Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 3939: Inexplicable breakthrough

"You have all made a decision for the old man, do you still want to leave?"

Instead of speeding up, the ancestor Tiansheng stopped, and his killing intent with the Bi Ling Sword suddenly became more terrifying.

The left hand slowly lifted up, and it turned out to be just pointing towards the place where the four people left.

"Give me all back!"

The ancestors of Heavenly Sage burst into shouts, and the surrounding world seemed to be torn apart, and the horrible pulling force suddenly swept out.

In the already clean world, four black shadows suddenly appeared.

In a flash.

The four of them reappeared in their positions just now.

"This... what's going on?"

"How could this be?"

"Didn't I have escaped from this other courtyard?"

"You just escaped from the other courtyard, and I'm almost back in the building."

All the four chose different ways of escape.

But the only certainty is that they have all been far away from this other courtyard before.

However, the ancestors of Heavenly Sage's fascination with emptiness and nothingness caused them to return to their previous positions, Shang Yang.

"The old man said, since you made the decision for the old man, then you all die, how can you break your promise?" A smile appeared on the old ancestor's mouth.

The smile was not cruel at all, let alone the gloomy and other negative emotions, but still just the kind of miserable just now.

Killing these people really makes these people unwilling.

But why would he be willing?

It was these people who asked for themselves, so even if he didn't give up, he could only kill all these people here.

"Die, all die!"

The ancestor of Tiansheng seemed to have taken the previous steps, and continued to walk slowly towards the four.

The feeling of the four of them was different from before.

They were able to flee with all their strength just now, but this time they felt that the entire void had solidified, and the void even excluded them.

Rao Shi's cultivation base is still alive, but they have lost the ability to even move their eyelids.

All of them were watching, and the butcher-like ancestor of Heavenly Sage came over.

Huh huh!

Bi Ling Sword shot, and cut off the heads of several people one by one.

After finishing this, the ancestor Tiansheng didn't choose to stop, instead, he walked towards the Void Realm powerhouse who was sitting cross-legged on the ground and trying his best to heal his injuries.

The killing intent in his eyes was awe-inspiring, and his killing intent was surging.

But when he walked to those who had no strength to fight back, the long sword in his hand couldn't be cut down.

He raised his hand several times in a row, but in the end he turned his head and looked at Ximen Bing Ning: "Ning'er these people will be killed for the old man!"

He really can't do anything.

Just as he beheaded those people, he was already heartbroken.

He was already extremely old.

After experiencing this kind of pain, he went straight to the situation where the oil was exhausted and the lamp was dry.

He couldn't imagine whether he would be able to bear it if he personally beheaded these people.

"Me, shall I?"

Ximen Bingning was taken aback.

But she knew Master's current state, and quickly took over the Bi Ling Sword that Master handed over, and walked towards a few people.

She has never killed anyone since she can remember it.

But it does not mean that she will be afraid of killing.

Having followed Qin Shaofeng for so long, she has seen too many killings.

Forcibly suppressing the fear in his heart, he still walked to a few people.


A high-pitched scream seemed to have brought her motivation, and let her cut a sword down.

This sword is already very simple.

The sharpness of the Void Sword is far beyond what most people can imagine.

But when she cut off with this sword, blood splashed on her face, but it still made her pretty face instantly bloodless.

She didn't know.

It was when she shot this sword that Qin Shaofeng, who was far away in the abyss of the Immortal Palace, had already followed Qi Xian to the entrance of the ruins.

Just as he was about to walk towards the ruins under Qi Xian's greeting, a sound rang from his mind.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing one of the strongest in the void, gaining 100 million stars and months, 10,000 stars, and 100 martial arts."

The sudden appearance of the voice made Qin Shaofeng's eyes widened.

He hasn't done anything now!

What happened to this sudden sound?

"Brother Qin, what happened?" Qi Xian asked in surprise.

"Nothing, cough cough cough!"

Qin Shaofeng couldn't explain to him, and coughed repeatedly.

He was still amazed where this voice came from.

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing one of the strongest in the void, gaining 100 million stars and months, 10,000 stars, and 100 martial arts."

The same voice sounded again.

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for advancing, the current eighth level moon position."

Qin Shaofeng's pupils shrank suddenly again.

Instead of ending, the same voice has become faster and faster.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng's martial arts upgrade, the current Tianxu Yueling 7th."

"System reminder: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing one of the strongest in the void, gaining 100 million stars and months, 10,000 stars, and 100 martial arts."

The system sound is still resounding continuously.

And the further the sound goes, the faster the speed.

A full ten voices resounded one after another, causing Qin Shaofeng's heartbeat group to suddenly increase tenfold.

If it weren't for personal experience, he couldn't imagine how such a thing would happen to him.

the other side.

Ximen Bingning finally beheaded ten Void Realm powerhouses in the bleak gaze of the ancestor of Heavenly Sage.

When she chopped off the last human head, she immediately bent over and vomited.

I've seen killing in Duo before.

After all, she had never killed anyone herself.

Suddenly wanting to kill ten people, it really made her very unbearable.

And the Heavenly Sage ancestor who was always on the side, with mixed feelings in his heart, could not even take care of himself, so naturally he could not comfort her.

As for the breakthrough breath that appeared on Ximen Bingning's body when beheading those people, he didn't even look at it.

After all, such things have happened too many times to Ximen Bingning.

He has long been used to it.

Ximen Bing Ning vomited for a long time, finally calmed down, and hurried back to the ancestor Tiansheng.

Seeing the blood that the ancestor Tiansheng was still flowing, he became even more alarmed, and hurriedly took out an elixir and delivered it to the ancestor Tiansheng.

"Master, will you heal your injury soon?" Ximen Bingning said anxiously.

"Yes, the old man can't fall down yet."

The ancestor of Tiansheng's cultivation base revolved, but he did not swallow the pill she handed over.

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