair made him look very strange.

It's that his upper body that is exposed to the surface of the water is not covered in strands, and he has no accessories on his body. He has a terrifying and majestic feeling that is unbearable for ordinary people, but it also seems to make the entire island fight for it.

As someone else here, I'm afraid I will be scared and speechless by the aura of the white-haired man.

Qi Xian is that special case.

As if he didn't feel anything, he eagerly stepped forward and said loudly: "Father, I feel that I have found someone who can help us get back the inheritance of the Immortal Palace."

"what did you say?!"

The white-haired man suddenly rushed out of the pool.

The first time his body left the water, a golden light flowed from him, making him feel like he was wearing a golden shirt.

The white-haired man walked in with his feet bare.

"Father, if this person can't help us get the inheritance, the child really doesn't know who else in this world can do it." Qi Xian said firmly.

As a dude.

Qi Xian doesn't nod his head on weekdays.

But when Fatty Ge came to him, everything changed.

The arrogant and arrogant appearance of the past, and the timid appearance when he came to his father, seemed to have become a passing moment.

This also made him more and more favored in front of the white-haired man in front of him.

If it weren't for this reason.

It is impossible for Qi Xian to trust Fat Ge to such an extent.

After all, his current words and expressions were not his own thoughts, and even the expressions in his eyes were changed according to Fatty Ge's strict requirements.

"Why do you say that?"

The white-haired man is Qi Huashang, the master of the Zunxian Palace.

Being a false and imaginary powerhouse, everything in the entire sky city can't escape his eyes.

Even if he is not always observing the changes in Sky City.

He is also very aware of the changes in Qi Xian over the years.

And it is precisely because of his acquiescence that Fatty Ge's status can reach the current level.

After all, in his opinion, his little son has been abandoned.

However, Fatty Ge seemed to be helping him break up all the time, but in reality he was gradually leading him on the right path.

Even if it couldn't become what he expected in the end.

At least for the past few years, he has been very satisfied with Qi Xian now.

The former Qi Xian could not be a corporal courtesy in the true sense.

He even asked him to invite someone from a powerful force, and he might offend that force on the past day.

As a helpless father, how could he still be dissatisfied?

Listening to Qi Xian's words, he also knew that Fatty Ge might be making an idea behind his back, but he also cautiously asked.

"Father, the person I'm talking about is called Qin Shaofeng, and it seems that he is just the cultivation base of Xuan Yue." Qi Xian still meticulously followed Fatty Ge's words.

Only by reporting Qin Shaofeng's cultivation level will it be easier to create the contrast behind.

If he first held Qin Shaofeng to the sky, and finally said the level of Qin Shaofeng's cultivation level, I am afraid it would only annoy the Lord of the Palace.

"Tell me carefully."

Qi Huanshang's reaction was exactly as Fatty Ge expected.

Qi Xian was even more determined now, and said, "Father, that Qin Shaofeng is very young and has a very low cultivation base. When the child first heard about it, he didn't care too much."

"But when I went to pick him up, I saw him sitting with the dean of the endless college. According to the dean of endless college, that Qin Shaofeng is a junior of his best friend, but the child still feels that it may be more than that."

"And the first time the boy brought him back, my elder brother went to him personally, and asked the boy to prepare a banquet for them, and the eldest brother would personally meet Qin Shaofeng."

"Although the eldest brother is deliberately covering up, but the boy can feel it. The eldest brother is very concerned about Qin Shaofeng, and he can even be said to be polite. The boy is convinced that even if Qin Shaofeng really only has the cultivation base of Xuanyue, he must be more hopeful than my elder brothers People of inheritance."

Qi Huanshang suddenly frowned and thought.

He did not believe in Qi Xian very much, but he had to choose to believe in Fat Ge.

After all, Fatty Ge, through his mind, went from being worthless to becoming Qi Xian's brother, and even in a subtle way, turning his little son, who could not even control him, into a person with initial ability to do things.

Since Fatty Ge asked him to come over, it was obviously impossible to aimlessly.

As for what Qi Xian said, he didn't need suspicion at all.

"If that's the case, it seems that the father is really going to meet that little guy named Qin Shaofeng." Qi Huanshang said.

"Father, Haier came to see you this time, there is another thing." Qi Xian continued.

"Say it!"

Qi Huanshang was in a good mood.

"As far as the child knows, the quota for Qin Shaofeng to enter the ruins was just a decision made when his sister didn't know his identity."

"But after all, he has beaten his sister head-on, and he still has his current identity and ability. Haier suggested that he should pay 10% of what he got during this visit to the ruins."

"In this way, not only can we show the generosity of our Zunxiandian, but also let him understand that our Zunxiandian will not pit him, and we really want to make friends with him."

Qi Xian continued.

In his opinion, all the previous things are the most troublesome place.

If the father refuses to listen to his advice, then these are all in vain now.

As for the income after entering, it is nothing.

After all, the ruins have been opened too many times, and there are too few people who can take out much valuable things from them.

It is really not a big deal for Qin Shaofeng to give it to him.

"Let's go and see that kid first!"

Qi Huanshang did not agree, but also did not refuse.

The power of the void immediately acted on Qi Xian.

The two of them had disappeared without a trace in a flash.

the other side.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know that Fatty Ge had secretly helped him make this happen, and at this time he was looking at Qi Mu and drinking.

After all, they have a fateful friendship, even if they are all talking about topics without even the slightest nourishment, they are still very happy.

Three rounds of wine and five flavors.

Qi Tomb was already ready to leave, and when he went to prepare Qin Shaofeng something to prepare for this trip, the power of the horrible void immediately enveloped the room where they were.

Qin Shaofeng stood up abruptly.

He didn't expect that accidents would happen when he was in the Zunxian Temple.

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