Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3932: arrival

The existence of this abyss, even in the vast expanse of the Cangming Realm, is believed to be comparable to the Yunfeng Mountain Range, and even more terrifying.

The minimum width is a thousand feet away.

The depth cannot be measured at all, at least when it falls more than one-third, it is completely impossible to see the light overhead.

Even if there is something illuminated at the bottom of the abyss, it is difficult to see what it looks like ten meters away.

It's just the surrounding area that can be seen under the feet.

Qin Shaofeng could already feel the horror of this abyss.

After countless years have passed, even if a lot of dust has appeared, after they have passed by, they can still see the smooth, mirror-like cut surface.

Such a terrifying gorge is actually cut by man?

He could feel the horror just by thinking about it.

How terrifying and tyrannical is a person who can achieve this step?

"Why is someone coming now?"

"Can you see clearly, which power is the person coming from?"

"No way, no way, my eyes are almost blind, is it too dark here?"

"I see, it seems to be the kid who entered the superior room."

"It's His Royal Highness Qi Tomb and His Highness Qi Xian."

"Huh? Isn't that Ruan Zhen from Yunxian Hall? She unexpectedly appeared with the people from Zunxian Hall?"

"Who can recognize, who is the young man living in the superior room?"

"It's enough for him to be able to live in a superior guest room, and he can even come with the two princes of the Immortal Palace and the fairy of the Lingyun Immortal Palace."

Qi Mu, Qi Xian and others were obviously used to this kind of discussion, and they moved on as if they had heard nothing.

The opening of this ruin really attracted a lot of people.

Qin Shaofeng's field of vision and the voices he could hear were close to a thousand people.

After walking among the crowd for a long time, they came to the place closest to the entrance to the ruins.

The requirement for this relic is indeed to be a martial artist below the Yaoxing position.

However, in order to maintain order in the Zunxian Temple, there are as many as 100 warriors in the Yaoxing position who are responsible here.

When Qin Shaofeng observed, he also saw an acquaintance.

Zunxian Temple Li Yunxian.

It was the core disciple of Zunxiandian who had introduced them on Yingke Island.

When he saw Li Yunxian, Li Yunxian had already noticed them, and immediately walked towards them.

"Your place of residence has been arranged, come with me!"

Li Yunxian is obviously still in charge of the introduction.

It is still Qi Xian leading the way.

When they came near the tent that had already been arranged, they saw at least hundreds of young people in the costumes of the temple waiting here.

Compared to their relaxed freehand brushwork, all these disciples' faces were full of tension.

Qin Shaofeng just listened for a while, and then he understood.

He had indeed entered the Sibeast ruins.

But according to what he heard, the danger level of this ruin is at least a hundred times that of the Si Beast ruins.

Even though this group of people are all people whose cultivation base and age have reached the limit, they don't have even the slightest confidence in this trip.

Following Qin Shaofeng several people came over.

The eyes of those people all looked over here.

Especially when these people looked at the eight Qin Shaofeng people, their expressions were even more weird.

After all, these people are all in the late stage of Tianyue Position cultivation.

Even if they are stronger than them, they can feel the life and death crisis. It is really hard to imagine how someone with a cultivation base like Qin Shaofeng would come here?

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng would not pay attention to their remarks, especially the others.

When Li Yunxian personally led them to the outside of a few tents, footsteps sounded not far away.

Qin Shaofeng turned his head subconsciously, just in time to see Yun Lan walking over with a dozen girls with a cultivation base of Heaven and Moon.

"Qin Shaofeng, are you here?"

With a very uncomfortable expression on Yun Lan's face, he said, "I didn't expect you to be able to walk with my elder brother and Xiao Xianzi."

"Uh...Xiao Xianzi..."

Qin Shaofeng looked at Qi Xian, who was leading the way around him in shock.

It is unimaginable.

How could a dude like Qi Xian have such an unexpected nickname.

"Since you are here, it's fine, and my promise is not a bad word. You go and rest first! When the ruins are opened, I will come to greet you." Yun Lan obviously didn't know the courtesy Qin Shaofeng received now.

Facing the only sister, Qi Xian was indeed full of helplessness.

Qi Tomb's expression sank and said, "Lan'er, why are you talking to Brother Qin? Don't bring the contradiction between the two academies back then."

Qi Mu's words suddenly stunned Yun Lan.

She didn't believe it, her elder brother didn't know what was going on.

They can be said to be contradictory, but they cannot be calculated like that.

At best, it can only be regarded as losing the bet.

But her blocking is nothing to her.

How can Big Brother...

Yun Lan is not stupid. When he thought of this in his mind, he already understood that there must be something about Qin Shaofeng that he didn't know.

The eldest brother was worried about what would happen to the disciples, so he spoke like this.

"It's just a little contradiction. Since you said so, elder brother, let's go!" As she said, she left with Lingyun Immortal Palace.

Her behavior made Ruan Zhen, who knew some inside information, startled.

Can not help but secretly stunned.

It really deserves to be a direct child of a big power.

It's really rare for the two brothers and sisters to have a conversation that sounds like a tantrum, and it has eliminated many troublesome things invisible.

As for Yun Lan and Qin Shaofeng, she naturally knew something.

Yun Lan's purpose here is just as she said at the beginning.

She couldn't help but look at Qin Shaofeng more time.

When I met at the banquet before.

He only regarded Qin Shaofeng as a person with a deep background in endless academy, and now it seemed that it was definitely not just what she saw.

A young man with no identity background would not let Qi Xian open his mouth and shut up Brother Qin.

In contrast, it was Brother Qin, who Qi Mu had been talking about all the year round in casual cultivators, who made her care less.

What is the secret of Qin Shaofeng?

At this time, Qin Shaofeng's mind was on this abyss, so naturally he would not pay too much attention to him.

Let Long Haoyue and others find a place by themselves.

He walked out again.

As the little majesty of the Zunxian Palace, Qi Xian didn't need to familiarize himself with the residence. At this time, he seemed to be discussing something with Qi Mu.

I found that he had just gone around in the tent, then walked out again, and hurriedly greeted him: "Brother Qin, why don't you take a break?"

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