Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3937: One sword

Hearing the name he shouted, the eyes of the people in black changed drastically.

But the matter is over, but they are already motionless.

"Don't pay attention to him, everyone will come together, be sure to take someone down!" The headed man in black immediately moved.

The other two men in black also took out a long sword that was re-searched, and besieged and killed the ancestors.

At the same time, the gray mist and the talisman had already acted on the ancestor of the heavenly sage.

The terrifying killing intent was immediately cut by half.

Even the blood-red slaughter sword in the hands of the ancestor of Heavenly Sage, under the two kinds of suppression, the color suddenly dimmed, and it seemed that it might dissipate at any time.

"Okay, what a double suppression."

The trembling hands of the ancestor Tiansheng suddenly clenched tightly.

It was even more because of a sudden squeeze of his right hand that the blood red long sword suddenly dissipated.

"Luo Tianji, if you think that you can deal with the old man in this way, you are too underestimating the old man."

The ancestor Tiansheng suddenly stretched out his right hand and pointed in the direction of Ximen Bingning, angrily said, "Bi Ling, come!"

At the same time as the shouting sounded, the Bi Ling Sword in Ximen Bing Ning's hand was released.

In an instant, it has come into his hands.

"The old man hasn't used his power for more than a thousand years, but he didn't expect to be underestimated by you little guys. That old man will let you know today that although the old man is old, he is not too old!"

"Heaven's secret, kill evil!"

As soon as Bi Ling Sword started, the ancestor of Heavenly Sage seemed to have changed again.

The sound of bursting shouts.

Among the dozens of talisman urns that had sealed him, some of them turned directly into powder.

The sword beckoning hand style has worked.

Just as he was about to make a move, all of the void restraint abilities that the ten Void Realm powerhouses jointly displayed were suppressed on the Heavenly Sage ancestor.

So many powerhouses shot one after another, and immediately suppressed most of the Heavenly Sage Patriarch's combat power.

If it were to be replaced by another martial artist of the same level, it would probably be impossible to fight again because of such suppression.

But what these people are facing is the ancestor of Tiansheng.

The ancestor of Heavenly Sage didn't seem to feel the terrifying suppressing power, and the speed of his sword moves never slowed down.

"Heavenly Sword!"

"Heavenly Sword!"

"Heavenly Sword!"

The three emptiness experts who had come before the ancestor of Heavenly Sage displayed the Heavenly Mystery Sword at the same time.

It is also the first sword of the Heavenly Mystery Sword.

What the ancestor Tiansheng did was totally different from the three.

Regardless of the speed of the move, the tricky attack position and the killing intent of Ling Ran, it was like another martial skill.

In an instant, the four swords have come to one place.

The three men in black saw that the ancestor Tiansheng hadn't changed their moves, and they were all overjoyed.

But their joy has disappeared at the moment it just appeared.

Because of the moment when the four swords were handed over.

The sword cast by the ancestor of Tiansheng had already changed abruptly.

The horrific killing intent that had been suppressed had once again condensed.

Although the overall power was only one-tenth of the previous one, or even less, it suddenly merged with the martial skills of the Tiansheng ancestor under the display of the Tiansheng ancestor.

In an instant, it had already turned into a ten-foot-long terrifying blade.

The direction that this Jianfeng was pointing was precisely the vanity powerhouse headed by him.

"What kind of ability is this?"

The pupils of the strong man in black in the void suddenly closed.

In the exclamation, his body began to vanish.

When fighting with the realm of power, the nihilization of the body is an excellent means of life preservation.

But he had forgotten that what he was facing was a terrifying old monster who had become a powerful man in the void for more than a thousand years.

Rao is that his figure has vanished, but under the attack of that terrifying sword light, it directly turned into a little phantom and disappeared.

This sword directly shattered the illusion and reality, beheading him from the nihility.

"Second Secret Form, Exterminating Spirit!"

The ancestor of Tiansheng screamed, and the Bi Ling Sword in his hand suddenly retracted.

In an instant, the second sword pierced out.

Jian Feng pulled out a sword flower in the air.

The sword flower instantly scattered and separated, and assassinated another strong man in the void.

"This, this... this is not the Heavenly Mystery Sword, the Heavenly Mystery Sword will never change so terribly!" The man in black who was attacked exclaimed.

"With one sword, how could he be so powerful?"

"Go together, go together!"

"All the powerful people will go together, and they will entangle the ancestor Tiansheng at all costs, and the others will immediately take that girl down!"

The two powerful men in the void who had previously suppressed also shouted.

The fear in their hearts has gone to the extreme with only one shot by the ancestors of Heavenly Sage.

They just want to quickly take down Ximen Bingning.

In that way, even if the ancestors of Heavenly Sage chased them up, they couldn't take them back.

Those who came to work on the ancestor of Heavenly Sage, all knew the current situation.

No one stopped the slightest.

Everyone shouted, Qi Qi rushed towards the ancestor of Heavenly Sage.

The celestial powerhouse even displayed all the speed and rushed towards Ximen Bingning.

In general, they dare not do this even if there are too many people.

The power of the void is just a thought, and they can manipulate the power of the void to kill them, even without using the power of the void.

But now it's different.

Ten powerhouses in the void realm joined forces to suppress the void.

The five nihilism powerhouses used the above to give specifically to occupy the things of the heavenly ancestors, and then the four of them joined forces, they didn't believe that they would not be able to bring them even a moment of time.

In an instant, the few people who rushed to the front had already arrived in front of Ximen Bingning.

"You are looking for death!"

The ancestor of Heavenly Sage roared again: "There are dozens of ants, and they even want to touch the man who the old man wants to protect in front of the old man. You are all going to die today!"

"Nine types of heavenly secrets, destroy all beings!"

The ancestor of Tiansheng broke out completely because of the freezing situation of Ximen.

When he was not at home, he could not protect his family in time.

Although Ximen Bingning didn't have his blood, he was also his disciple, and even got the Bi Ling sword he inherited.

In his heart, Ximen Bingning was not only his disciple, but also his daughter.

Someone wants to kidnap his daughter in front of him, how can he bear it?

His performance still looks strong.

In fact, the three suppression methods that were completely aimed at him were not given in vain.

The combat power he can display at this time is at most only 10 or 20% of the peak period.

Although facing these void martial arts in front of him, there is still crushing pressure.

But while dealing with so many powerhouses, but also protecting Ximen Bingning, it was not as easy as imagined.

Even if he was as tyrannical as him, he was already unable to worry about his own defense.

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